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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi i have an issue with my profil. I want that PB farm herb0 if i get 100 of herb0 PB should run another profil to farm herb1. I wanne farm all mats for my flasks.
I started with this try
Need help, please.

The profile does look like it should work. If you did a /reloadui or had logged out and back in then you'll need to restart HB since the lua hook gets wiped.
Heads up. The version of Professionbuddy (Version that is packaged with the new HB is not fully functioning. Expect a fix within a day or so.
I was just about to ask about an error where after doing some basic herbing/mining outside of org, it beelines straight to Uldum. Is this a known issue? I'm using the latest release of PB, and it's been doing that for quite a few revisions since. I'll post logs and whatnot if it's not the aforementioned problem...
How can you say it works. Mr Fishit cleary says "Current build of wow is not supported" when you try to use it.
I was just about to ask about an error where after doing some basic herbing/mining outside of org, it beelines straight to Uldum. Is this a known issue? I'm using the latest release of PB, and it's been doing that for quite a few revisions since. I'll post logs and whatnot if it's not the aforementioned problem...
The issue you're experiencing isn't related to the one I mentioned. What profile are you loading into PB? What are your max profession skill levels? Also if you can post a log.
I am Having the following errors:
HB-4555 vith included ver. of PB (
Log reads:
System.Exception: Unable to load Alchemy
at HighVoltz.TradeSkillFrame.GetTradeSkill(SkillLine skillLine, Boolean blockFrame) in c:\HB - Current\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Tradeskill.cs:line 157
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.loadTradeSkills() in c:\HB - Current\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 406

Debug log reads:
[11:12:00 PM:108] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Windows.Forms.DataObject.DataStore.SetData(Object data)
at System.Windows.Forms.DataObject.SetData(Object data)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.DoDragDrop(Object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
at HighVoltz.MainForm.ActionGridView_MouseMove(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e) in c:\HB - Current\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\MainForm.cs:line 594
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseMove(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
I might be able to save some of you some time...

If you're a tauren druid, do yourself a favor and just level up through BGs and/or archeology bot. The pathing on this profile is very clearly not made for Taurens. I get caught on something literally almost every 10 to 15 minutes because its constantly trying to cut around or under things. In addition, it's insanely reckless. It will not dismount on aggro, but when it does dismount it will go back to fight whatever you did aggro. It dies about 2x an hour if Im not babysitting it because it almost always ends up fighting 4-5 mobs when it moves to a new location. It's so bad that Im considering disabling the actual ground mount setting so that it just fights things as they aggro. Now I imagine that's probably more to do with the CC than this profile, but its a problem for Taurens/druids either way so I brought it up.

Btw, i mean absolutely no disrespect to the creator and the editor of this profile. I will use it when I make my warlock and hunter, but Im just trying to share my experience with the Tauren Druid for others. Ive run it since patch, starting at lvl 68 and im only a third of the way through 72. Im about to load up Archeology and BG bot in mixed mode if the ground mount thing doesn't help.

Aside from that stuff it seems to work great. The only thing I'd change is the grind area from 68-70 because the woolies it tries to fight are a social aggro and come in packs. You end up fighting no less than 3 every pull and it can be problematic for characters not in full BoA.

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i have a problem, my bot just stand there doing nothing dont even move, i selected grind bot in the section where you choose bots and, i've tried to load all the 1-60 profiles, nothing.. any1 know what i'm doing wrong i'm useing a lvl 1 human warlock with full Heirloom gear ..??
It's just a matter of confused upper and lower case^^

[09:52:09:25] [InteractWith(error)]: Attribute 'MobId' is required, but was not provided.
[09:52:09:25] [InteractWith(warning) @line 2329]: Attribute 'mobid' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Not sure if this is a problem with the profile or HB..

When my character isrunning to pick up an item like food or a quest its interacting with the npc but actually selecting items to buy or quests to accept.

Log attached!
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