I realize this isnt supporting cata dungeons yet, but i figured id give feedback anyways..
Dungeon Name: Lost City Of Tol' Vir Heroic
Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) DPS unh dk
Fully AFKable?[kinda]
Minor Issues? [x]
Major Issues? [ ]
Issue Explanation:
a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: high prophet
b)What bot does or does not do?: does not move away from heavens fury, and mounted up after fight and didnt move for about 20 seconds, also didnt want to use the whirlwind to go up top..had to click it manually, also dont roll for loot on boss
c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): minor damage, slight questions from party members
d)Suggested solution(If any):
also after dungeon was done, it left group, and didnt reque at all..
Loot mode is BossesOnly
Op bosses is True
Second run
Dungeon Name: Normal Underbog
Role Used: (Tank, Healer, etc) lvl 65 Disc Heals
Fully AFKable?[ ]
Minor Issues? [X]
Major Issues? [ ]
Issue Explanation:
a)Where (add a screenshot if possible: Ghaz'an
b)What bot does or does not do?: does not need/greed/DE, missed the hole in the wall after you jump into the water
c)Penalty(death? stuck? Wipe? Kick?): Annoying lol and i had to manually move him through the hole in the wall
d)Suggested solution(If any):
left group and didnt reque at all. had to manually reque.
Loot mode BossesOnly
Op Bosses True