Hope I'm posting this issue in the right thread
In Searing Gorge, the bot gets stuck running into the click-to-open gate. I manually clicked it when I noticed this, so it may or may not be included in this log. However, a few minutes later it died in the lava pit in that same area, and continued to run back to reclaim corpse, but would just pick it up in the lava every time, so dying every time.
Thanks for the great profiles, btw.
View attachment 7-14-2012_6_54 AM 7832 Log.txt
Edit: And here is a log of the bot continuously dying in the lava in Burning Steppes:
View attachment 7-14-2012_10_53 AM 4216 Log.txt
Edit #2: Even more logs!
Stuck running directly into the wall of the building where Voodooist Timan resides:
View attachment 7-14-2012_11_22 AM 3980 Log-stuck running into wall.txt
I manually unstuck the bot from the above scenario, it runs up the inner ramp of the building, falls off, then then runs directly into a wall again:
View attachment 7-14-2012_11_22 AM 3980 Log--falls off-runs into wall.txt
Runs around in circles, ignoring the quest to kill Worgmistress Othana:
View attachment 7-14-2012_7_25 PM 5288 Log--runs in small circles doing nothing.txt
Same as above:
View attachment 7-14-2012_11_22 AM 3980 Log--runs around in circles doing nothing.txt
Edit #3: The bot had completed the quest "Disrupt Their Reinforcements" at lvl 59 in Hellfire Peninsula, but would make no effort to turn the quest on and only kept killing mobs in the area. Restarting the bot fixed it, but I'm not sure why I need to keep doing this.
View attachment 7-15-2012_3_22 AM 5424 Log-stuck-turnin-disrupt their reinf.txt
Edit #4: Bot is stuck in Allerian Stronghold with a completed "The Eyes of Skettis" quest in its log. Even stopping/restarting the bot isn't fixing it here some reason.
View attachment 7-16-2012_9_47 AM 2428 Log.txt
Stuck running back and forth on a road in Nagrand, restarting bot isn't fixing it:
View attachment 7-16-2012_1_55 PM 3168 Log.txt
I'm not sure if this log has enough information, but it's when I got stuck on the dreaded elevator in Borean Tundra. The previous log was 2mb so I couldn't upload it here:
View attachment 7-17-2012_1_02 AM 5936 Log.txt
Bot has quests "Kill the Cultists" and "The End of the Line" in its log and is doing nothing but swimming around in Lake Indu'le. I see another player's bot character suffering from the exact same thing too.

(Tried with and without the anti-drown plugin)
View attachment 7-17-2012_1_05 AM 9052 Log.txt
Won't use the quest item for "Anatoly Will Talk" quest, also keeps getting stuck on the bonfire in the area and logging out:
View attachment 7-19-2012_5_31 AM 10204 Log.txt
Bot keeps going idle because it's stuck in combat on the quest "War on the Twilight's Hammer":
View attachment 7-19-2012_9_10 PM 6152 Log--stuckwaron.txt
Died while on the "Elementary!" quest and then flew around in ghost form endlessly. Quest itself seems buggy.
View attachment 7-20-2012_7_43 AM 8096 Log-element.txt