Tried using this on my level 20 wargen mage, it kept trying to get low level quests in northshire, it should still work on a worgen in sw yes? Where should I start it at level 20?
Thanks kick
I've been using your questing profiles and they are working great!
I'm having a problem with this one though. I did some quests by hand and now I am trying to do some with this profile, but I am getting this error
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 45167 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
Could I be in a different phase or something?
View attachment 21172
Well, maybe (i dont know if thats the problem butwait for new qbs?
This profile isnt yet updated i guess?
Getting this error :
[InteractWith(error)]: Attribute 'MobId' is required, but was not provided.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 329]: Attribute 'mobid' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(error) @line 329]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Hi Kick..
Can we proceed update, after HB release, your SVN profiles???
Some update?