Edited: It crashes, my previous statment is pointless.Reset button on Auto-stop settings crashes my Hearthbuddy. Is it happening to anyone else?
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Edited: It crashes, my previous statment is pointless.Reset button on Auto-stop settings crashes my Hearthbuddy. Is it happening to anyone else?
From the auto-stop stats, right? Not from the stats tab? Mine only crashes with the reset from the Auto-stop tab. The stats one works.Nope, i reset the stats every day and no crash from that, yet.
Edited: It crashes, my previous statment is pointless.From the auto-stop stats, right? Not from the stats tab? Mine only crashes with the reset from the Auto-stop tab. The stats one works.
Is the Undertaker card well programmed into the AI? I get the impression it's missing the deathrattle bonus because it often times plays it after playing a deathrattle creature. The board simulation from the AI should be able to calculate that synergy.
Alot of times both if i start or im out second when auto concede is activated it plays a card then concede feels pretty unrealistic when it
1, let opponent play. 2, My turn. 3, Greet Opponent. 4, Lay a card. 5, Concede
either concede on opponent turn or make it concede automaticly on your turn with no moves before
It's the auto quest plugin. Since it doesn't check the decks anymore it doesn't work well. Disable it or click the re-cache custom decks for it to work.
Alot of times both if i start or im out second when auto concede is activated it plays a card then concede feels pretty unrealistic when it
1, let opponent play. 2, My turn. 3, Greet Opponent. 4, Lay a card. 5, Concede
either concede on opponent turn or make it concede automaticly on your turn with no moves before
Got no response in this matter.. saw other too was interested in this question.
is this something the dev's are gonna do something about?
Today i got:
1 Oponent turn. -> 2 Oponent put out card. -> 3 My turn. -> 4 Use coin. -> 5 Put out weapon. -> 6 Greet oponent . 7 Attack oponent. 8 Attack. -> 9 Concede.
For me it feels pretty obvious (but im a botter) that its a bot but feels little suspicious i feel.
And also would be able to cut gameplay time alot too with faster when goldfarming if autoconcede cleared the quee for next moves.