For the goblin's starting quests, the profile wants to keep going to Brett Coins McQuid repeatedly, with nothing to vendor, and constantly tries to swim to somewhere outside the starting area. I watched it several times try to swim to nowhere and get fatigued repeatedly, trying to get to a vendor.
Also, I keep getting a notice about the behaviors every time I start it, even when they are already copied.
Funny thing tho, on a second pc, none of this is happening except for going to a quest giver that wasn't there at the time I did it. It would wait and then log after 1 min, found out allies kept killing the npcs in the area. Bypassed that with the quest ignore switch from above.
Oh, you think it interfered with the quest somehow? The bot was standing there doing nothing long before the plugin even did anything.
Honestly I just use it because it auto restarts HB after being stuck for a while, which gets it through 80% of it's errors.
It's the only way I can make questing afk. Your profiles are nearly flawless, but running into HB issues often sucks.
The only thing I noticed about it is that sometimes it'll trigger the unstuck routine while waiting for a zeppelin, throwing you off the tower,
but other than that, I couldn't quest without it![]()
K, I got to A Spirit Guide. The bot is doing it, but it's not turning it in.
It does the escort, it targets the guy to turn it in, it interacts with him (to open the panel), but it never turns it in. Then it goes back to the starting point and does it all over again.
I'm leaving the toon here to test it well.
Getting there at least![]()
for starters, great work on thisused it for 2chars already.
but the thing is i started a priest yesterday she hitted 36 today, and suddenly she went from Stranglethorn Vale and started killing in Andorhal, not picking up quests there.
any idea what went wrong?
re-svn - it should work now (although i'm sure you completed it already lol)
Such little faith...
I knew you'd fix it so I waited
Worked like a charm this time. I know this quest has been a pain in the ass for you... I bet it feels good to finally fix it lol
Thanks man!
yeah, horde seems to have more issues because a lot of quests blizz were like 'oh cool, we'll just fkn be assholes and make it look like it's already completed! kewl!!!11!11!'![]()
thanks for testing
<While Condition="((HasQuest(28351)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28351)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="28351" MobId="51217" ItemId="67232" MobHpPercentLeft="30" MaxRange="5" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-9112.144" Y="680.4509" Z="182.0577" />
<While Condition="((HasQuest(28352)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28352)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="28352" MobId="51193" ItemId="67241" MobHpPercentLeft="20" MaxRange="5" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-9112.144" Y="680.4509" Z="182.0577" />
I'm level 58 currently questing in Hellfire. I read a popup that said that "This profile doesn't fly until Zangermarsh" and I know I can't train flying until I'm 60 but was wondering why it's not flying?
Just thought I'd give you something to bitch about.
<3 Anon![]()