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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hello I didnt see this question before and I am sorry if I miss it but basically for my gear and level the bot moves moves too slow, this is not the ignore questcheckpoints issue, can you help me modify the code in a way that the bot will go to areas 2 levels earlier perhaps?

Hello I didnt see this question before and I am sorry if I miss it but basically for my gear and level the bot moves moves too slow, this is not the ignore questcheckpoints issue, can you help me modify the code in a way that the bot will go to areas 2 levels earlier perhaps?


To my knowledge the bot only does quests for the characters level.
Quest behaviors for Kick SVN are included with the updated HB now. No quest behaviors will be included with future Kick questing profiles.

I appreciate the reply and I figured that was the case, but unfortunately it does not exclude the fact that I am getting a Quest Behavior issue. The log should show the issue and I would like Kick or someone who can read the log and present a fix to reply.
Kick if this is still needed it should be fixed:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Styx;
using Styx.Common;
using Styx.CommonBot;
using Styx.Plugins;
using Styx.WoWInternals;
using Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects;

using Styx.TreeSharp;
using Action = Styx.TreeSharp.Action;

namespace Styx
    public class AntiDrown : HBPlugin
        public override string Name { get { return "Anti Drown"; } }
        public override string Author { get { return "Nesox"; } }
        public override Version Version { get { return _version; } }
        private readonly Version _version = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0);

        private Composite _root;

        public override void Pulse()
            var me = StyxWoW.Me;
            var value = me.GetMirrorTimerInfo(MirrorTimerType.Breath).CurrentTime;
            if (value < 60000 && me.IsAlive && me.IsSwimming && (value != 0) || (value > 900001))
                if (_root == null)
                    _root = new Action(ctx => DoCheck(ctx));


        private static RunStatus DoCheck(object context)
            if (!StyxWoW.Me.IsSwimming)
                return RunStatus.Success;

            Logging.Write("[Anti Drown]: Going for a nibble of air!");
            WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.JumpAscend, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000));
            return RunStatus.Running;

        private static void Tick(Composite tree)
            if (tree.LastStatus != RunStatus.Running)

            if (tree.Tick(null) != RunStatus.Running)

// Apoc (Penguin) helped Kickazz006 develop this plugin
// This Plugin drinks HP/Mana pots when low
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml.Linq;

// HB Stuff
using Styx;
using Styx.Helpers;
using Styx.Plugins;
using Styx.WoWInternals;
using Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects;
using Styx.TreeSharp;

namespace DrinkPotions
    public class DrinkPotions : HBPlugin
        #region Globals

        public override string Name { get { return "DrinkPotions"; } }
        public override string Author { get { return "Kickazz006 & Apoc"; } }
        public override Version Version { get { return new Version(1, 0, 0, 1); } }
        public override string ButtonText { get { return "Kick fights for the Users!"; } }
        public override bool WantButton { get { return false; } }
        private static LocalPlayer Me { get { return StyxWoW.Me; } }

        public int HealPotPercent = 25; // Drink HP %
        public int ManaPotPercent = 15; // Drink Mana %


        public static WoWItem FindFirstUsableItemBySpell(params string[] spellNames)
            List<WoWItem> carried = StyxWoW.Me.CarriedItems;
            // Yes, this is a bit of a hack. But the cost of creating an object each call, is negated by the speed of the Contains from a hash set.
            // So take your optimization bitching elsewhere.
            var spellNameHashes = new HashSet<string>(spellNames);

            return (from i in carried
                    let spells = i.ItemSpells
                    where i.ItemInfo != null && spells != null && spells.Count != 0 &&
                          i.Usable &&
                          i.Cooldown == 0 &&
                          i.ItemInfo.RequiredLevel <= StyxWoW.Me.Level &&
                          spells.Any(s => s.IsValid && s.ActualSpell != null && spellNameHashes.Contains(s.ActualSpell.Name))
                    orderby i.ItemInfo.Level descending
                    select i).FirstOrDefault();

        public WoWItem HealingPotions()
            return FindFirstUsableItemBySpell("Healing Potion", "Healthstone");

