So I had this issue before and I still have it...
I'm having extremely slow levelling times whilst botting on my Paladin
On the thread asking which is the fastest method of getting to 85, the majority of the votes were hurled at Questing.
I'm currently using Kickz' 1-85 profiles and I don't know whats going wrong. From 58-60 I farmed the Hellfire Ramparts dungeon and Honorbuddy said I was averaging about 500k xp an hour. I then went on towards the Outland and started up the questing bot, and in 30 minutes it's only managed to get 110k xp. I find this extremely low and I don't know what the problem is considering other people say they got to 85 using Kickz profiles in like 3 days?!
Can someone give me some help please, should I download a CC? I'm using the default Singular CC.
Here's the log
View attachment 51036