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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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As per usual, your bug reports are pretty awesome.

Once you get to tatooine dark - You should (let's hope) experience less issues... as 25-50 was tested with the bot (so most of it should work w/o user assistance... unless it's like a useitem quest or I have notes on the quest)

Keep them bug reports coming!

My charcter is almost to the tatooine profile, cant wait to try it.

Last 2 profiles, Nar Shada and Taris was a bit of a pain but it mostly had the same issues, which were elevator navigation (never close enough), Lift detection on when to get on and off, and general world quest items like stone's and engine part's to click to finish quest different quest but myself and a few others have talked about that in another thread.

Im still waiting on the Bounty hunter-Trooped fix for advanced classes and I will have to run threw these profiles again.
Thanks. Somemore frightening bugs in [R - Dark] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick].xml.

Quest: Crisis in the Galactic City

Bug 1
Bot attempts to grind the "Secure Network Access Nodes" when it didn't manage to get the quest from Captain Winborn.
<PickupQuest QuestName="Crisis in Galactic City" QuestId="0xE0000CB5D5BC1DD3" GiverName="Anitol Rosspar" X="-113.8069" Y="143.601" Z="-406.5756" />
There is no way that the bot can't pick up this quest - i'll need the log to see what the issue is

Bug 2
Bot jumps onto the railings which are slightly above the "Secure Network Access Nodes" and gets stuck. (You can't interact with the quest object since it is now directly under your char).
mesh issue

Bug 3
Bonus Quest Final Stage:
The quest object is the door of a ship. But bot basically keeps running into the ship.

1) Only way to get to it is to take the Wonka Elevator,
2) get off Wonka Elevator, walk around the ship,
3) find the slope/ramp (the only way which leads the quest object),
4) walk up slope/ramp,
5) interact with quest object: door
6) Turn 180 degrees, walk down the ramp'
7) Kill the Guild Captain that spawns
8) Loot him
9) walk around the ship
10) Get on Wonka Elevator (The End)

known issues with this bonus stage

Bug 4
Bot didn't turn in quest to Captain Winborn and instead runs back to Senate Plaza.

?? I don't understand the issue here; was he too far from the location? did you lag? etc

Bug 5
Upon stopping/restarting the bot, before it takes up anymore quests (Quest log now has "Return to Atross Finn" and "Return to Captain Winborn"). Bot proceeds to run itself to the Coruscant Spaceport and attempts to enter the Consular Hangar instance in an infinite loop, even though the Bot state is at "Return to Captain Winborn".

stop / starting has issues in general, i'll see about adding code for stop/starts

General Bug/Request
1) Is it possible to make the bot activate every "Quick Travel/Hearthstone/Bind Point"? So that it will cut down on the rerun/reset time when the bot decides to go wonky and runs to some far away place.

2) It would be good to force the bot to visit the Class Trainer everytime it goes back to the Senate Plaza. Hitting a Level 17 mob with Level 11 skills isn't such a good idea.
I can do this, when i reflow the profile

3) Is there already a Companion Auto-Equip Weight Plugin? My Companion doesn't seem to auto-equip the new gear drops.
not yet, it's on the to-do list

i've responded in red, and i'll look into the issues when i re-run it
[R - Dark] 1-10 Knight and Consular - Tython [Kick].xml

Quest: Thousand Steps
Lines 968 to 973

On 1st attempt:
50% chance of turning in quest to Kolovish.
100% chance Bot literally ascends into the clouds from the tower and gets stuck.
/stuck command is unable to free bot.
Only solution is to wait 30min and use Emergency Shuttle/Recall to TP back to Waypoint.

Note: Kolovish is not 100% readily available. If another player is using/talking to her, bot basically malfunctions.

i'll have a dev look into the mesh issue
Im running that profile now, dont forget to add the water works quest "Planetary Checkup" where it dosent interact with the pipes, you have to do that yourself.
i'll look into it

It had a hard time destroying a generator to spawn a boss bot to kill, didnt get the name of that quest though.

Problems using the elevator to reach the Jedi ruins quest. Edit: Bot stops to far from almost every elevator to use correctly, simply have to have the bot move closer to the panel.
i'll look into it

Wont use the "Jedi archives" table in the "Ancient Secrets" mission.
added an ignore los check

i'll look into the issues when i re-run it
[R - Dark] 10-17 Coruscant [Kick].xml.

