Dungeon Name: Lost City of Tol'Vir - Normal
Role Used: Melee DPS and Healer in the same party.
Fully AFKable? [x]
Minor Issues? []
Major Issues? [x]
Issue Explanation:
a)Where (add a screenshot if possible):
b)What bot does or does not do?: As a melee, doesn't move on an attack from High Prophet Barim, which causes a lot of damage, if you are melee.
As a healer, on High Prophet Barim, it was a wipe. Bot let everyone die.
Bot also didn't use the wind things to get to the last boss.
On last boss, melee died, and healer got knocked back.
c)Penalty (death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Wipe, single death.
d)Suggested solution (If any):