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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="False" TrainNewSkills="False" LearnFlightPaths="False" UseFlightPaths="False" PullDistance="20" />

find each of the attributes and change them from true to false. save, press start

[5:40:19 PM:050] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[5:40:19 PM:648] Received error code from mesh server when attempting to download Azeroth_28_43: Session is invalid!
[5:40:19 PM:845] Failed to download Azeroth_28_43.etm
[5:40:19 PM:845] No data for Azeroth_28_43.etm

I restarted the bot. After a couple of attempts it flew me to Eastern Plaguelands... is everything alright?
Currently level 39 doesnt seem to pick up quests in EP
''[Profile Message]: We are grinding to level 40 in EPL
Mounting: Black Stallion''


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yeah pretty much.

Just leave it and it will pick up a quest once you ding, i had the same issue a day or so ago.
I am having the worst issue! I a currently lvl 31, The bot was doing great until I got to stonetalon mountains, malaka'jin to be specific. The bot is stuck just talking to the witch doc. it's like it does not realize that the quest has been accepted. Here are all the things I have done....Turned off bot and ran all the quests from the witch doc. and in the area, hearthed and got quests for southern barrens, logged out of wow and then back in turned the bot back on...it flew right back to the witch doc. and is targeting it over and over again even though there is no longer a quest...I have changed the code to false, I have removed the code in stone talon mountain all together, I have unloaded and reloaded the profile, I have tried abandoning all quests and just starting in an area fresh...nothing is working. The bot is stuck talking to the witch doc.
I am having the worst issue! I a currently lvl 31, The bot was doing great until I got to stonetalon mountains, malaka'jin to be specific. The bot is stuck just talking to the witch doc. it's like it does not realize that the quest has been accepted. Here are all the things I have done....Turned off bot and ran all the quests from the witch doc. and in the area, hearthed and got quests for southern barrens, logged out of wow and then back in turned the bot back on...it flew right back to the witch doc. and is targeting it over and over again even though there is no longer a quest...I have changed the code to false, I have removed the code in stone talon mountain all together, I have unloaded and reloaded the profile, I have tried abandoning all quests and just starting in an area fresh...nothing is working. The bot is stuck talking to the witch doc.

why do this profile always takes a quest area which is too low for my lvl? for example i?m lvl 40 and it tales the northern stranglethorn valley (lvl 25-30)...
if i change it to QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="False", the bot only use my ground mode and not the flight paths, thats why my char rides through a lot of high lvl quest areas where it die...
here are the logs, for your info...I got on my other computer and did a few more quests without the bot. So right now I am sitting in southern barrens, I was going to run the bot and see what happens...but I do not hold out hope I will let you know.


if i change it to QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="False", the bot only use my ground mode and not the flight paths, thats why my char rides through a lot of high lvl quest areas where it die...

then fly there. bot usually does but it's having issues atm
Nothing is happening other than the bot maintaining that position. I removed the lines of code for that quest and the follow-on quest and the problem subsided and the toon moved to the next quest. Several hours later I came upon another problem quest called "Bloodfen Feathers" which has also been removed from the game, so the toon just keeps asking the NPC for the quest but of course fails to get it and ends up in an endless loop. I attached a snipped log here for that quest as well, but once again I removed reference and the bot continued quite happily with the next one in order. The original was over 3MB so I truncated it down to about 30 minutes of time. If I find more I will let you know but so far the others are working.


Hi i have some problems with this profile. My tauren is just 4 lvl and when he's takes quest from Gart Mistrunner from Camp Narache, he doesnt reconize that he is already on a quest and he keeps trying to take the quest. I tryed to stop it and restart buddy but nothing works. here is the log

View attachment 2011.12.20_14_02 4904 Log.txt
In terokkar forrest, on a quest, where u're waiting for a guy to pass by so u can interact with him, he seems to fail to interact. I don't remember the quest name, but i hope u can see it in the log.
View attachment 31147

It cannot complete the quest The Eyes of Skettis. It doesn't have the item, check storage.. I've manually abandonned the quest twice, but it has failed all three times. my item remover plugin should not interfere with the item. View attachment 31181

1st: It does wait for him and interact... but if someone else is also on the quest it may take a while
2nd: fixed
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here are the logs, for your info...I got on my other computer and did a few more quests without the bot. So right now I am sitting in southern barrens, I was going to run the bot and see what happens...but I do not hold out hope I will let you know.

I'm having a problem with the Horde leveling quest profile [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick] at level 35 as a Goblin. The bot flies out to Desolace to Tethris Aran and stands idle. From the script it looks like the bot is trying to get a quest from someone at this spot [54,8] but there is no one there. If I move away from the spot manually, the bot brings be back there and waits. I have included a log capture from HonorBuddy. I believe the quest it is looking for is "My Time Has Passed". A little research online shows that this quest was either removed or is missing so it cannot be completed.


My Time Has Passed - Quest - World of Warcraft

it's not disabled, as my toon did it last night. But i've added a dummy check
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