Hey, noticing some issues with Unholy death knight. It often pulls with icy touch but almost never plague strikes, so it's always missing blood plague disease. Plague strike applies both diseases though, so it should be using that instead, as it allows the frost runes to be used for festering plagues. Icy touch should never be used by an unholy DK in any situation.
Seems to often go into death strike spam, locking it into a very slow and low damage rotation because it isn't using blood runes. Death strike should be last priority as a defensive rotation when under a certain % health... like 35%. And only when death pact is on CD.
Also appears to enter an aoe rotation as soon as there's 2 mobs, spamming blood boil. But single target is better for unholy until at least 3 mobs are getting hit by blood boil.
Gargoyle logic could be better. Sometimes it pops it when fighting 2 regular mobs, but doesn't when fighting a 101 elite. It also loves to pop it on swarms of little weak mobs that die before the gargoyle even begins damage.
I can't comment on the rest of the CC until the icy touch/plague strike is fixed as that seriously bottlenecks unholy's delicate rune rotation. It may be fine after that change, but just in case, here's Icy Veins' 6.0.3 priorities for Unholy; I can vouch for them being potent rotations. #3 and #6 of the single target rotation are where I think the CC is having issues. I don't think I've seen it festering strike once.
Single target rotation should be:
- Cast
Soul Reaper
- Only when the target is below 45% health.
- Cast Defile.
- Keep your diseases ( Frost Fever and Blood Plague) up at all times (apply with Outbreak or Plague Strike, and extend their duration through Festering Strike).
- Cast Dark Transformation.
- Cast Death Coil if Dark Transformation is not up OR if you are at 90+ runic power.
- Spend your runes when you have or are about to have 2 of the same type available, as follows
- Cast Death Coil if you have a Sudden Doom proc.
- Spend your runes as explained above (even if you only have 1 of a type).
- Cast Death Coil, unless Dark Transformation is about to come off cooldown.
3+ mobs rotation:
- Apply your DoTs to one target. They will be spread to all others passively as you use Blood Boil.
- Use Festering Strike prior to starting your AoE rotation to convert Frost runes to Death runes. If you need to do this during your AoE rotation (because it came about unexpectedly, for instance), use Icy Touch instead.
- Use all your Death runes to spam Blood Boil.
- Use your Unholy runes to cast Death and Decay (or Defile, if you have taken this talent) on cooldown and Scourge Strike.
- Use your runic power on Death Coil.
These tweaks could really improve unholy's dps output; thanks for your time! Let me know if you need more specific examples or help testing something.