In GB2 frost mage summons a new water elemental every time it lands and dismounts to gather a herb or ore. obviously the previous one reappears the moment it dismounts, but it still gets a new one. this happens at least 50% of the time, but not always. really frustrating with these endless 2 sec casts not to mention 100% botlike behavior.
[02:44:05.907 N] (Singular) info: 6.1 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[02:44:09.733 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Ghost Iron Deposit" at X="3275.994" Y="-493.375" Z="232.3275"
[02:44:09.733 D] Activity: Moving to node
[02:44:09.799 N] [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Ghost Iron Deposit" at X="3275.994" Y="-493.375" Z="232.3275"
[02:44:12.142 N] (Singular) info: 6.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[02:44:13.051 N] (Singular) Summon Water Elemental: waiting briefly for live pet to appear
[02:44:13.048 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: Descend
[02:44:14.118 N] (Singular) Summon Water Elemental: about to summon pet
[02:44:14.120 N] [Singular] *Summon Water Elemental on Me @ 100.0%
[02:44:14.931 N] (Singular) YourCurrentPet: #0, Name=Unknown, Level=90, Type=Elemental, Talents=
[02:44:14.931 N] (Singular) ---PetSpells Loaded for: Pet ---
[02:44:14.932 N] (Singular) 0 spell=Attack Action=0
[02:44:14.932 N] (Singular) 1 spell=Follow Action=1
[02:44:14.932 N] (Singular) 2 spell=Move To Action=2
[02:44:14.932 N] (Singular) 3 spell=Freeze #33395
[02:44:14.932 N] (Singular) 4 spell=Waterbolt #31707
[02:44:14.933 N] (Singular) 5 spell=Unknown Action=5
[02:44:14.933 N] (Singular) 6 spell=Unknown Action=6
[02:44:14.933 N] (Singular) 7 spell=Assist Action=7
[02:44:14.933 N] (Singular) 8 spell=Defensive Action=8
[02:44:14.933 N] (Singular) 9 spell=Passive Action=9
[02:44:14.934 N] (Singular)
[02:44:15.624 N] (Singular) Spell.Cast("Summon Water Elemental"): cast has ended
[02:44:15.624 N] (Singular) Summon Water Elemental: now have alive pet
[02:44:15.699 N] (Singular) PerfMon: FPS:29 Latency:44
[02:44:15.700 N] (Singular) YourCurrentPet: #0, Name=Water Elemental, Level=90, Type=Elemental, Talents=
[02:44:15.702 D] Activity: Interacting with node