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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Kick just donated ! PM me sometime or point me in the direction of some more IN DEPTH explanations of exactly WHAT this bot can do ;) how to reach it's full potential - bought 2 lifetime sessions and trying to find different ways for my recruit a friend accounts to lvl and play together -- sooo many threads to read through - if you know of any helpful hints or personal favorite profiles let me know! looking to donate more tomorrow!
Hi, i've got a problem with quest npc's that you can talk to more then to get quests from. My char starts talking to him and the stops in the first window and afks there. And when i try to move him from there or pick the quest myself he just goes back and keeps standing there. Would appreciate and answer of how to fix this and if any1 else has this problem! Otherwise so far a gr8 script, keep it up :)
I have to update this 5-10 times a day, and it takes time and effort to make sure everything gets done on time and smoothly, if this helped you out, I would really appreciate it if you would hit the little star to the left
you update 5-10 times a day? will you haven't updated for two weeks and you created the thread 16 days ago...
also IF you are going to update can you recolor the dungeons themselves?
Sorry, I've been in the hospital with my grandmother recently, she fell down her stairs. I also just got a new job, and I'm taking C++ classes at M.I.T. This isn't my top priority, and it shouldn't be yours.

I'll be doing them all today. :)

~About Recoloring, a dev himself told me it was useless. Unless you plan on fixing dungeonbuddy, then no, I can't.
sorry , i just didn't like that quote and i was angry @ that time :(
Ok I am in Deepholm area and doing the quests:

"You DC'd or stop and started; please do the boat quests and press start

Do not forget the guy in the cabin"

I have completed all the boat quests... Including the guy in the cabin...
Ok I am in Deepholm area and doing the quests:

"You DC'd or stop and started; please do the boat quests and press start

Do not forget the guy in the cabin"

I have completed all the boat quests... Including the guy in the cabin...

it won't pop that up if you indeed do them all. Check again!
I'm not sure if this is the correct place, but I'm kinda new here. Just was wondering if there was a way to disable flying procedures because every time i start up it wants to go buy a mount and when it does it just spams it when im already 85 and have 310 flying...Any help or suggestions?

dunno what to tell you, I haven't had any issues.

Delete the syntax from the profile
Kick just donated ! PM me sometime or point me in the direction of some more IN DEPTH explanations of exactly WHAT this bot can do ;) how to reach it's full potential - bought 2 lifetime sessions and trying to find different ways for my recruit a friend accounts to lvl and play together -- sooo many threads to read through - if you know of any helpful hints or personal favorite profiles let me know! looking to donate more tomorrow!

you can't raf quest, sorry. you can raf Dungeonbuddy though.

As far as max potential - it's all in the first post
I'm having problems with turning in quests. The bot repeatedly tries to turn in quests but never successfully does. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the newest honorbuddy from the site multiple times and I'm still having the same problems. I attached a log of the bot trying to turn in the same quest over and over. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


I'm having problems with turning in quests. The bot repeatedly tries to turn in quests but never successfully does. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the newest honorbuddy from the site multiple times and I'm still having the same problems. I attached a log of the bot trying to turn in the same quest over and over. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Please post in support, this is not a profile issue
Hope I'm posting this issue in the right thread

In Searing Gorge, the bot gets stuck running into the click-to-open gate. I manually clicked it when I noticed this, so it may or may not be included in this log. However, a few minutes later it died in the lava pit in that same area, and continued to run back to reclaim corpse, but would just pick it up in the lava every time, so dying every time.

Thanks for the great profiles, btw.

View attachment 48026

Edit: And here is a log if the bot continuously dying in the lava in Burning Steppes:
View attachment 48041

Edit #2: Even more logs!

Stuck running directly into the wall of the building where Voodooist Timan resides:
View attachment 48130

I manually unstuck the bot from the above scenario, it runs up the inner ramp of the building, falls off, then then runs directly into a wall again:
View attachment 48128

Runs around in circles, ignoring the quest to kill Worgmistress Othana:
View attachment 48127

Same as above:
View attachment 48129

Edit #3: The bot had completed the quest "Disrupt Their Reinforcements" at lvl 59 in Hellfire Peninsula, but would make no effort to turn the quest on and only kept killing mobs in the area. Restarting the bot fixed it, but I'm not sure why I need to keep doing this.
View attachment 48146

Edit #4: Bot is stuck in Allerian Stronghold with a completed "The Eyes of Skettis" quest in its log. Even stopping/restarting the bot isn't fixing it here some reason.
View attachment 48263

Stuck running back and forth on a road in Nagrand, restarting bot isn't fixing it:
View attachment 48290

I'm not sure if this log has enough information, but it's when I got stuck on the dreaded elevator in Borean Tundra. The previous log was 2mb so I couldn't upload it here:
View attachment 48340

same problem here with 2 different charakters. most of the time (classic profile) he dont do any quests. just move around in circles, dont attack and die everytime.
in some areas i had to do some quests . after, he did what he has to do. some parts no relogg no quests on my own help. pls fixx it
Just fully afk'd Throne of the Tides with this bot, I used 5 characters (Healer: Holy Pally, Tank: Druid, DPS: Rogue, DK, Ret Pally), all in party mode
Most issues were with CC, not the bot itself. I monitored every aspects, most wipes were due to tank freezing (which was fixed by changing to a lighter, less intensive CC)

Getting about 800k xp/hour at 80+

None of the bots looted final boss in Throne of the Tides. Some left as soon as the boss was downed.

Date of Test: 18/7/2012
Dungeon Name: Throne of the Tides
Role Used: All roles.
Fully AFKable? [x ] Skips Mindbender Ghur'sha
Minor Issues? []
Major Issues? [ ]

CC's Used:
Healer: UltimatePalaHealerBT
Tank: JungleBook
DPS: Singular (Movement issues with other CC's)

Date of Test: 18/7/2012
Dungeon Name: Blackrock Caverns
Role Used: All roles.
Fully AFKable? [x ] Skips Beauty
Minor Issues? []
Major Issues? [ ]

Cataclysm dungeons aren't fully AFK :(
Some Cataclysm dungeons have scripts. All of them have been redone for the next release. We are hoping to have 1 - 85 normals done and we are getting very close. Dealing with many mesh issues right now though then will resume the last of the scripts needed.
How close :) I have 2 5 man teams rdy to go :)....Also they really only screw up when the healer is too far away or the team wants to skip stuff.
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