I am having the worst issue! I a currently lvl 31, The bot was doing great until I got to stonetalon mountains, malaka'jin to be specific. The bot is stuck just talking to the witch doc. it's like it does not realize that the quest has been accepted. Here are all the things I have done....Turned off bot and ran all the quests from the witch doc. and in the area, hearthed and got quests for southern barrens, logged out of wow and then back in turned the bot back on...it flew right back to the witch doc. and is targeting it over and over again even though there is no longer a quest...I have changed the code to false, I have removed the code in stone talon mountain all together, I have unloaded and reloaded the profile, I have tried abandoning all quests and just starting in an area fresh...nothing is working. The bot is stuck talking to the witch doc.