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Shadowpriest does not cast AOE. Situational it takes ages to kill packs since he does only cast single target spells. Anybody knows how to fix this ?
23051602, Thanks for the post! The Questing Bot is ignoring that a mob has been blacklisted if you are in combat with it. The problem there is that you can't detect an Evade bugged mob until you are in combat with it. Singular already detects the Evade bugged mob, adds it to the Blacklist, clears the current POI if its a Kill type and targets that mob, and also clears the current target frame. I'll add logic so it refuses to cast abilities on Blacklisted mobs, but this will likely leave you standing in place getting attacked by the bugged mob without fighting back. A full solution to continue questing will require a change within the Quest bot. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Hunter, Bobby53Singular has huge problem on Hunter/BM with evading mobs. It's not correctly switching to another target when it faces an evading target .140 beta build.
View attachment 80658
Shadowpriest does not cast AOE. Situational it takes ages to kill packs since he does only cast single target spells. Anybody knows how to fix this ?
/* Original Non Resto Healing
#region Non Resto Healing
public static Composite CreateNonRestoHeals()
new Decorator(
ret => !SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.NoHealBalanceAndFeral && !StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Drink"),
new PrioritySelector(
ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.NonRestoRejuvenation &&
ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.NonRestoRegrowth &&
Spell.Heal("Healing Touch",
ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.NonRestoHealingTouch)));
ret => StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.NonRestoRejuvenation &&
#region Heal
[Behavior(BehaviorType.Heal, WoWClass.Druid, WoWSpec.DruidFeral)]
[Behavior(BehaviorType.Heal, WoWClass.Druid, WoWSpec.DruidGuardian)]
public static Composite CreateDruidNonRestoHeal()
return new PrioritySelector(
new Decorator(
ret => !Spell.IsGlobalCooldown(),
new Sequence(
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Healing Touch",
ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 80
&& Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Predatory Swiftness")),
Spell.Cast("Renewal", ret => Me.HealthPercent < DruidSettings.RenewalHealth ),
Spell.BuffSelf("Cenarion Ward", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 75 || Unit.NearbyUnitsInCombatWithMe.Count() >= 2),
CreateNaturesSwiftnessHeal( ret => Me.HealthPercent < 60),
new Decorator(
ret => Me.HealthPercent < 40,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Disorienting Roar", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 25 && Unit.NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Any(u => u.Aggro || (u.Combat && u.IsTargetingMeOrPet))),
Spell.Cast("Might of Ursoc", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 25),
// heal out of form at this point (try to Barkskin at least)
new Throttle( Spell.BuffSelf( "Barkskin")),
new Decorator(
ret => SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext != WoWContext.Battlegrounds,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Rejuvenation", on => Me, ret => Me.HasAuraExpired("Rejuvenation",1)),
Spell.Cast("Healing Touch", on => Me)
public static Composite CreateNaturesSwiftnessHeal(SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements = null)
return CreateNaturesSwiftnessHeal(on => Me, requirements);
public static Composite CreateNaturesSwiftnessHeal(UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements = null)
return new Decorator(
ret => onUnit != null && onUnit(ret) != null && requirements != null && requirements(ret),
new Sequence(
Spell.BuffSelf("Nature's Swiftness"),
new Wait(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), ret => Me.HasAura("Nature's Swiftness"), new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),
Spell.Cast("Healing Touch", ret => false, onUnit, req => true)
public static WoWUnit GetBestHealTarget()
if (SingularRoutine.CurrentWoWContext == WoWContext.Normal || Me.HealthPercent < 40)
return Me;
return Unit.NearbyFriendlyPlayers.Where(p=>p.IsAlive).OrderBy(k=>k.GetPredictedHealthPercent(false)).FirstOrDefault();
ret => Me.HealthPercent < 40,
Shadowpriest does not cast AOE. Situational it takes ages to kill packs since he does only cast single target spells. Anybody knows how to fix this ?
Thanks for taking the time to post. I am not getting the same results as you. I will look into this for you, but you will need to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] so I have the details needed to see why you are having a problem. Be sure to set the Singular setting Debug Logging = true before running to create a log file containin more detail about your Shadow Priest. Thanks for the post, Bobby53Hello, same problem for meHow to fix it please ?
the-quality, Thanks for taking the time to post. I am happy to add support for Shadowmeld, but you will need to be more specific about the situations you want it cast in. The character should move into line of sight for an enemy it tries to kill or a group member it tries to heal. If it isn't, please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [click here] to provide the detail needed for me to fix that in Singular. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Night Elf, Bobby53hi, i have a little request here
when the bot stuck for any issues, maybe he is in a fight and line of sight or same other issue and the bot go to an afk flag or anything else, can he use automaticly the following spell?
