I'm trying to use profession buddy 1-600 on my Tauren druid (82), he has flight in all isles, his herbalism is 290, Mining 275. Bags are completely empty except mining pick. No plugins except on fresh install. Loaded Profession Buddy, did bot config, selected Mining-Herb (1-600) Flying GB2.xml. Hes all trained up 290/390 herbalism, 275/375 mining. Professionbuddy is updating using the SVN program.
I just tried a fresh install and it still persists.
The druid flies to the portal trainer/mage trainer, that little hut, then walks down the stairs, rides the wolf to the elevator, gets on. Just stays at the top. Flies to the trainer, and repeats this same pattern.
I think it may be a Settings and Tools thing, but again it shouldn't happen on a fresh install?
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