<Professionbuddy ChildrenCount="6">
<CustomAction Code="LevelbotSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;" />
<If Condition="TreeRoot.Current.Name != "Gatherbuddy2"" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
<CustomAction Code="MessageBox.Show("Please switch bot to Gatherbuddy");" />
<CustomAction Code="TreeRoot.Stop();" />
<LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb0.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
<While Condition="Me.FreeNormalBagSlots >=2" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
<CustomAction Code="GatherbuddySettings.Instance.GatherHerbs = true;" />
<If Condition="InbagCount(52983) >=100" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
<LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb1.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
<If Condition="InbagCount(52988) >=100" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
<LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\Horde\herb2.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
Hey Kick ran into a problem.....................doing the quest in Nagran......needs to repair...................can't repair because the vendors aren't unlocked.........solution.......if possible script in the "A Message to Telaar" quest line...think its like 3-4 quest....................once "A Messge To Tellar" is complete, it opens the quest givers and repair in Nagrand.
Whenever i try and start in my trial it says no quest order what should i do
Keeps coming up with
Changing current profile to level 1 - 59
Pull Max Distance set to 40
Pull Min Distance set to 35
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 32964 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
AMAZING work on these profiles, Kick!
Couple of issues I've found thus far;
TB Dailies:
Magnets, How Do They Work? - Quest - World of Warcraft - on this quest, the item is not used to detect the scrap parts. I've added the QuestBehaviours files as needed, but still no dice.
Argent Tournament:
The Black Knight of Westfall? - Quest - World of Warcraft - arrives beautifully at the house in Westfall but doesn't dismount if on a flying mount. It then sits there ramming the doorway![]()