Quest: Gree: Hydrosupply Leak

Bug 1
Each quest object: valve sometimes requires bot stop/start/restart to either interact with the quest object: valve or walk to the next quest object: valve

Bug 2
Bot doesn't interact with the quest object: Hydrosupply Station Controls, even after stop/start/restarting the bot. Requires manually clicking to proceed.
i'll look into it when i re-run it

Quest: The Flow of Goods

After final conversation, bot is stuck at conversation choice decision, even though conversation has ended and the quest reward screen is up. Stop/start/restart doesn't clear away the reward screen, requires manual user intervention.
i've seen this a few times on various toons; i'll see if the devs can look into it

Quest: Partial Eclipse

Bug 1
Bot will get itself trapped in between the Mesh Fences in a weird way outside the grinding area.
mesh issue - report it in release thread with the info from the bug thread (read fist post)

Bug 2
After interacting with 2x Quest objects: Tracing Console, Bot will move to a location 5 metres away from all possible quest objects and stand there forever, even though BuddyWing Window still spam use quest object. Stop/start/restart doesn't help. Only user manual intervention works.
Hawker had this issue too, hopefully my recent changes fixed it

Quest: The Coming Darkness

After defeating Yuon Paar, the bot spams select quest reward instead of talking to Atros Finn.

Quest: Shadows

Doesn't talk to Lars Baddeg, keeps spamming Grinding Shadows 6. Requires manual intervention to move to face distance and then stop/start/restarting the bot.

Doesn't auto-accept quest reward, keeps spamming Conversation options.
this may be fixed

Quest: Secret Passages

Supposed to talk to Fieler Dan for Start/Final parts but keeps looping randomly into Grinding Stage 1: Justicar Resistance even though it's hasn't started yet?
EDIT: Found the real reason. Fieler Dan was either busy talking with another player or bot basically stopped more than 10 metres away from her. Basically, bot didn't check the talk/quest progression state, timeout and looped into Grinding Stage 1: Justicar Resistance.

Quest: Killed in Custody

Bot is supposed to loot the quest item "Droid Core" from RNG mobs. Not sure whether it's bad RNG or the mobs didn't respawn quick enough, bot ended up spamming the next step, use quest object: "Justicar Terminal" without the "Droid Core". Stop/start/restarting the bot doesn't help, requires manual intervention to grind the RNG mobs.

Quest: Ancient Secrets

If Bot fails to kill the final boss, then bot becomes stuck in an infinite loop at "Grinding Ancient Secrets 5".

EDIT: GRATS Kick, the bot finally made it to the Spaceship.

i've replied in red, ty for reports

I'll fix the remaining stuff on reflow
It had a hard time destroying a generator to spawn a boss bot to kill, didnt get the name of that quest though.

Final Stage - Enemy Droid-machines should be it
if you report it with the correct replacement, i'll fix it all =)
I meant that a lot of the time, even though the profile is pointing to the correct stuff, the bot simply won't interact with the object. I just stands there looking silly.
as far as the search radius, i'll see about getting it boosted like hb does
I'm not sure that'll solve it. The toon walks to the exact coordinates but the coordinates are out of range of the object. Not sure that can be solved by increasing the search radius.
[E - Dark] 1-10 Inquistor and warrior - Korriban [Kick]
get error in your updated svn
Failed to load profile: 'UseRange' is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 702, position 106.

If use one contained in BuddyWing it works fine. Difference I see is good one has on line 702
GiverType="Placeable" UseRange="2"

While bad one has on line 702

Says givertype and with space. while other has type no space between it and next set of code.

Also same profile. For quest "Inquisitor - A Little Knowledge"
It has UserDialog Title="Test" Message="Press stop; Interact with the object, select button 2, press start"
Which is really great idea.... but. When you do try to interact and select button 2 the auto skip takes over. Tried to close BuddyWing and the autoskip was still going. I opened task manager and didnt see anything running I could turn off to stop the autoskip. Had to shut down game, start all over. Do quest manually, then start bot. Not sure how to, or if possible to shut off autoskip for a single quest then turn back on? hmm.
Or just change that message to "Shut off bot, and game, do this step manually, start over"

