no logs = no assistance
and i don't quest in azshara
my belf paladin runs around in azhara fighting level 15 mobs as level 10, is that normal?
It probably has the starting area profile loaded and is traveling north with intentions to train or repair (and as such it goes to the north thinking it's in EK).
Make sure you've loaded the 5-12 Durotar profile.
Not asking for ur help rly, just asking ifthis is normal. I'll try and re-SVN to see wtf went wrong.
IDK why the hell it decided to go to Azshara, but here are the logs if u can pull anything from em:
View attachment 32356
View attachment 32353
View attachment 32350
View attachment 32347
View attachment 32357
View attachment 32354
View attachment 32351
View attachment 32348
View attachment 32355
View attachment 32352
View attachment 32349
Does it automaticaly train mount and buy one? If it doesn't by itself does it use the mount if I get it myself?
~ Z
Not 100% sure what happened, but came back to PC to find my toon talking to Grizzle Grimegurgle, over and over.
I am neutral level 42. Wowhead says the quest was deprecated.
LogHi i just got Honorbuddy and started to try to use your quest svn's i installed them all as it showed in your video, but everytime i step away from my pc the bot logs out due to inactivity either it gets stuck or just doesnt get back to questing, i donno if i put the quest profiles inthe right spot any help would be appreciated.
you have a bunch of errors in your hb
reinstall hb from scratch
go to org
load 5-12 profile
did you do all of the flying boat quests?