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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Ok So I am level 40 and I did what you told me to do with changing the script. I changed it to falseand the the green check mark on the folder turned into a red exclamation point and the profile wont work but as soon as i switch it back to true it works again.

ote: If you start this *midway* (18+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile in notepad & 'find' ) in the EK 12-58 profile
If the Checkpoints are too low for your liking, you can also look for Checkpoint= in the profile and change them to a lower level
If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and also want to use this option

the profile works fine

you're doing something wrong.

w/o thoroughly explaining the issue and attaching a log, i cannot help you
Horde - maybe

don't ask me, i already know you're going to ask for it

don't qq that ally gets more lovin' i'm workin on it!
I will not be re-running this; if you have issues then please attach the log, area, hotspot, and a solution to your problem so that I can fix it on my end
Is this real?!? Are you actually working on a viable Vash'jir questing profile?

You, sir, are a *GOD*.

Shame I've done Vash'jir on all my alts already. I may have to roll another.
You could make a simple in/out of the questgiver area with a CB :)

It's still gonna take a while guys.

Test it as it comes out, and don't just do the quest yourself.
Let him fix it, then you can test and make sure it works.
You could make a simple in/out of the questgiver area with a CB :)

It's still gonna take a while guys.

Test it as it comes out, and don't just do the quest yourself.
Let him fix it, then you can test and make sure it works.

it's done, mount only <--- No more, not w/o tons of behaviors and water flightor enabled

i won't be fixing it myself, i'll let you guys give me fixes after you've tested them

this is basically a profile so that you guys can run it and support it.

That's simple enough.
I'll have to look into horde, unless you got it in the works.
If ya do I'll work any errors out of it.
getting some really wierd errors when running the 12-58 profile. Can you take a look at it pls?
always attach a log and pictures just like a log

Log <-- click that (I can't see anything in that crappy pic you uploaded)

when doing quest Skull Rock , he gets near the cave , and then just stand infront of mobs and doesnt target anything, just stands there and thats it.

View attachment 31218
cc issue

So my druid just reached level 10 , he went back to razor hill to a flying master. he opens a flying path map then closes it, goes a bit out from village, then goes back to flying master opens closes and again goes out a bit from a village. He just keep doing that back and forth. Just stop the buddy reporting a problem.

and before that there was a quest called The Burning Blade. he kills 3 mobs outside but when he enters Dustwind Cave he targets the first mob and does nothing, doesnt fight back, he died then came back did ress targets the enemy and nothing, i had to move him a bit only then he started to fight. Anyways everything happend around 18.00 pm

View attachment 31215
bot / cc issue
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sorry, here's the log. And it seems like it's a profile issue

use the hb shipped behavior 'collectthings'

if you still see it in my svn, then you need to update my svn (i deleted it since i had raphus ship the new copy w/ 5494)

i've updated it over 200 times in the last 3 weeks

in zangarmarsh the bot keep stucking at those bridges, since he refuse to fly, no matter what i do in the settings. at the end of the Log you can see that he is stucked and i have to stop the bot. i tried a few times, to manually going around the bridge and let the bot continue questing. but everytime he come across a bridge he would stuck there. any hints why he refuse to use the flymount? i have "Tawny Wind Rider" set.


<Vendor Name="Argent Officer Pureheart" Entry="10840" Type="Repair" X="971.6539" Y="-1430.913" Z="65.073" />

it is trying to do something here and there is no option to do anything.

Also I will try to provide you with whatever info you need to get the fix going to in the previous post but I am new to this so bear with me.
<Vendor Name="Argent Officer Pureheart" Entry="10840" Type="Repair" X="971.6539" Y="-1430.913" Z="65.073" />

it is trying to do something here and there is no option to do anything.

Also I will try to provide you with whatever info you need to get the fix going to in the previous post but I am new to this so bear with me.
Attach your log please.
See guide forum if you don't know where they are/how to attach.
<Vendor Name="Argent Officer Pureheart" Entry="10840" Type="Repair" X="971.6539" Y="-1430.913" Z="65.073" />

it is trying to do something here and there is no option to do anything.

Also I will try to provide you with whatever info you need to get the fix going to in the previous post but I am new to this so bear with me.

Log <-- click that
in zangarmarsh the bot keep stucking at those bridges, since he refuse to fly, no matter what i do in the settings. at the end of the Log you can see that he is stucked and i have to stop the bot. i tried a few times, to manually going around the bridge and let the bot continue questing. but everytime he come across a bridge he would stuck there. any hints why he refuse to use the flymount? i have "Tawny Wind Rider" set.

thoroughly read the new user link in my sig; this is not a profile issue
View attachment 31241Just finished Fuselight, Ho! quest and picked up Fuselight Proper. Character goes through the teleporter, then turns and runs off the cliff...

[4:53:46 PM:550] Spell_C::CastSpell(6648, 0, 0x0, 0) [8]
[4:53:48 PM:562] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Sally Gearwell

hb was dumb and did this before starting the quest that uses the teleporter :(
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