I'm having a very major problem with PB. It will NOT travel through tunnels or under bridges. It gets stuck and will stay stuck for hours. NO matter what profile I use. Please help. I cannot afk at all using PB. ( It don't seem to matter what profiles / bots I use with PB the results are the same, however my logs will show one particular log because of so many fresh installs and cache clears.
Please help i'm very frusterated i'm not able to AFK!
Hello all. I just recently freshly installed honorbuddy. I'm using the default professionbuddy that came with honorbuddy, and using it to level just herbalism 1-600. It is currently 101 and now just flying around in circles in Duskwood. I have no clue. I tried checking off and unchecking stuff, farming a couple myself, etc etc. Can someone help?
View attachment 97658
<DisenchantAction ActionType="Disenchant" ItemTarget="All" ItemQuality="Rare" ItemId="0" />
Yupp... same here... circles over the elavator and valley of spirits-.-
I dont think that it's PB's issue, cause i have issues with Kick's Leveling Profiles.
I think it's the Mesh that is f**ked up...