Shadowmeld - Spell - World of Warcraft
i have tested and it works fine, he go to shadowmeld and the bot swich to flightform and all works fine![]()
Thanks for taking the time to post! I greatly appreciate the effort you put into its preparation and researching the issue (I more than most realize how much time that represents.) However, the code you were referencing applies to Guardian and Feral Druids, not Balance. What will work better than citing code references when requesting changes to behavior is to follow the steps in the Reporting Bugs [click here]. That way I'll have the specifics about your setup, the versions of the software you are using, the combat situation in question, etc. Just be sure to enable the Singular setting for Debug Logging = true so it contains the most detail about your combat situation. Please also be specific about the time where it didn't cast Rejuvenation that you felt it should. As for settings, I am more in favor of the combat routine dynamically assessing the situation and automatically making the correct choice. Settings provide a way to express a single value (in this case for Rejuvenation Health %) that doesn't apply to all situations the character will encounter so you are left to change it each time the botting environment changes. Additional options will be added in the future as some of these issues are addressed.I'd like some help in fixing this or perhaps adding this feature.
.... cut for space ....
1) Why was the settings from the Singular Configuration values removed and replaced with hard-coded values (at least for Common.cs for Druid)?
2) can this be replaced back using the values?
3) can we again, separate Rejuv and Healing Touch from each other so they aren't hard-coded within the same priority section?
4) does someone have a quick code fix I can insert into this code section so that Rejuve will be cast if the health of my druid goes below 85 and rejuve isn't already in progress on me?
aeus, Thanks for taking the time to post! Just to confirm, your findings are correct. Lowbie Druids (from Level 1 until you choose a specialization) will pull with Moonfire. Once you choose a specialization at Level 10 or later, the Pull will be done in a specialization specific manner. In the case of Feral, it will use a stealth mode Cat Form pull. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53Hey bobby53.
I'm leveling as druid atm (lowlvl 8+) and so far it works really well.
One thing I'm wondering:
Is it supposed to cast moonfire before going to catform everytime or only at lowlvls? Because my "stealth mode pull" is true but it always cast moonfire for pulling and then going into catform.
EDIT: Nvm, seems to use it at higher lvl.
the-quality, Thanks for taking the time to post. I am happy to add support for Shadowmeld, but you will need to be more specific about the situations you want it cast in. The character should move into line of sight for an enemy it tries to kill or a group member it tries to heal. If it isn't, please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs [click here] to provide the detail needed for me to fix that in Singular. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Night Elf, Bobby53
@artimithe: Thanks for the detailed post and log file. Until Level 58 where you learn Obliterate as Frost or Scourge Strike as Unholy, the lowbie DKs will cast some spells at the lowest priority on cooldown rather than building up runic power or only when debuffs expire. For Blood the only change is it will cast Plague Strike on cooldown at the lowest priority until learning Death Strike at level 56. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Death Knight, Bobby53What Class+Spec are you?: DK Frost
What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing starting area; brand new dk
What level are you?: 55 - brand new dk
Have you made any modifications to Singular?: no
What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur?
What happened (be specific)? Bot uses two spells then happily waits for his death. I casted then howling blast myself until the target died
Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES)
You can simply test it; it's the second quest from a new dk...
shwn, Thanks for the post! Although the description says it was auto-attacking only, it was casting abilities. Although you reference Frost, the log files were for an Unholy DK but the general issue was the same. At a point where you only had a few abilities, it was casting them only to apply debuffs or at a certain level of runic power rather than casting on cooldown to maximize what little damage you had. This is fixed in the next release as described in above reply to artimithe! Thanks for the post and good luck with your Death Knight, Bobby53My level 55, now 56, Frost DK is just auto attacking..not sure what else to add other than the log... oh and questing bot...kicks profiles/LK/DK starting zone
Anonuzer01, My apologies. That's an ugly one that slipped by. Fixed in the next release, Bobby53Bobby,
I'm leveling a Resto Shaman, currently level 41. Everytime I enter an instance when there is nothing to heal my shaman will chain swap water shield and lightning shield. I've tried both version 1725 that came with the latest Honorbuddy (532) and I've tried Singular 1692. Both seem to do it. The chain swapping will go on and on until either I pause the bot or someone needs a heal. Snippet below, full log attached. It looks like Singular cast the proper spell then "CGSpellBook" Overrides it and casts Lightning Shield.
[06:38:31.770 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 324, KnownIndex: 55
[06:38:33.186 N] [Singular] Casting Water Shield on Me
[06:38:33.188 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 52127, KnownIndex: 61
[06:38:34.691 N] [Singular] Casting Lightning Shield on Me
[06:38:34.693 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 324, KnownIndex: 55
[06:38:36.117 N] [Singular] Casting Water Shield on Me
[06:38:36.119 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 52127, KnownIndex: 61
[06:38:37.448 N] [LazyRaider] LazyRaider PAUSED, press LALT in WOW to continue
[06:39:06.319 N] [LazyRaider] LazyRaider Running....
Edit: Log will be back in a moment, had to edit some stuff out.