[ProfileCompatibilityInfo-v1869(warning)] PROFILE COMPATIBILITY WARNINGS:
* Problematic game client addons were encountered--please disable these addons:
not a profile issue, but i'll pass it along to devsProfile: [H - Quest] 94-96 Talador
Faction: HORDE
Zone: Talador
Started it at Vol'jin's Pride and it ran towards Redemption Rise to learn flight path.
Problem is that this is an Alliance-only flight point and the bot tried to interact with flight master Nomaeaa, which resulted into hostile actions and eventually my own death.
Bot did blacklist it before I died, but if I stop the bot after I died/blacklisted the flight master(like I did as you can see in the log) it will just try again before it blacklists one more time and continues the profile as expected.
The flightmaster/base should be blacklisted by default since it's hostile for Horde (perhaps an unseen and unwanted copy-paste from Alliance version of Talador?)
View attachment 158152
Our servers are being hammered with DDoS and we believe that you and the people you link to are being filtered wrongly. Expanding on what Apoc told you in another thread, can you set up a continuous ping to eu3.auth.buddyauth.com and run a tracert when it fails? This can be done using the following .bat script:
Code::start ping eu3.auth.buddyauth.com if %errorlevel% equ 1 (goto fail) else (goto start) :fail tracert eu3.auth.buddyauth.com
When you have saved this in a .bat file (such as diagnose.bat), run the following command from a CMD window:
Code:diagnose.bat > log.txt
This will create a log.txt file and continuously update it until the connection fails (so when the command line allows you to enter input again, it is done). When it is done, we will need the log.txt file.
I'm sorry for the issues this has caused but it seems to be an issue with our server provider.
new version not working, i've uninstalled and reinstalled. tried a "clean install" which is just installing it again. using an old video as a guide.
same message continues to pop up.
seriously though. someone wanna explain this to me?