Profile stuck at kalimdor waiting for quest it done 2 dys ago.
NO idea how to fix that.View attachment 134632
.Подробная информация об использовании оперативной
(JIT) отладки вместо данного диалогового
окна содержится в конце этого сообщения.
************** Текст исключения **************
System.Exception: Запрос ReadProcessMemory или WriteProcessMemory был выполнен только частично, at addr: 000000DC, Size: 4
в GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
в GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
в Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.[](UInt32 )
в Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level()
View attachment 134636Did all above. Same sh1t
After i tryied to swtich without reload to other continen and got error .
ЕTryed different continent.....
Got circled [Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
[Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
[Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
[DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
[DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
[LoadProfile-v1581(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
[Profile Message]: Scanning for Eastern Kingdoms Memories...
[Profile Message]: Parsing Eastern Kingdoms Block for unexperienced memories...
[Profile Message]: Westfall and Duskwood memories detected. Moving to synchronize.
[LoadProfile-v1581(info)] Loading profile 'Eastern Kingdoms\[Animus] Westfall [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Westfall Quests ($Rev$)
[Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Westfall
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Jansen Stead
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Sanders Treasure
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Saldean/Molsen Farm
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Sentinel Hill
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Moonbrook
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to Captain Grayson
[Profile Message]: Fast forwarding memory to the Sentinel Hill Attack
[Profile Message]: Westfall Memory Synchronized, parsing to Duskwood
[LoadProfile-v1581(info)] Loading profile '[Animus] Duskwood [Brodie].xml'
Changing current profile to Duskwood Memory Block ($Rev$)
[Profile Message]: Beginning Memory Block: Duskwood
[Profile Message]: Fast forward memory to Darkshire
[Profile Message]: Duskwood Memory Synchronized
[DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2154...
[DeleteItems-vUnknown(info)] Searching for 2794...
[LoadProfile-v1581(info)] Loading profile '..\EKMemBlock [Brodie].xml'
Stopping the bot!
Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Changing current profile to Eastern Kingdoms Memory Block ($Rev$)
This solution was posted by Inrego a few days ago:
I also have a MBP with retina display - and I can say that yours is not the only UI that looks screwed up on that resolution. It happens because windows upscales some UI elements or else it would be very small on such a high resolution display. Honestly I would categorize it as a windows bug. It is possible to disable this windows upscaling, which would make everything normal size, but very small because of the high resolution.
Read more here (parallels specific): KB Parallels: Virtual Machine display resolution issues on portable Macs with Retina display
Read more (windows scaling):
Read more (developing for high pixel density, and more on windows scaling): Writing DPI-Aware Desktop and Win32 Applications (Windows)
I hope this helps.
I didn't find the post sorry
So, i'm fucked![]()
View attachment 134707View attachment 134708
im having a few issues, when i try to do the cloud serpant dailies my toon just ends up opening his enchanting and repeatedly try to use a skill he doesnt have. also if i use halfills reputation he ends up trying to talk to a vendor then ends up doing nothing till i press stop. my toon also gets stuck on nat pagle dailies, he takes all the quests then stands in the corner of the hut and does nothing.
i am really at a loss to why im having so many problems.
not completely sure i have attached the right logs, but there the only 2 from today![]()
So, any idea how to make it all work?
I have a question for you. Using this to farm rep on timeless, i notice that it doesn't take aspect of the cheetah off after running til after entering combat and also it seems to take the pets growl on and off which helps you obviously lose agro. How do you fix these things? Also with movement it doesn't avoid the bad things like fire ect.
View attachment 134707View attachment 134708
im having a few issues, when i try to do the cloud serpant dailies my toon just ends up opening his enchanting and repeatedly try to use a skill he doesnt have. also if i use halfills reputation he ends up trying to talk to a vendor then ends up doing nothing till i press stop. my toon also gets stuck on nat pagle dailies, he takes all the quests then stands in the corner of the hut and does nothing.
i am really at a loss to why im having so many problems.
not completely sure i have attached the right logs, but there the only 2 from today![]()
Which? i got neither kalimdor or eastern achievement so nope, and what do u mean bye credit?