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[9:28:04 AM:835] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5883 started!View attachment 47068
It wont start for me. Thats after i updated ur SVN and restarted. It says im missing a plugin? lol
use 5951
[9:28:04 AM:835] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5883 started!View attachment 47068
It wont start for me. Thats after i updated ur SVN and restarted. It says im missing a plugin? lol
[8:53:41 AM:220] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\Baseball\Versions\Current\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs'
[8:53:41 AM:428] [Blastranaar-vUnknown(warning) @line 3053]: Attribute 'QuestId' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[8:53:41 AM:428] Goal: "Blastranaar!"
[8:53:41 AM:554] System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Blastranaar.Blastranaar.<get_KillOne>b__9(Object r) in d:\Baseball\Versions\Current\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs:line 124
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Bots.Quest.Actions.ForcedBehaviorExecutor.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.#h.#nF.MoveNext()
at (Object )
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
My character simply does nothing. the bot appears to compile the quests it has/hasnt done. I am in uldum loading the alliance uldum questing profile. Attached is my log file
I tested a lot of dungeons now and fixed a lot of things, at least a little bit.
Deadmines sticky bombs and shadowfang keep green aoe at the commander work now way better, but is there a list of ALL script helpers or some guide like PB has inside?
I wanted to start to code a DS script, but there is nooooo code at all, or at least no overview, only little scraps provided by the profiles already there.
And we need a dedicated Dungeonbuddy Thread finally.
This Thread is fine for dungeon reports, but this should be all, not more.
Hi Kick,
Thanks so much for your profiles. I use them heaps and they are great. Just a quick bug report. Cenarion Circle is bugged as of your latest SVN. It keeps looking for SetPullDistance.cs which no longer exists.
Also could I ask a request as I lack the skills to do this myself... Could you please assist me to write a profile to grind 2500 Dark Iron Residue for Thorium Brotherhood rep. Basically it needs to...
1) Fly to Blackrock Depths dungeon
2) Enter dungeon
3) use existing Dungeon Buddy profiles: Blackrock Depths - Detention Block and Blackrock Depths - Upper City to grind out instance
4) Go back to start
5) run out
6) reset
7) repeat until 2500 Dark Iron Residue have been collected
8) Go to Master Smith Burninate and cash in 100 Dark Iron Residue at a time until Exalted
Also I have a working Hydraxian Waterlord profile I want to share with you to add to your SVN of rep profiles... It could do with some tweaking perhaps, but it works. (note: if you are a miner - this place is mega for thorium mines)
View attachment 46752
So working dungeons for 15-80 for full grps are:
15-21 RFC
24-30 Gnome
32-42 Maraudon - Foulspore Cavern
Nothing more?
It would be nice to have an extra list for that
Cenarion Circle is bugged as of your latest SVN. It keeps looking for SetPullDistance.cs which no longer exists.
one more thing... your QB is working? Cause i saw your SVN and have only 2 things "enable plugin.cs" and "disabled plugin.cs"....
thank you
use 5951
a bit of code from log :
If you really need full logs tell me.
<!-- Skip the cinematic -->
<CustomBehavior File="Message"
Text="Skipping cinematic."
GoalColor="RoyalBlue" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000"/>
<CustomBehavior File="EjectVeh" />