Look through the .xml and take those three quests out of the QuestOrder. Start by searching for the names of the quests you completed. If you don't remember them, simply consider this a lesson learned.
Kun-lai summint profile, bot stacking in buildings in eastwind rest all time.
Squiggoth, Thanks for the post. Unless an SVN is setup and hosted by the HonorBuddy Forums for the purpose of distributing contributors work, I will be continuing to distribute all work via attachment to a forum post. In case that provokes kind-hearted members to offer suggestions of great SVN hosts they know of or even offering to set one up -- please don't. The components I make available to users will be distributed via the methods made available by the HonorBuddy team for contributors and that currently does not include SVN. Thanks for the post and good luck with your LazyRaiding, Bobby53Having this problem.
HB Version:[23:15:42.566 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.6396.497 started.
EDIT: Nevermind, the version on the OP is newer. SVN would be nice, would solve a lot of issues.
eigoteacher, Not exactly. LazyRaider requires you to target enemies when attacking. Heal targeting is handled by the Combat Routine you are using. You will want be sure to attach a log file regardless of what component you appear to be having issues with so you can be directed to the appropriate thread for support as needed. The log file would indicate what Combat Routine you are using as well as other important information. Bobby53(This is going to make me sound extremely stupid)
I was trying to get this to work, but I was a little confused.
To confirm, for healing, I have to select targets manually?
I tried it on my druid in LFR and it wasn't doing anything. I guess I just set it up wrong.
In Bot Config disable the targeting options. If it still occurs after that, you'll need to post in Tuanha's thread for support on the Monk CC.Using lazyraider on leveling monk, its great, using Tuanha's combat routine, but is there a way to get it to stop switching targets and let me control that aspect? (kinda new to botting world)
You'll want to get in the habit of always attaching a log file when posting. Most members don't, but here is how this normally plays out. Typically a log file is needed and not provided, so you wait a day or more to get a response from me to your post which says only "Please attach a log file." You get that message a day or two after it was posted and make a new post which now has a log file attached. A day or two later I'll see it, research the issue, and respond. So basically, not attaching a log file will add a minimum of 2 days to getting a response you can use.yea, i tank and dps and as a tank i would like to be able to control the target im tanking especially during a raid. it has also switched to party members alot when i was doing dailys with my brother, please show or add something to help us!
Without a log file I can't help you on this. Movement (and stopping is a movement function) during Combat is handled by the Combat Routine (aka CR, formerly known as CC.) From the description I don't know which CR is being used, whether you are in combat or out, and what LazyRaider options are in effect. -Bobby53Bobby
I love this program but there are some things that need fixed on it
Before MOP it worked great. I could move around freely, Now it wont let me
also i had some great DPS out of it and now for some reason i really dont have any
is it that maybe there is no opition any more to use other CC that ppl make
I dont know. But can you make it to at least i can move freely around the boss and have more controll or is it something that i am doing wrong in the set up
Please help
YosvaniAce, The Combat Routine you are using for your Mage is responsible for detecting the spec currently in effect and reacting with the appropriate spell selections and priorities. You'll want to contact the Combat Routine author for support. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, attach a log file and I'll direct you to the appropriate thread. -Bobby53okay im new to this so is there any to select what spec you're running? because im a frost mage and it never uses frost bomb and that always has to be active so like i always have to click it so it can be cast, cant it be cast like frostbolt when its up?
majhealth, LazyRaider does not fully automate anything. It's a manual assist bot that enables you to run WOW content that does not have a fully automated (also known as AFK Bot) available. Currently that includes Raiding, Arena, Rated Battlegrounds, etc. For the most part, you are responsible for movement, enemy target selection, and initiating combat. Once that is done it will invoke your Combat routine to use the spell selection and priorities it implements for that environment. -Bobby53So.... Any have a good guide on how to make this bot work well in arenas fully automated?
That is more of a question for the author of your Mage Combat Routine. You can manually queue and enter Arenas while running LazyRaider, so there isn't much to describe. You will want to adjust your settings (see Class Config) appropriate for what you are doing. Optionally you may want to change the behavior of LazyRaider (see Bot Config.)Please help :
I got a mage and I wish to use LazyRider to go onto ARENA. Can someone kind enough, just post the exact step by step guide, I am so lost..... Thank you
Log file needed.It's not following the tank, help please![]()