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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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hit level 15 all the profile does now is interact with nearest flight path npc and then bot shuts off.

waiting for a fresh log and then ill upload

doesn't have a problem talking to him it has a problem after talking to him. just sits there with flight path page up then eventually shuts off

stopped bot got bored of watching it do nothing.

edit: loaded troll 1-12 profile just for shits and giggles. talked to the npc like usual closed it talked again and then it started so i stopped bot and loaded 12-58 and it is proceeding normally.

same thing hit level 23 and it's doing it again

"10:42:55 AM:166] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:42:55 AM:410] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:42:56 AM:029] InteractDebug:234349792
[10:42:56 AM:044] Interact Done:234349792
[10:42:57 AM:326] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:43:00 AM:288] InteractDebug:234349792
[10:43:00 AM:305] Interact Done:234349792
[10:43:01 AM:378] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:43:14 AM:934] InteractDebug:234349792
[10:43:14 AM:951] Interact Done:234349792
[10:43:20 AM:402] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:43:21 AM:027] InteractDebug:234349792
[10:43:21 AM:045] Interact Done:234349792
[10:43:22 AM:205] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update"

stuck there for 15minutes now
My guy is level 41, just got his mount training and then went to redridge to quest lol, he seems a little high for this area :s
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Taurens get stuck everywhere. It's not a profile issue, it's an HB nav issue.
I strongly suggest playing, if possible, with Blood Elves and Goblins as they have the smallest models and hardly ever get stuck anywhere.
Yeah, but a goblin warrior and any other horde warrior as a tank isn't as good =/

Well, as I said, it's an HB nav issue.
As much as I love cows, you either suck it up and live with the stucks, or pick another race. Up to you.

I know I rather not get stuck, and if I ever intend to actually play that toon, I could always race change.
Camaroc, a questing profile does quests for you where a grinding profile just goes to certain hotspots and kills the mobs. Now assuming you already knew that, I can go into more detail about quest profiles with If statements, and custombehaviors which allow the bot to do more complicated things like taking a zeppelin or boat.
What is the difference between quest profiles and grining profiles?

Quest profiles attempt to level by completing quests, while grinding profiles level by killing mobs repeatedly, I imagine.

My issue is that my level 10 druid is constantly switching from normal to cat form in combat and dying a lot.

In the log I attached, combat begins at [8:01:34 PM:533], towards the end.

Then HB keeps trying to cast wrath, and then go to cat form. I'm new here, so I'm not sure if this is specific to your profile pack, or the bot's general combat behaviors, so let me know if it's the wrong place.


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Paperclip1, your issue is most likely a cc issue. Are you using singular or another cc? Im using singular with my druid and he is pretty consistent with his forms and the fighting.
Paperclip1, your issue is most likely a cc issue. Are you using singular or another cc? Im using singular with my druid and he is pretty consistent with his forms and the fighting.

I'm using Singular. Seems to be the default.

I'm going to dial up the logging on Singular and see what insight that gives.

Not sure what happened but it resolved itself. You can probably delete these posts.
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Yeah, it is. Not sure what your problem could be with singular, it seems to be pretty good. Sorry i couldn't help =(.
Hey guys ive installed th HB and loggeed in then i get this msg :

Logging in...

Error attaching Honorbuddy to WoW! - System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferencen er ikke indstillet til en forekomst af et objekt.
ved Styx.WoWInternals.ObjectManager.Initialize(Memory blackmagic)
ved Honorbuddy.MainWindow.#TUc()
You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15050
You are currently on build #15050

Any ideas ? Because im so confused :P
The profile worked flawlessly for me up until level 54 on all 3 toons. It gets to a point in winterspring where it just stands there and asks the same person for a quest which no longer exists.
The profile worked flawlessly for me up until level 54 on all 3 toons. It gets to a point in winterspring where it just stands there and asks the same person for a quest which no longer exists.

No Log = No Help.

Why does no one ever read the first post.
I read the first post no need to be rude, but i don't have a log since i have a seperate computer for botting and would have to go through great lengths to post a simple text file. I am also a profile developer so i know the importance of a log in bugs. you don't need a log for this though because all it says is Moving to type: QuestPickUp and it spams that. Not sure what help that would do.
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