y u no post logs. i no mind reader!I've tried everything and can't figure out why the Kun'lai profile is running threw the whole zone, down to townlong and heads towards krurasang ? I didn't use the 87-87.5 profile because I was gunna go Valley of 4 winds right to kun'lai but it seems like it wants me to do kun'lai![]()
Sorry for my bad engish.
I`m using the Questing Profile with my monk... It`s awesom.
But now on lvl 60 i got a big problem.....
I have done 3 quests manuel in Helfire peninsula (sorry i don`t know the name in english, german it`s H?llenfeuerhalbinsel).
Now the Bot runs into the house and would like to accept the quest wich i do per hand all the time. He targets the hole time the NPC and wold like to make the quest but there is no one more.
Can u help me please?
View attachment 62435
Using the Horde 68-80 profile. Level 69 Monk, no quests completed in Northrend yet aside from the first couple of initial ones.
"[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1495]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it." - I THINK it's referring to an elevator. Even when I have tried to force it along and do a few quest pick-ups/hand in's myself it just runs back to the elevator and spams this error message until log out from inactivity.
Originally Posted by samstag
Sorry for my bad engish.
I`m using the Questing Profile with my monk... It`s awesom.
But now on lvl 60 i got a big problem.....
I have done 3 quests manuel in Helfire peninsula (sorry i don`t know the name in english, german it`s H?llenfeuerhalbinsel).
Now the Bot runs into the house and would like to accept the quest wich i do per hand all the time. He targets the hole time the NPC and wold like to make the quest but there is no one more.
Can u help me please?
Your fault, shouldn't have done this. All you can do is either levle up to 62 so the profile will take your monk to Zangarmarsh, or you look through the .xml and take those three quests out of the QuestOrder.
How can i do this?? Taking out these quests??
I tried this now 5 times and i always get an error.
Look through the .xml and take those three quests out of the QuestOrder. Start by searching for the names of the quests you completed. If you don't remember them, simply consider this a lesson learned.
I tried to help this on the previous page, there are several quests that you have to do manually. Sometimes it seems like the bot doesn't know where to find the caravan (which moves around the map depending where you are on the quest chain).