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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Because it's not english.... "You can SVN it with Tortoise, browse the SVN"?? Anyway, not going to argue. Thank you for your profiles.
Hi i have an issue with my profil. I want that PB farm herb0 if i get 100 of herb0 PB should run another profil to farm herb1. I wanne farm all mats for my flasks.

I started with this try

<Professionbuddy ChildrenCount="6">
  <CustomAction Code="LevelbotSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;" />
  <If Condition="TreeRoot.Current.Name != &quot;Gatherbuddy2&quot;" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
    <CustomAction Code="MessageBox.Show(&quot;Please switch bot to Gatherbuddy&quot;);" />
    <CustomAction Code="TreeRoot.Stop();" />
  <LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb0.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
  <While Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots &gt;=2" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <CustomAction Code="GatherbuddySettings.Instance.GatherHerbs = true;" />
  <If Condition="InbagCount(52983) &gt;=100" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb1.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
  <If Condition="InbagCount(52988) &gt;=100" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb2.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />

Need help, please.
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Hey Kick ran into a problem.....................doing the quest in Nagran......needs to repair...................can't repair because the vendors aren't unlocked.........solution.......if possible script in the "A Message to Telaar" quest line...think its like 3-4 quest....................once "A Messge To Tellar" is complete, it opens the quest givers and repair in Nagrand.
same problem as botanist.. trying to repair but cant in nagrand.. a message to telaar was bugged could not pick it up so i removed it from the profile didnt know that it was needed for nagrand.
Oh, didn't know it was bugged...................bot did those during the night.............anyway....it has to be done to use repair/vendor.....I'll just do it manually for now.
Hey Kick ran into a problem.....................doing the quest in Nagran......needs to repair...................can't repair because the vendors aren't unlocked.........solution.......if possible script in the "A Message to Telaar" quest line...think its like 3-4 quest....................once "A Messge To Tellar" is complete, it opens the quest givers and repair in Nagrand.

sounds like you obeyed checkpoints. there will be issues due to reputation
where can i find the profile?
@ youre blog are only these two thinks :

  • zip.gif
    Quest Behaviors 4354 ONLY.zip‎ (17.0 KB, 2115 views)
  • zip.gif
    Quest Behaviors 4492.zip‎ (8.6 KB, 1340 views)
thoroughly read the blog...

i can tell that you didn't read this thread either... just a couple posts above yours says the EXACT same thing
Keeps coming up with

Changing current profile to level 1 - 59
Pull Max Distance set to 40
Pull Min Distance set to 35
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 32964 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!


What Lvl are you?
Was .........................<QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > ......................changed it to false. that what ya mean?
Been running for about an Hour nearly. Getting 1.3M XP/H at 83 on an Undergeared Warrior.
I dont know what I would do without you Kick <3

Been using All of ur profiles since level 1 Lol..
AMAZING work on these profiles, Kick!

Couple of issues I've found thus far;

TB Dailies:
Magnets, How Do They Work? - Quest - World of Warcraft - on this quest, the item is not used to detect the scrap parts. I've added the QuestBehaviours files as needed, but still no dice.

Argent Tournament:
The Black Knight of Westfall? - Quest - World of Warcraft - arrives beautifully at the house in Westfall but doesn't dismount if on a flying mount. It then sits there ramming the doorway :)

read about the plugin

2nd part:
spit on it, it'll go in

edit: fixed both in svn
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