I started off by abandoning all the quests in my log with the word "daily" next to them.
Then i deleted both the HB cache and the WoW cache.
This is after a clean install of HB.
Started your profile and chose the top line of rep dailies for MOP. I was in shrine.... It did the Golden Lotus quests fine....(takes a while on the shooting ones but it's ok), flew to tillers and picked up all the quests there... a few pathing issues but it worked..
Went to Anglers and did them (for some reason it flies to Vot4w then back down to the quest where you get the ring from the big fish...
I got a pop up after that that i am not far into the klaxxi rep to get dailies (i am honored). so i closed HB, deleted the quests for Landfall that it picked up but didn't attempt. Loaded everything up again and this time just selected Klaxxi and Landfall. I got the usual error that i have previously picked up quests that were not deleted.. anyway i pressed continue and it did, it even did the ones in the mines.
Now it is stuck it Thunder Cleft without turning in the quests in the middle of Kasarang wilds and it is saying "waiting on taxi which i am currently mousing over. by the way i am not sure if this is a plugin error or HB error but whenever it tries to use the taxi it closes the screen in a millisecond and say couldn't use XXXX blacklisting for 5 minutes.
Sorry for the long intro but i wanted to give as accurate of a background as i can. I can't talk about the other reps because it doesn't even get to that part yet.
is there any way to either get rid of the daily check or continue where i left off? or abandon them completely and redoing them? I need something that will give me a full rep of the dailies in MOP so that i can use them on my alts to level my guild.
Let me know if you need to me to recreate anything and the log is attached.