I'm running a 5man bot group from 15 to, dunno, as far as much.
Will report every dungeon.![]()
@jaguara 5951 is a HonorBuddy version, in this case the latest. He's asking you to update your HonorBuddy
Great profiles, I like how you're ironing the user dialogs out.
One thing though,
Is there any specific reason why the bot isn't skipping all the cinematics?
I made a profile once and this is what I used to do that:
Code:<!-- Skip the cinematic --> <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Skipping cinematic." LogColor="RoyalBlue" GoalColor="RoyalBlue" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000"/> <CustomBehavior File="EjectVeh" />
Every cinemetic is classified as a vehicle, so exiting the vehicle simply does the same as pressing escape and clicking "Yes I want to skip" ingame.
Feel free to use that if you want, it would make the profile just a bit faster, as especially Uldum is crowded with cinematics
I dont know exactly what you want.. but the quest is "In defense of Krom'gar Fortress". Char just keep clicking on the quest giver, but this quest was already done. This problem is in your 12-58 (H) profile.
I don't see any issues here, sadly
My character keeps pausing after every kill before looting and the bot says No 1179 in bags!
I have no clue what that is but it only pauses once this message is up here's my log
Kisovec, the quest from sandor is not available till you complete your class quest up to that point.
Hi, just wanted to turn on bot to get a fresh, new log for kick but saw your post.
So that is it ...
so i have one major question here i think i know what is the problem ...
I did turn to advance class (sniper).
So ... i should make a new character and leave it as an imeprial agent only?
If not ...
Then i need to do class quests by myself? (even if i left it as an imperial angent)
[08:33:04:722] Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick()
[08:33:04:722] Cleared POI
[B][08:33:04:818] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Gennia Runetotem[/B]
[08:33:18:448] Activity: Setting Theramore Marine at 25 yards as your target
[08:33:18:846] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Theramore Marine
[08:33:19:166] Spell_C::CastSpell(8921, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [42]
[08:33:19:203] Casting: Moonfire
[08:33:20:438] Spell_C::CastSpell(768, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [43]
[08:33:20:470] Casting: Cat Form
[08:33:20:698] Spell_C::CastSpell(768, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [44]
[08:33:24:555] Spell_C::CastSpell(1822, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [45]
[08:33:24:587] Casting: Rake
[08:33:27:851] Spell_C::CastSpell(774, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [46]
[08:33:27:884] Casting: Rejuvenation
[08:33:29:177] Spell_C::CastSpell(768, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [47]
[08:33:29:209] Casting: Cat Form
[08:33:29:403] Spell_C::CastSpell(768, 0, 0xF5300D3900053650, 0) [48]
[08:33:33:782] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
[08:33:33:782] Cleared POI
[B][08:33:33:787] [LogMeOut!]: Death detected 1/16. Zone name : Northern Barrens (X="-1314.569" Y="-3790.411" Z="18.68911").
[08:33:33:787] [LogMeOut!]: The following unit(s) killed you : [Mob] Theramore Marine(15); [Mob] Theramore Marine(16);
[08:33:33:789] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[08:33:33:789] Activity: Releasing corpse
[08:33:33:789] I died!
[08:33:33:845] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[08:33:34:854] Activity: Moving to corpse[/B]
[08:34:24:337] There are 34 hostile mobs.
[08:34:24:370] Changed POI to:Type: Corpse, Loc: <-1344.88, -3807.911, 20.82111>
[08:34:24:370] Activity: Moving to instance portal, since we died inside!
[08:34:24:371] Moving to Type: Corpse, Loc: <-1344.88, -3807.911, 20.82111>
it somehow only buys food no water, is there a way to edit that or is it a CC problem?