        public WoWItem ManaPotions()
            return FindFirstUsableItemBySpell("Restore Mana");

        public override void Pulse()
            if (!Me.Combat || !Me.IsAlive || Me.IsGhost || Me.IsOnTransport || Me.OnTaxi || Me.Stunned || (Me.Mounted && Me.IsFlying)) // Chillax

            if (Me.Combat) // Pay Attn!
                if (Me.HealthPercent < HealPotPercent) // HP
                    WoWItem UseHealPot = HealingPotions();
                    if (UseHealPot != null)
                        Styx.Common.Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 255), "Used " + UseHealPot.Name + "!");
                if (Me.ManaPercent < ManaPotPercent) // Mana
                    WoWItem UseManaPot = ManaPotions();
                    if (UseManaPot != null)
                        Styx.Common.Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255,0,255), "Used " + UseManaPot.Name + "!");


To my knowledge the bot only does quests for the characters level.
okay basically I think the bot was designed to us regular toons, but now a days we all have boa gear and to make a better use of experiance we can probably go to an area that will be 2 level higher than it will be without those boa items. Thas basically what I will like to change on Kicks, so that I level faster. Thanks
Just gotta say love the profile, but is there anyway to turn off looting besides for quest items?
Kick's Mega Profile Packs 1-85 - Alliance questing 12-58 Westfall w/log


I am new to HB so forgive me if I have over looked something. I seem to be having the same issues as a few others. I load Kick's 12-58 alliance questing pack and use singular cc for hunters. For the most part the bot was doing quite well on its own. I have run into the problem where the toon runs up to a flight master, opens up the map and sits there. I click away from the flight master and he runs right back to it and does the same thing. HB also gripes that I don't have auto-equip setup and tells me to go to config and do something...I have not found anywhere in the options where I can change this. Again I apologize if I have failed to do enough research but I have not seen anything on it and have seen others with the same issues. I hope my logs will shed some light on the issue.



I had to manually train Apprentice Riding

Horde 12-58
[Profile Message]: Compiling Mount Procedures
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Stopping the bot!

I am new to HB so forgive me if I have over looked something. I seem to be having the same issues as a few others. I load Kick's 12-58 alliance questing pack and use singular cc for hunters. For the most part the bot was doing quite well on its own. I have run into the problem where the toon runs up to a flight master, opens up the map and sits there. I click away from the flight master and he runs right back to it and does the same thing. HB also gripes that I don't have auto-equip setup and tells me to go to config and do something...I have not found anywhere in the options where I can change this. Again I apologize if I have failed to do enough research but I have not seen anything on it and have seen others with the same issues. I hope my logs will shed some light on the issue.


I did what was previously suggested, close WoW and HB, delete the contents of the CompiledAssemblies folder then run it again and it worked for a few hours but then ran into the same flight master issue. As for the auto-equip issue, go into HB, click plugins, click AutoEquip2, click Confiuration and then under the General section select what Weapon Style you would like.
Toon runs endless to the Flight Master to open the Taxi Map, after this it Mounts up runs some seconds turn around and again to the Flight Master to open the Taxi Map, all the Time.

i have this also sometimes: you have to restart wow and HB to solve this problem.
I had to manually train Apprentice Riding

Horde 12-58
[Profile Message]: Compiling Mount Procedures
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'GetOffZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'StandOnZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportEndZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'TransportStartZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 2551]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Stopping the bot!

Same here ^^

Why is in all your Profiles the "PullDistance="25""? Is it for Caster and Range DDs not better to have 35-40?
The bot doesn't take the flight paths, it talks to guy and opened flightpath window but never goes anywhere. I have the option checked in settings as well. Any ideas?
well everytime i start the 5-12 durotar file it runs to flightmaster and tries to fly somewhere, how would I get around that?
Horde - Quest - Slitherblade Slaughter

Toon has to kill some Fishydudes. But most of the time he runs on a Mount some given Hotspots and doesnt attack a Mob. Sometimes he dismount and kills one, so it takes a lot of more time to finish this quest. Will attach the Log but i dont think you can see that he just run around and doesnt attack while the mobs are following him.


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