tumbum, You currently have your Pull Distance set to 1. Here is the config info at HB startup:
Singular will output a warning when the Bot is started as well:Code:[18:39:07.117 D] PullDistance: 1
If you get that message at startup, you'll want to Stop the bot, click Settings and change it to between 30 and 40 for an Elemental Shaman. Some of Kick's questing profiles temporarily set it to 1 yard to avoid getting into combat. If a profile aborts or doesn't include the code to restore the original value, you'll end up with 1 set as your choice for Pull Distance.Code:[18:42:33.595 N] [Singular] Your Level 90 Tauren Elemental Shaman Build is [18:42:33.595 N] [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Shrine of Two Moons [18:42:33.595 N] [Singular] ... Zone: Pandaria using my SOLO Behaviors [18:42:33.660 N] [B][Singular] your Pull Distance is 1 yds which is low for any class!!! [/B]
I rechecked the log you submitted previously for your Elemental Shaman doing dailies. The Pull Distance there was set to 20, so I don't believe the Pull Distance was the only issue you encountered. Changing Pull Distance to the values I mentioned will give you better results in other circumstances, but it seems there is another circumstance affecting you as well. No other data needed at this time. Will look specifically at the quest from your earlier log and follow up tomorrow. Thanks for the post and the detailed submissions, Bobby53
tumbum, Thanks for the post. The problem you encountered is due to the following:Ok here my last Log to this. Happens right now again, Pull Distance is 10 at the moment. Start at [22:01:29.006 N]
Its really different, sometimes it works after a while, sometimes it need to let the Toon die before the Fighting runs normal again.
[COLOR=#0000ff]... Questing Bot selects Tamed Bladetalon as BotPOI ...[/COLOR]
[22:01:29.807 D] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Tamed Bladetalon
[COLOR=#0000ff]... Questing Bot attempts to move to BotPOI ....[/COLOR]
[22:01:29.958 D] Activity: Moving towards Tamed Bladetalon
[COLOR=#0000ff]... HB perceives an issue in attempting to move for 5 seconds but not being able to, so target is blacklisted ....[/COLOR]
[22:01:34.551 N] Tried to move to Tamed Bladetalon for 45 seconds, blacklisting!
[COLOR=#0000ff]... Questing changes BotPOI to nearby mob and kills it in 16 seconds ...[/COLOR]
[22:01:34.679 D] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Zandalari Beastlord
[COLOR=#808080][I]... cut for space ...[/I][/COLOR]
[22:01:50.099 D] Cleared POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat
[COLOR=#0000ff]... only other mob in area still blacklisted until 22:02:18, so following message spams a bit ....[/COLOR]
[22:01:51.274 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
... then at 22:02:18 the mob is no longer blacklisted so is seen as a target ...[/COLOR]
[22:02:18.222 N] [Singular] Casting Capacitor Totem on Tamed Bladetalon.D9A9 @ 34.7% at 3.2 yds
How to Report a Bug [CLICK HERE]now there is another big problem and it does nothing u fixed the other thing now is this here
... cut for space ...
and it still does nothing.
Thanks, but no status update needed. Just follow the steps in the How to Report a Bug [CLICK HERE] post when you need my assistance with something and I'll begin researching when that is available. -Bobby53i wil upload a log i have difference folders i use 5 bot accounts so i need to see witch log it is.
Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => (WoWUnit) ctx, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100),
Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => Pet, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100)
There's a bug in ClassSpecific\Hunter\Common.cs on line 611 in CreateMisdirectionBehavior that causes Misdirection to not be cast on pet in normal context.
Should beCode:Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => (WoWUnit) ctx, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100),
CheersCode:Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => Pet, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100)
It's random times never happens in the same place...dna9418, Thank you for the attached log file. Unfortunately I'll need more information to be able to research this for you. Specifically, I need a point of reference where you observed it doing nothing. This can be a LOGMARK you add (see LogMark plugin in my sig), the local system time on your computer when you see it occur, or possibly the name of a uniquely named mob (a boss for example) that the problem happened during. The Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post describes this and provides a template you can copy and paste. Without a point of reference and no obvious errors, I don't really know what part of the log file to focus on. That is especially true in cases where the problem is the absence of something. Thanks again for your post and I'll keep an eye out for your follow up, Bobby53
Revised in next release. That message indicates that the BotBase isn't providing a target to Singular. However, it doesn't need to be spammed to that extent. Thanks for the log, Bobby53here a log bobby it keeps happning
whole the time it spams invalid target and does nothing its stil there and some other thins pls watch the log it keeps happning over and over.
and more other things
[06:19:23.703 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:23.802 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:23.902 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:24.003 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:24.101 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:24.198 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:24.291 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
[06:19:24.386 N] [Singular] Current target invalid. No other targets available
alot of issues with questing
WileE91, Thanks for the catch. In next release, -Bobby53In version 2150 there's a bug in ClassSpecific\Hunter\Common.cs on line 611 in CreateMisdirectionBehavior that causes Misdirection to not be cast on pet in normal context.
Should beCode:Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => (WoWUnit) ctx, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100),
CheersCode:Spell.Cast("Misdirection", ctx => Pet, req => Me.GotAlivePet && Pet.Distance < 100)
View attachment 87316Having problem with rogue during questing with attacking mobs.It sometimes attacks and at other time it just stands there doing nothing i say 40% of the time.I checked to see if it was a plugin but i don't think it is.is this just a bug or do i need to fix something in settings?
dna9418, Thank you for the attached log file. Unfortunately I'll need more information to be able to research this for you. Specifically, I need a point of reference where you observed it doing nothing. This can be a LOGMARK you add (see LogMark plugin in my sig), the local system time on your computer when you see it occur, or possibly the name of a uniquely named mob (a boss for example) that the problem happened during. The Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post describes this and provides a template you can copy and paste. Without a point of reference and no obvious errors, I don't really know what part of the log file to focus on. That is especially true in cases where the problem is the absence of something. Thanks again for your post and I'll keep an eye out for your follow up, Bobby53
dna9418, I think you may have misunderstood. You are reporting an error that you see happening. If you see it happen, immediately write down the local system time on your computer, OR even better press the key combination to add a LOGMARK to your log file and just note which one it was ( #1, #2, etc.) So I'm not asking you to do any analysis or troubleshooting, All that is needed is for you to include in your post: what you saw, *exactly* when you saw it, and attach a log file from that session. That is typically more than enough for me to assist users and hopefully will be in this case as well. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Rogue, Bobby53It's random times never happens in the same place...
Revised in next release. That message indicates that the BotBase isn't providing a target to Singular. However, it doesn't need to be spammed to that extent. Thanks for the log, Bobby53
It outputs it once a frame while you are stunned. Nothing to fix on that. -Bobby53awsome what about the los control it does that the same it keeps spamming it and then afther awhile it logs out because it does nothing