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HB ARCHIVES: TheBrodieman's Profile Compendium--DO NOT DELETE

Zone: Ghostlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Dar'Khan's Lieutenants - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Jurion the Deceiver - NPC - World of Warcraft

Location of Character:


Stands outside the building the mob is in, but does not go down into the building to kill the mob. Log attached (see: 9468 2014-03-22 22.48.txt).

EDIT: Manually went into the building and killed the mob. Started the profile back up and it completed the other 3 quest objectives on its own.

Zone: Ghostlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: The Traitor's Destruction - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Dar'Khan Drathir - NPC - World of Warcraft

You may need to find a work around for classes with pets. Every time the mob would spawn, my pet would kill him and the mob would not be lootable. Log attached (see: 9312 2014-03-22 23.19.txt).

EDIT: Manually killed him while my pet was on passive. Was able to loot the quest item properly.

"My pet killed it but my char wouldn't attack" You may want to submit that as a glitch in your CR.
"My pet killed it but my char wouldn't attack" You may want to submit that as a glitch in your CR.
Using Singular. My character will attack, but it likely uses an ability that has a cast time. In that time, the pet hits these low-level mobs and 1-shots them.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Thornar Thunderclash - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Thornar Thunderclash - NPC - World of Warcraft

Same thing as the previous quest (The Traitor's Destruction). My pet is killing the mob before my character hits him, so I am unable to loot the mob for the quest item.

Manually killed the mob. Profile continued like it should.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Prime Slime - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: The Direglob - NPC - World of Warcraft

Same as above. My pet kills the mob, which makes it not lootable by me.
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profile doesn't really do anything. I want to farm timeless coins and collect the chests. I downloaded plugin, installed it. Then started the "timeless coin farm" thingie, all it does is say "moving to type: questturnin" and then it just stands there and does nothing.

all on a freshly boosted lvl 90 rogue without any history of quests done on timeless isle
profile doesn't really do anything. I want to farm timeless coins and collect the chests. I downloaded plugin, installed it. Then started the "timeless coin farm" thingie, all it does is say "moving to type: questturnin" and then it just stands there and does nothing.

all on a freshly boosted lvl 90 rogue without any history of quests done on timeless isle

Yep. You got me. Profile's a fake, I actually just wrote 500+ lines of "TROLLOLOLOLOL!"


You can try clearing your cache. And submit a log file, so that the issue can actually be diagnosed.
Using Singular. My character will attack, but it likely uses an ability that has a cast time. In that time, the pet hits these low-level mobs and 1-shots them.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Thornar Thunderclash - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Thornar Thunderclash - NPC - World of Warcraft

Same thing as the previous quest (The Traitor's Destruction). My pet is killing the mob before my character hits him, so I am unable to loot the mob for the quest item.

Manually killed the mob. Profile continued like it should.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Prime Slime - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: The Direglob - NPC - World of Warcraft

Same as above. My pet kills the mob, which makes it not lootable by me.

If the CR is persistantly switching to Active, I would have to code the plugin (NOT the profile) to constantly (and by constantly, I mean once per frame tick) click the passive button. That...probably wouldn't go over well in the long run.
If the CR is persistantly switching to Active, I would have to code the plugin (NOT the profile) to constantly (and by constantly, I mean once per frame tick) click the passive button. That...probably wouldn't go over well in the long run.
Agreed. No need to do that. In Singular, I set "Disable Pet usage" to "True" and that seems to be a work-around for now. Since all of your supported zones are sub-60, you may want to ask people to disable their pets to prevent these issues unless another method can be used while a pet is out.

Disregard the reports regarding the pet issue. Those posts can be archived. I will make sure my pet is not used for now.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Heads Up - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Umboda Three-Heads - NPC - World of Warcraft

Flies to the mob location, but does not dismount in order to kill the mob. Log attached (see: 9816 2014-03-23 09.10.txt).

Manually dismounted and it killed the mob on its own. The profile then continued as it should.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: The Fang of Shadra - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Shadraspawn Venomspitter - NPC - World of Warcraft

Same as above. Log attached (see: 11192 2014-03-23 10.16.txt).

Manually dismounted and it killed the mob on its own. The profile then continued as it should.


