Why on EARTH would you need to put that into an .EXE file?! All of this can be done using PDF if you really want to bundle all the tutorials that are already available on the forums.- tutorial about purchasing honorbuddy step by step
- recommended bots to use to level 80
and soon im adding things like how to stay safe when botting and just more and more stuff, please check it out and tell me what you think !
we're not trolls. We're just pointing out the obvious: This smells fishy.I chose to.
please, trolls.. just go.
There could be a keylogger in it. That wouldn't register as a virus so a virusscanner wouldn't notice it. Could even be an installer for a keylogger in it and no one would be the wiser.What the fuck are you talking about? In which way could this steal someones account information?
Do you need to enter your username and password to enter the program? No you don't.
Closed Source Releases
No CC/Plugin may be released as closed-source without prior consent from Bossland or Hawker.
An exception to the above rule applies for core HB developers releasing a DLL for testing purposes, and the like. (This only happens when testing something new, and is not meant for 'public' consumption)
The only other exception applies for 3rd party 'external' executables. - In which case, the source code must be verified by a 'Buddy Staff' member before release. (This is for things such as profile editors, reloggers, etc)
Connor you might have good intentions but you do need to follow the rules on this, the community has these in place for good reason.
You're rightgief log