Need a log file
I get that behaviour to. It seems like if you accidentely pull agro, it ticks defensive stance. And it doesn`t switch back - have to do it manually.
Need a log file
I have a fresh install of HonorBuddy, and the only thing I've added in was your latest zip file of Singular. I removed the old file first and then unzipped the contents into the Routines folder.
All my Shadow Priest does is spam Mind Spike.
He will cast Prayer of Mending and Flash Heal when health is low, and every once and awhile cast a Shadow Word: Pain; however, when Mind Blast, Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Death are on highlight, it NEVER casts them.
I have it talented for the Instant Mind Blast, but when the CD is available, it is never cast. Just a Mind Spike spam. Which runs my DPS at about half of what it's potential is.
And then I take a good chunk of damage from the mobs I'm fighting, Afterward I have to cast a spam of Flash Heals which eat up my mana and I stop and eat after every single target fight. If I end up with 2 mobs at once, I die.
Any ETA on Gladiator Stance support for warriors? The only thing that really changes is Shield Block becomes Shield Charge. The rotation otherwise remaining the same would be fine. In case there is any confusion, Gladiator's Resolve is a level 100 protection talent that replaces Battle Stance with Gladiator Stance.
Nah, issue was logic applicable to MOP but not WOD. Fixed in next release, Bobby53Looks like Dk part of Singular is now trying to spam Blood tap think is cuz there is a lock in the group with blood pact it jut started this log attached yeah it was do to the lock in the group left group an it stopped
Edit:it happens when in a group or Raid the lock part dont matter.
User0828, Thanks for the post. Logic present to cast Plague Strike if Unholy Blight and Outbreak are not available. Will look into this further for next release as something else must be occurring. -Bobby53unholy dk:
1. not applying frost fever or blood plague because it doesnt use plague strike
2. using death and decay on single trash targets with no other mobs around
3. using summon gargoyle on trash targets
only thing it uses is death strike and auto attack. (death strike isnt even part of the rotation anymore, according to noxxic.)
View attachment 147207
note: this log is from the complete iron horde invasion quest line. I will test it on one boss in LFR shortly, and see if the results differ, and with a more detailed description/other bugs I notice.
EDIT: Did first boss in gates of retribution, and results are basically the same. Doesnt use plague strike ever or festering strike(i did manually). Seems to love spam blood boil. Summon gargoyle was only used on boss, so I guess that is working. Use of outbreak is rare and wrong. Same with plague leech. Possible over use of death coil as well.
log: View attachment 147237
Please recheck Noxxic. I'm not seeing it there, but a Google search on that phrase plus Noxxic yields some search hits. -Bobby53On noxxic, if you go to the talents and glyphs section, it recommends Slam as the tier 3 talent. Then go to the rotation section and it reads "Slam replaces Whirlwind in your single target rotation."
Thanks for adding it!
Even if you put Pet on passive, Singular will send it at the target. I'll look at adding that as an option (suppressing Attack) -Bobby53Hi all, is there any way, as a hunter, to put your pet permanently on passive with this CR? I want to do some farming, but if the pet kills things without me doing damage to them I don't get loot from them. I know I can just disable pet, but I need the pet out for the Spirit Bond regen buff.
That is a function of the botbase. The Combat Routine (type of component which Singular is) simply obeys orders and kills the thing it is told to. -Bobby53Quick question, is it possible for the bot to focus down a certain boss first? How do I make the bot see the boss as another add? So it wont kill every add in a pack but kill the boss first
It does, but you do not have a current target set. It is the botbases responsibility to target. If using a Botbase that calls the Combat behavior without setting a target, the user will need to manually target as well as live with some errors. -Bobby53Unholy DK level 90 dont apply any dots on our target
Thank for the post. Both fixed in next release, Bobby53With version Singular-4-3826 I'm having some problems with the Shadow Priest routine.
It keeps on spamming Mind Spike. I think it has to do with the aura "Surge of Darkness". When I change the aura name to it's proc spell id (Me.HasAura(87160)) it works normally.
Also the routine casts Prayer of Mending below 90% HP, because this is now a cast spell it takes you out of Shadowform. Maybe it would be better to remove this or lower the HP requirement to 40% or something.
Info for both issues is in the log.