When restarted bot crashed, locked up computer had to hard boot. *mumbles*
After reboot, back in game. It started over like fresh install. Showed the intro movie, had to reset all settings. Weird..
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Char wont move

Hi Kick, my char wont move in Satyrnaar, the char wont go from that spot. You can check the log, i've attach it. I'm using your "[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick]" Profile. please help. thx.

the Picture



[R - Dark] 25-29 Tatooine [Kick]

Quest: Smuggler's Route- You get stuck in an endless loop when you sign the contract. You have to stop and restert the bot.
Quest: Timely Arrival- The bot get on the lift to go down correctly, but then runs off the lift before it starts to go down.
Quest: Shock Treatment- Will not use quest item gun on bots.. Bot grinds the area instead killing them.
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[R - Dark] 25-29 Tatooine [Kick]

Quest: Smuggler's Route- You get stuck in an endless loop when you sign the contract. You have to stop and restert the bot.
waittimer added

Quest: Timely Arrival- The bot get on the lift to go down correctly, but then runs off the lift before it starts to go down.
can you get me the auto pickup point, and the 'top stand at point' ? - or someone reading this

Quest: Shock Treatment- Will not use quest item gun on bots.. Bot grinds the area instead killing them.
added useitem @ HP; do note: useitem is a little buggy atm

updated, ty


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Quest: Timely Arrival- The bot get on the lift to go down correctly, but then runs off the lift before it starts to go down.
can you get me the auto pickup point, and the 'top stand at point' ? - or someone reading this

<!-- Elevator going down - in Elevators xml -->
<MoveTo QuestId="0xE00092A1D0D46728" Name="My Location" X="243.2922" Y="33.83509" Z="-382.058" />

Just a wait timer should fix it I hope... but im not a coding God like you other guys.

[R - Dark] 25-29 Tatooine [Kick]

Field Trip
Id: 0xE00021D6563620D1
Current Step: 2
Current Branch: 1
Repeatable: False
Profile Functions:
IsStepComplete(0xE00021D6563620D1, 2)
Tasks: 3
Task 0: 1/1 - Script: IsTaskComplete(0xE00021D6563620D1, 2, 0)
Task 1: 0/1 - Script: IsTaskComplete(0xE00021D6563620D1, 2, 1)
Task 2: 0/1 - Script: IsTaskComplete(0xE00021D6563620D1, 2, 2)

Endless looping while scanning location. Game message "You already scanned this area". Have to stop and restart bot.
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[R - Light] 17-21 Taris [Kick] (Same with dark for these bugs)

Quest:Supplies and Demands

Step 1 does runs in the side of the building, it dosent seem to find the door at "My Location: <-76.68542, -23.67345, 80.14546>" so you have to turn off the bot and walk in yourself.

Step 2

Supplies and Demands
Id: 0xE000725998ECC56F
Current Step: 2
Current Branch: 1
Repeatable: False
Profile Functions:
IsStepComplete(0xE000725998ECC56F, 2)

Bot stops at the door of the building where you get the quest, Its not stuck at all. The npc is a short distance away at
My Location: <-81.21887, -23.77958, 76.57124>
[R - Light] 17-21 Taris [Kick] (Same with dark for these bugs)

Quest:Supplies and Demands

Step 1 does runs in the side of the building, it dosent seem to find the door at "My Location: <-76.68542, -23.67345, 80.14546>" so you have to turn off the bot and walk in yourself.

Step 2

Bot stops at the door of the building where you get the quest, Its not stuck at all. The npc is a short distance away at

in the future, please dump the npc (dump target). the <x, y, z> i have to convert over to x="" y="" z="" lol :(
Does not use the engine object.

<!-- Prove Gardit's Corruption (Bonus) -->
<If Condition="((HasQuest(0xE000A05D8BC71C6E)) and (not IsStepComplete(0xE000A05D8BC71C6E, 2)))">
<UseObject QuestId="0xE000A05D8BC71C6E" Name="Engine" BranchId="1" StepId="2" Radius="20" WaitTime="5" X="-28.26616" Y="-24.64113" Z="113.6642" /> <!-- Far range -->

The Engine I have to use is an object, cant target it but im standing right under it at
My Location: <-28.12679, -24.6406, 113.6822>

Also when I did a "Dump quest" this mission isnt listed. Not sure id Bonus ones will or not.
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