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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I did like this if it make sense. Since the "real dungeon" have a Hash and the fake dungeons return the same Hash for both in and out. I made it to search for the stone object instead.
This script is for finding champions but you should be able to apply it to your script aswell.

		  <If condition="(Me.IsInTown)"> 
			<UseWaypoint questId="1" x="2980.667" y="2834.59" z="24.90045" actorId="223757" waypointNumber="6" />
			<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" /> 
		  <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 71150 and (not Me.IsInTown) and ActorExistsAt(176002, 2236.135, 1797.281, 6.34745, 10)" > 
			<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="10" x="2236.135" y="1797.281" z="6.34745" />
			<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="1" x="2233.296" y="1793.673" z="6.359962" />
			<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="100" />
			<UseObject questId="1" actorId="176002" x="2233.924" y="1798.8" z="6.345071" />
		  <If condition="(not ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 154587) and (not ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 71150)" >
			<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.50" boxSize="10" until="ObjectFound" actorId="135248" />
		    <UseTownPortal questId="1" />
			<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" />
			<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="10" x="2980.667" y="2834.59" z="24.90045" />
		  <If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 154587 and (not ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 71150)" >
			<ExploreArea boxTolerance="0.50" boxSize="10" until="ExitFound" exitNameHash="-1861222193" />
		    <UseTownPortal questId="1" />
			<WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="5000" />
			<MoveTo questId="1" pathPrecision="10" x="2980.667" y="2834.59" z="24.90045" />
I made it to check all 4 places and in you case i would add

<If condition="ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == (lvl2id) and (not ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 71150)" >
then do the static lvl2

If it would find lvl2 it would skip everything else because of the If condition and continue on lvl2.

Edit: Hope it made sense xP
Hey Kickazz006, I tried to PM you but can't =(, I was modifying your act 1 questing and wanted to remove all of the WaitTimer to make it go more smoothly. So far it's going well. I can send you my progress so far so you can see and hopefully remove all the WaitTimer from your profiles also. Do you have skype? PM and let me know. Thanks.
Hey Kickazz006, I tried to PM you but can't =(, I was modifying your act 1 questing and wanted to remove all of the WaitTimer to make it go more smoothly. So far it's going well. I can send you my progress so far so you can see and hopefully remove all the WaitTimer from your profiles also. Do you have skype? PM and let me know. Thanks.

I have to keep the waittimers in it bc it keeps wanting to say 'game done. Leaving'

Originally I had 0 waittimers - and the bot kept derping out :(
I have to keep the waittimers in it bc it keeps wanting to say 'game done. Leaving'

Originally I had 0 waittimers - and the bot kept derping out :(

Yea, I noticed that issue too (derping out when not suppose too) and was able to solve it, you can use my starter work-in-progress profile to get an idea.
Zippy helped me fix the NW gate - it needed a higher interactRange="30" instead of the default 10
As far as your 2 cemetery fixes ... I liked them both, but here's what i'm going to go with:

          <If condition="IsActiveQuestStep(37) and ZetaDia.CurrentWorldId == 71150">
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="Cemetery Waypoint" pathPrecision="10" x="2161.009" y="1826.15" z="2.944671" /> <!-- Cemetery Waypoint -->
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="W Dungeon" pathPrecision="10" x="2232.496" y="1803.422" z="5.780924" /> <!-- W -->
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="N Dungeon" pathPrecision="10" x="2046.717" y="1778.396" z="0.2782214" /> <!-- N -->
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="S Dungeon" pathPrecision="10" x="2173.517" y="1950.796" z="-4.88377" /> <!-- S -->
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="E Dungeon" pathPrecision="10" x="2069.159" y="1950.365" z="-4.872465" /> <!-- E -->
            <MoveTo questId="72221" stepId="37" name="East Side" pathPrecision="10" x="2048.916" y="1889.375" z="0.1000019" /> <!-- East side -->
            <ExploreArea questId="72221" stepId="37" boxTolerance="0.45" boxSize="15" exploreUntilExit="True" exitNameHash="-1861222194" /> <!-- Correct 'real' L1 Hash -->
            <UseObject questId="72221" stepId="37" actorId="176002" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="154587" /> <!-- Go inside the Defiled Crypt L1 Correct -->
            <WaitTimer questId="72221" stepId="37" waitTime="5000" /> 

we will be able to explore 'static' worlds in the next public release
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Dang Moonglade quests after level 49 are all smooth sailing lol pure Afk. Both Bot #1 and #2 are running them with no hiccups. I'm scared of Thrallmar quests :X But since I researched some of the fixes I will try it again this time with two level 58 Shammans.

Update: So the bot went all the way to level 53-54 (WInterspring Moonglade) and it seems like there is no more quest for the bot to pick up? =( Posting log...

UPDATE #2: lolol nevermind. It was just grinding to level 55 now on its way to Silithus. Nice! 45-55 Pure afk'ble nice!


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Trying the Act2 Quest Profile, my lvl 22 monk opened the a flooded passage by using both switches and opening the door.
DemonBuddy resumes the game, stands there and then stops without moving.

global name 'IsActiveStep' is not defined , seems to be the error connected to that.
Active Quest is Blood & Sands where i have to collect 2 vials of blood still

Quest Dump says :
QuestID: 57335
StepId: 25

WorldId: 192687
Name a2dun_Aqd_Something, Button is over the Name ;)


I'm trying to get my char to do the level 12 quests but he can't seem to find the right area with the flight path. He talks to the flight master and just stops. Nothing happens.


Make sure you didn't relog with your leveling char (questing - hitting stop doing something on another char - logging in and start), this is a known problem.
just close and restart your bot and you should be fine.
Nice Both Bot #1 and #2 are in thrallmar went from 58-62 (updating...) pure afk so far. Works way better than before. Probably because i used the SVN client updated profiles and User interface "Auto Loot" & "Auto Dismount." But some adjustments definitely made this smooth sailing.

Update: Nav issue at Zangamarsh lvl 62 quest The Umbrafen Tribe - Quest - World of Warcraft keep getting stuck behind tree. I reset HB then goes back get stuck again log report:

Reminds me of my grandmother when she use to get stuck beside corners because of her wheelchair.


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I am a level 68 Pala, In netherstorm, at an NPC called Boots, who is DEAD, and wont respawn, how can i skip that quest
Hi i have a simple question
should i overwrite the quest behavior and itemforaura plugin in the original hb folder with the ones from kick's svn?
would be nice if i can get an answer for this. :)
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