Now it works, just highlighting Tillers and Cloud Serpent, my toon finished Tiller daylies and is on his way now to Cloud Serpent. Do you Need a log again for this now Brodie? I mean it is weird that it works now since i only Highlight those 2 factions...
No, a log isn't going to show me the why, as there was no error before...
It is odd though...
Has anyone else had this issue? If so, please let me know.
Here's a small issue I've seen with Nav="Fly" in some rare instances:
If you are close enough to an area designated (we're talking close enough as in point A to point B distance in yardage) HB will deem "nah, it's easier to just mount a ground mount and walk it" regardless of it being un-navigable. It calculates the distance, and the time it would take to walk, fly, or take a taxi to said location. And it deemed this distance faster to walk, and tries to do that. The other issue, of course, is that if you fall off during an objective that it needs to fly to, it might fly there initially, but there's NO guarantee it will fly back again.
Golden Lotus
Quest: Survival Ring: Blades
After finishing this Quest, Toon run out to an Hotspot outside the ring and afk out there. Toon doesnt move on.
This plugin works wonderful. It's only just one thing.. When I run the Emperor Rep, it frequently tries to pvp ally's or their pets. Can I turn it off?
According to the log, the bot stayed at the location intended, but then suddenly stopped. There is no mention of it moving towards the spot outside the ring, just a sudden gap in the log for 5 minutes before a "repair my gear" check, then nothing. Is there a more complete log?
same for me, tillers dailies dont work for me, stucking in the hills too much, requires babysittingToday i got this. Toon stays at the Cliff and waits. and dont pull the mob. afk out there.
same for me, tillers dailies dont work for me, stucking in the hills too much, requires babysitting
Is it possible to get a rep grind for horde expedition?
Dungeon grind, sure. I don't have one here yet though.
hi, does it work with german honorbuddy?