[R - Dark] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick].xml.
Quest: Gree: Hydrosupply Leak
Bug 1
Each quest object: valve sometimes requires bot stop/start/restart to either interact with the quest object: valve or walk to the next quest object: valve
Bug 2
Bot doesn't interact with the quest object: Hydrosupply Station Controls, even after stop/start/restarting the bot. Requires manually clicking to proceed.
i'll look into it when i re-run it
Quest: The Flow of Goods
After final conversation, bot is stuck at conversation choice decision, even though conversation has ended and the quest reward screen is up. Stop/start/restart doesn't clear away the reward screen, requires manual user intervention.
i've seen this a few times on various toons; i'll see if the devs can look into it
Quest: Partial Eclipse
Bug 1
Bot will get itself trapped in between the Mesh Fences in a weird way outside the grinding area.
mesh issue - report it in release thread with the info from the bug thread (read fist post)
Bug 2
After interacting with 2x Quest objects: Tracing Console, Bot will move to a location 5 metres away from all possible quest objects and stand there forever, even though BuddyWing Window still spam use quest object. Stop/start/restart doesn't help. Only user manual intervention works.
Hawker had this issue too, hopefully my recent changes fixed it
Quest: The Coming Darkness
After defeating Yuon Paar, the bot spams select quest reward instead of talking to Atros Finn.
Quest: Shadows
Doesn't talk to Lars Baddeg, keeps spamming Grinding Shadows 6. Requires manual intervention to move to face distance and then stop/start/restarting the bot.
Doesn't auto-accept quest reward, keeps spamming Conversation options.
this may be fixed
Quest: Secret Passages
Supposed to talk to Fieler Dan for Start/Final parts but keeps looping randomly into Grinding Stage 1: Justicar Resistance even though it's hasn't started yet?
EDIT: Found the real reason. Fieler Dan was either busy talking with another player or bot basically stopped more than 10 metres away from her. Basically, bot didn't check the talk/quest progression state, timeout and looped into Grinding Stage 1: Justicar Resistance.
Quest: Killed in Custody
Bot is supposed to loot the quest item "Droid Core" from RNG mobs. Not sure whether it's bad RNG or the mobs didn't respawn quick enough, bot ended up spamming the next step, use quest object: "Justicar Terminal" without the "Droid Core". Stop/start/restarting the bot doesn't help, requires manual intervention to grind the RNG mobs.
Quest: Ancient Secrets
If Bot fails to kill the final boss, then bot becomes stuck in an infinite loop at "Grinding Ancient Secrets 5".
EDIT: GRATS Kick, the bot finally made it to the Spaceship.