My PB-profile collects Saronit in Sholozar:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CustomAction Code="Log("Start PB Farming Saronit ");" />
<!--*** Select GB2 ***-->
<If Condition="TreeRoot.Current.Name != "Gatherbuddy2"" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CustomAction Code="SwitchToBot ("Gatherbuddy2");" />
<If Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots > 3" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<!--*** Farming Saronite While I have it <= 200 *** -->
<While Condition="InbagCount (36912) <= 200 || Me.FreeNormalBagSlots > 3" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Honorbuddy" Path="saronit_sholo.xml" />
<While Condition="InbagCount (36912) >= 201 || Me.FreeNormalBagSlots < 4" IgnoreCanRun="True">
<CustomAction Code="Log("Loading General profile");" />
<CustomAction Code="Mount.Dismount();" />
<CustomAction Code="Lua.DoString("UseItemByName(6948)");" />
<WaitAction Condition="Me.IsCasting" Timeout="11000" />
<WaitAction Condition="Me.ZoneId == 4395" Timeout="20000" />
<LoadProfileAction ProfileType="Professionbuddy" Path="GeneralPBProfile.xml" />
Why GB2 collects full bags saronite ore (more 100 stacks!!!) if I write: While Condition="InbagCount (36912) <= 200
This worked very long! Now it do'nt work.
Why ???
After the patch WoW 5.4 you broke your ProfessionBuddy!!