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I got a similar issue, tried to farm coins (got 63k at the mom, need 100k, because I'm exalted with shaohao but want to buy his mount). Tried both coin profiles, both state "nothing more to do". Do they only farm until 50k coins? Will provide a log asap. Cache has been cleared already.
I got a similar issue, tried to farm coins (got 63k at the mom, need 100k, because I'm exalted with shaohao but want to buy his mount). Tried both coin profiles, both state "nothing more to do". Do they only farm until 50k coins? Will provide a log asap. Cache has been cleared already.

Currently, they should farm endlessly. If I remember the full termination code, only completion of a weekly or holding 5+ meats for turnin will terminate the grind, but even then, it goes to turn in and the. Continues. Please send a log file so I can see why.
Agreed. No need to do that. In Singular, I set "Disable Pet usage" to "True" and that seems to be a work-around for now. Since all of your supported zones are sub-60, you may want to ask people to disable their pets to prevent these issues unless another method can be used while a pet is out.

Disregard the reports regarding the pet issue. Those posts can be archived. I will make sure my pet is not used for now.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: Heads Up - Quest - World of Warcraft
Mob: Umboda Three-Heads - NPC - World of Warcraft

Flies to the mob location, but does not dismount in order to kill the mob. Log attached.

Manually dismounted and it killed the mob on its own. The profile then continued as it should.

Dismounting is controlled by HB (when dealing specifically with Objective based code). I would redirect a failure to dismount and enter combat (or dismount when combat initiated to a desired mob) to the support page.
Yepp, I turned in the quest, where you have to kill 20 Elite creatures. By the way, I got some compiler issues (win 8.1 64 bit), but all is working fine. Got these errors not only with your profile but with a HB installtion with kicks profile and with a clean HB installation. Got these errors since .729, .NET and the other stuff is installed correctly and worked fine, since .729. Tried a fresh HB install into a new folder and then installed your profile, same issues. Please see the logs for my try with your coin farming profiles.View attachment logs.zip
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Dismounting is controlled by HB (when dealing specifically with Objective based code). I would redirect a failure to dismount and enter combat (or dismount when combat initiated to a desired mob) to the support page.
Will do.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: N/A
Mob: N/A

Begins to loop @ 29/30 completed quests in the zone. Log attached.


Will do.

Zone: The Hinterlands - Zone - World of Warcraft
Quest: N/A
Mob: N/A

Begins to loop @ 29/30 completed quests in the zone. Log attached.

Will be fixed in the next push. Looks like the kicker quest from Arathi is required to put you up over the top. Just needed to add the pickup code. Release will be later today: finishing Redridge Mountains to finalize Alliance EK.

EDIT: Pushed and fixed.
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My HB keeps crashing when I click the settings button, there is no log, but I do get an error popup that says "Parameter invalid".

My HB keeps crashing when I click the settings button, there is no log, but I do get an error popup that says "Parameter invalid".

The log files are located in the HB\Logs folder. If HB opens, there is a log generated, regardless of crash.
Yepp, I turned in the quest, where you have to kill 20 Elite creatures. By the way, I got some compiler issues (win 8.1 64 bit), but all is working fine. Got these errors not only with your profile but with a HB installtion with kicks profile and with a clean HB installation. Got these errors since .729, .NET and the other stuff is installed correctly and worked fine, since .729. Tried a fresh HB install into a new folder and then installed your profile, same issues. Please see the logs for my try with your coin farming profiles.View attachment 121948

According to your logs, your HB install is corrupt by way of your (possibly) entire Quest Behaviors folder being bad (every QB is throwing the same error). This is not in any part due to my profiles or plugin, I would report this to general HB support if a fresh install does not fix this issue.
There is a log, but I don't see anything pointing to the crash. Oh, the error was "Parameter is not valid", same thing, but oh well.

You have not activated the plugin.
If you do not activate the plugin, it doesn't run its update routine.
If it doesn't update, its missing files.
Missing files returns an error of "Parameter is not valid".

Click the checkbox next to the plugin in the plugins menu of HB.
You have not activated the plugin.
If you do not activate the plugin, it doesn't run its update routine.
If it doesn't update, its missing files.
Missing files returns an error of "Parameter is not valid".

Click the checkbox next to the plugin in the plugins menu of HB.

Wth, I've always tried to check it and it would never check o.O let me try in a few mins
Not tested yet but if it work i´ll love you.. Need only Icecrown .. but i dont like to quest ;))