Use Singular 4.0.3899 which can be downloaded from Post #1 in this thread. Dizzying Haze logic was redesigned as a combination of some mechanics changes and buff revisions within Singular resulted in the spam behavior seen which should not occur. If you truly have a scenario where you don't want Dizzying Haze used at all, please provide a detail description of the combat scenario so I can understand the circumstances of an encounter where it not only isn't needed but should be totally avoided at all costs. In general, adding a switch to disable a behavior is a bad idea and is not in keeping with the design philosophy of Singular. My apologies for the errant behavior you all encountered previously and I hope you enjoy the more subtle use of Dizzying Haze afforded by the latest version. Thanks for the posts, Bobby53
[10:48:56.367 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to heal
[10:48:56.369 N] (Singular) Rest Heal - Flash of Light @ 64.4% Predict:64.4% and moving:True, cancast:True
[10:48:56.371 N] [Singular] *Flash of Light on Me @ 64.4%
[10:48:57.313 N] (Singular) Rest - After Heal Attempted: 65.4% Predicted: 65.4%
[10:48:57.314 N] (Singular) Rest - After Heal Skipped: 65.4% Predicted: 65.4%
[10:48:57.435 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStopped: stopping! to heal
[10:48:57.437 N] (Singular) Rest Heal - Flash of Light @ 65.4% Predict:65.4% and moving:True, cancast:True
[10:48:57.382 D] Moving to <1259.737, -5068.263, -290.1943>
[10:48:57.439 N] [Singular] *Flash of Light on Me @ 65.4%
[10:48:58.378 N] (Singular) Rest - After Heal Attempted: 65.4% Predicted: 65.4%
[10:48:58.378 N] (Singular) Rest - After Heal Skipped: 65.4% Predicted: 65.4%
My lvl 90 fury warrior isn't using his sudden death proc. This kills quite a bit of DPS.
Currently running SOLO
WoWAura aura = Me.GetAllAuras().FirstOrDefault( a => a.Spell.Name.Substring(a.Name.Length - 5).Equals(" Form"));
ret => (Common.HasTalent(PaladinTalents.SanctifiedWrath) || Spell.GetSpellCooldown("Guardian of Ancient Kings").TotalSeconds <= 290)),
Is there any way to use Death's Advance on cooldown just like Dash? I couldn't find any option under the Class Specific tab.
Is there any way to use Death's Advance on cooldown just like Dash? I couldn't find any option under the Class Specific tab.
Support is already present. It should be cast if in combat, mob is more than 10 yds away, and Death Grip on cooldown. If that isn't happening please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs in Singular (post #4 of this thread) and I'll look into it for you. -Bobby53Still looking for the option.
kota1125, Welcome to HonorBuddy! If you encounter an issue in Singular, please follow the steps to post the details needed for me to research for you. In this case I had already encountered and resolved that issue for the next release, but for future occurrences you will want to use that process. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warrior, Bobby53My lvl 90 fury warrior isn't using his sudden death proc. This kills quite a bit of DPS.
Currently running SOLO
Yes, will add in next release. Not sure why it is not there already. Thanks for the post, Bobby53Hello bobby, just wondering if its possible to add explosive trap to use in aoe rotation on hunters, i dont see it in the aoe section of marksman, though maybe its elsewhere and already in, thanks.
Also, according to icyveins aimed shot should be used in aoe situations if hunter has rapid fire active or target is over 80% health(currently i believe it starts aoe at 3 units and spams multishot and killshot if required)
Edit:Chimaera shot also has higher priority than kill shot according to icyveins, this is an easy change though(currently routine uses kill shot as 1st)