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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey kick, so i just hit 58 i went to outlands and in hellfire peninsula its just trying to walk through catapults. It keeps getting stuck in town and in catapults. The pathing is way off.

i need a more thorough bug report including a log and quest name / area and a screen shot
Came into a stuck problem in Zangermarsh, just wouldn't go anywhere no matter where I moved to.

attach the log, never copy / paste that into my thread


also, please use the correct thread (BC thread - which this thread is a classic thread)
On my Warrior and Rogue, my toon stops moving at 58.81, 54.61 in the Barrens (on one of the walls) while doing the quest From Bad to Worse. Says it can't find path. FYI if you want to fix investigate. :)

i need the quest name - also get me some hotspots and 95% chance it will fix this issue
While doing a Burning Threat quest (level 21), toon runs up a hill and the log says this:

[11:34:10 PM:094] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[11:34:10 PM:106] Could not generate full path from {545.2992, -2152.066, 92.55498} to {491, -2232, 133.1119} (time used: 12 milliseconds)

My toon ended up getting stuck at 42.27, 34.05 in the Northern Barrens.

get me some hotspots and 95% chance it will fix this issue
Sorry Kick, but I still have the poblem where he gets an exeption in Zoram strand in Ashenvale. I hava had (multiple) clean install of HB, download the latest version of your proflile from your svn, but it still show the same exception.

I'm at work right now and can't provide log, I'll reduplicate it again tonight when I got home.

sounds like you have an old 'collectthings' behavior... and / or an old copy of the bot
hey kick, can you tell me with what class was this profile tested from 58 to 70, and were there any custom class used? because i keep getting stuck everywhere (not just with a tauren). I tested this on my Tauren and also my undead priest. Keep getting stuck at random bridges, trees and towns.

Here's just an example of where it gets stuck in zangermarsh (it also gets stuck ALOT in hellfire peninsula)
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@ pixel - goblin, goblin, goblin, bloodelf

my bloodelf is in hellfire right now =P

why goblin? I tested my 1-12 goblin profile a few times and that's why

as far as that ... yeah those are fixed on my ally profile - i'll copy over the blackspots so the horde will qq less ;)

edit: re-svn
i need the quest name - also get me some hotspots and 95% chance it will fix this issue
I posted the quest name: 'From Bad to Worse' :)

How do I get you the hotspots? more than happy to do so, just not really sure how this is done.
hey kick, can you tell me with what class was this profile tested from 58 to 70, and were there any custom class used? because i keep getting stuck everywhere (not just with a tauren). I tested this on my Tauren and also my undead priest. Keep getting stuck at random bridges, trees and towns.

Here's just an example of where it gets stuck in zangermarsh (it also gets stuck ALOT in hellfire peninsula)
View attachment 32264
View attachment 32265
View attachment 32266

I play goblins and blood elves exclusively, and I don't get stuck ANYWHERE.
I've ran this profile no less than 30 times and it's 99.9% afkable (except the odd HB bug or evading mob).
so as per the notes this whole profile is broken pretty much?

looking into either HB or AIO and looking at options of leveling and such
so as per the notes this whole profile is broken pretty much?

looking into either HB or AIO and looking at options of leveling and such

Quite the contrary, it's mostly afk. My longest run has been 1-44 100% afk before I encountered an HB bug.
so as per the notes this whole profile is broken pretty much?

looking into either HB or AIO and looking at options of leveling and such

nope, i rarely run across issues - and when i do, i fix them... but if others come across issues - i'm more than happy to fix them =)
I posted the quest name: 'From Bad to Worse' :)

How do I get you the hotspots? more than happy to do so, just not really sure how this is done.

dev tools --> double click the 0 0 0 button and it will produce a <Hotspot X Y Z />

i need at least 3 (triangulation for mobs) ... but if u want to give me more, that's fine too

make sure you re-include the quest name too =P i move posts so much that it's a pain to go and find 1 post in the 14k archive thread of mine =P
Sorry about the last post.
Problem in Zangermarsh, just wouldn't go anywhere no matter where I moved to.

you haven't svn'd my profiles in a very, very long time

re-svn at least once a week; more if you want

do that and then let me know what happens
you haven't svn'd my profiles in a very, very long time

re-svn at least once a week; more if you want

do that and then let me know what happens

I SVN update before every use...

Just checked again and nothing updated

At revision: 1058
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problem with "fresh legs" quest in wyrmskull village.

Character is going to a spot and sitting there, where there are no people around to turn a quest into. the quest marker turn in is there on the map, there is just nobody to turn it into.

<PickUp QuestName="Fresh Legs" QuestId="11251" GiverName="Scout Valory" GiverId="24106" /> WoWScrnShot_010312_114805.webp
<TurnIn QuestName="Fresh Legs" QuestId="11251" TurnInName="Defender Mordun" TurnInId="24111" />
I SVN update before every use...

Just checked again and nothing updated

oh this is the alliance one ... haha, i was looking at horde one and wondering why line 1881 didn't match

do you have a flying mount? if not you'll need 250g to start zangarmarsh
oh this is the alliance one ... haha, i was looking at horde one and wondering why line 1881 didn't match

do you have a flying mount? if not you'll need 250g to start zangarmarsh

Okay, that was what I was guessing. Thanks for the help :D
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