[16:58:37.358 V] PB Fatal: Could not find auctioneer at <1916.282, -4734.59, 38.93548> on map Kalimdor
[16:58:37.358 V] PB Warning: Failed to navigate from <1916.282, -4734.59, 38.93548> to auctioneer at <0, 0, 0> on map Kalimdor
[16:58:37.358 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
[16:58:37.358 D] Activity: Moving to auctioneer
[16:58:37.640 D] PB: Stop Called
[16:58:37.640 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[16:58:37.358 V] PB Warning: Failed to navigate from <1916.282, -4734.59, 38.93548> to auctioneer at <0, 0, 0> on map Kalimdor
[16:58:37.358 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: None Given
[16:58:37.358 D] Activity: Moving to auctioneer
[16:58:37.640 D] PB: Stop Called
[16:58:37.640 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped