option is on the true, the bot runs in combat mode and does nothing (not open boxes)Wasnt there an Option in the Settings to make this "False"?
option is on the true, the bot runs in combat mode and does nothing (not open boxes)Wasnt there an Option in the Settings to make this "False"?
emmark, My apologies for the delay in responding. Yes, with Targeting Style set to None all targeting by Singular is disabled. I can look at this further, but this is not a Debug Log file:Hi, leveling my Frost Deathknight through dungeons I've come across a targeting issue.
Whenever we are done with a cluster of mobs it will automatically switch to a random target.
Range doesn't seem to be a factor, sometimes they are out of range, if it is not, the bot will just pull it.
I've pissed off two parties now and caused one complete wipe with several close calls.
My Singular settings for TypeOfTargeting is set at "None", which I assumed means I would control it.
The attached log is pretty much just the dungeon runs ending at 10:26'ish.
There a few mob kills at the beginning not related to the dungeon runs.
And at the end there is a lot of Styx stuff that I have no clue what is about.![]()
Follow the steps in the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post and set a LOGMARK at the point where it has switched targets and you believe it should not have.[09:50:30.564 D] (Singular) Debug: N
Obliv, Thanks for the post and my apologies for the delay in responding. You will want to submit a debug log when encountering an issue (log provided doesn't have the detail to look into this for you.) I did review the code however and saw there was a bug in the cast on self when solo. Thanks for making me aware and look for fix in next release, Bobby5390 Prot Pally - Questing
The Self Healing EF % is not working for Prot Pallies. I've set it to 99%, and when we have 3 HP it will cast SotR instead of EF even if I'm under 99% HP. (Was using 99% just to make sure it wasn't working.. it didn't work at a lower value either.)
The botbase has set the BotPOI to:Questing
Eastern Plaguelands
Druid, Feral - lvl
Toon spinning around total crazy and cant choose one of the two targets where my toon spin around.
Log starts at: [09:50:45.944 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Cannibal Ghoul
but another component is interfering and changing the current target:[09:50:45.944 D] Activity: Setting Cannibal Ghoul at 26 yards as your target[09:50:45.944 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Cannibal Ghoul
[09:50:46.489 N] [Singular] Switching to BotPoi: Cannibal Ghoul.EFAE!
Since the component responsible is not writing to the log, the only message appears is Singular's log notifying you that the current target frame in WOW has changed (and not by Singular.)[09:50:46.071 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Cannibal Ghoul.EFAE h=100.0%, maxh=3432, d=26.2 yds, box=2.0, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=8530, faction=21, loss=N, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[09:50:46.327 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Plagued Swine.AA47 h=100.0%, maxh=3432, d=18.8 yds, box=1.0, trivial=False, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=Y, hostile=N, entry=16117, faction=7, loss=Y, facing=Y, blacklist=N, combat=N
Singular is a Combat Routine, and Combat Routines are tools used by other components to kill things. If Singular is trying to kill something, it is because the BotBase, Plugin, or QuestBehavior is calling its Pull or Combat behavior. In this case, it shouldn't be since it appears your character is dead. I did notice the following:Questing
Outland - Hellfire ...
Strange ... Toon is dead, dont ressurect but Singular is following a Mob and try to kill the Mob while Dead.
Log starts at: [17:26:08.080 D] We died, Clearing current POI
I don't believe the Feign Death wait interfered, but it is possible. I have added additional logging and a check for death to prevent this in the next release. Please let me know after you run it for while (when its available) if you have the issue again.17:26:04.649 N] [Singular] STUNNED! (loss of control)[17:26:06.619 N] [Singular] Casting Feign Death on Me @ 2.9%
[17:26:08.019 N] [Singular] ... wait at most 8 seconds before cancelling Feign Death
[17:26:08.080 D] We died, Clearing current POI
[17:26:08.080 D] Clearing POI - Reason Player Died
[17:26:08.080 D] Cleared POI
Gentoo, Thanks for letting me know regarding your Singular success! +repCurrently using it with Dungeonbuddy on 5 bots, DK,Priest,hunter,rogue,druid. Having zero issues, thanks Bobby.
varges, Currently Divine Star is only cast by Shadow spec and only in AoE situations. -Bobby53Hello. Thx for your work. I'm using Grind Bot with Singular routine (disc priest) and i have a question. How can i use Divine Star spell to hit mobs?
Slite62, There is a typo in a log message output call that is causing an exception. This interferes with the normal operation and is causing your issue. This problem can occur for Rogues fighting flying mobs. Issue fixed in next release. Thanks for letting me know, Bobby53Seem to be a problem with rogue (Combat) and the Quest "Cycle of Life" in Dragonblight. Seems to have problems wit the Emerald Skytalons.
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