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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I have a tiny request... SUGGESTION, if you will...
So there's this quest you pick up from Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh: "Help for Mudsprocket".
Well, the quest requieres L38, but my toons are getting there HALF A BAR SHORT (lulz).

Any chance you could add a grind to 38 to that point? It only needs a few mob kills.

The first two times I thought it was bad luck, but I just got another toon to that point and
it's a pity, cuz it's the very first time I've had to interfere (quest wise at least, because I
manually train every once in a while just so I don't risk letting the bot stuck in Org, as it's
been happening when interacting with the elevators).

I'll <3 you forever.
Hmmm I think it was 3 or 4 days ago and I think that only one of my characters haven't finished the quest yet but that char is on Cooldown atm how can I reach you to help you fix it if its broken again?
when's the last time you svn'd? if it was yesterday or today, then do u have a min to help me fix it? if so, let me know (ie: don't complete the quest)

if you svn'd before yesterday, please re-svn and let me know if that fixed it

Sorry but I did the quest manually.
Hey Kick, I just ran into a problem.
The quest "Shizz Work" is broken. The bot picks it up, summons the felhunter, and just stays there doing nothing.
What it should do after summoning the felhunter is go around killing the nearby boars, then the felhunter will feast on them and take a crap, then the bot has to interact with it until it gets the "Shredder Keys".

The interaction works fine, there's a boar that's close to the questgiver. Stuckhelper made my toon jump close enough to it that it aggroed, and it did go through the felhunter's shit. So THAT works.
I'll leave the toon there for testing. Let me know if you need me to get you some hotspots for the boars.

UPDATE: Ok, the bot completed the quest while I was tabbed out typing this (on the respawn I imagine).
HOWEVER, if I hadn't had stuckhelper conveniently "unstuck" me into the only nearby boar, it'd have just stood there until log out.

All you gotta do is add a grind area after you summon the felhunter. I'll get another toon to hellfire sometime today or tomorrow to try out a possible fix.


<PickUp QuestName="Cutting Supply" QuestId="27851" GiverName="Joanna Blueheart" GiverId="46676" />
<Objective QuestName="Cutting Supply" QuestId="27851" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="62516" CollectCount="5" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Cutting Supply" QuestId="27851" TurnInName="Joanna Blueheart" TurnInId="46676" />

This quest seems to be bugged, once I manually picked up the 5 items it killed the necessary mobs for the other quest.

This is the Swamp of Sorrows area.

Report:Runs to a location not native to the quest location, and stands still.
I have to say that i have alot of problems to (bot get stuck)

I think i had to move my bot atleast 10 time manualy with those FlightPaths.
Sometimes it got stuck because it wanted to turn in a quest that i didn't have yet.
vendor problems --> It goes to a vendor that doesn't exist or isn't reachable. (Maybe phased)

The bot needed 7 playable days to get from 1-60 cause it got stuck alot...

maybe it because my charclas was warrior. Will trie soon with a ranged class, maybe this works better.

I alos have the flightpath problem in outland....
Kick I added you but seems u r not accepting me or you are offline my bot is exactly on that quest and I have a schedule to fulfill so can't delay much longer :P
Hey Kick, I just ran into a problem.
The quest "Shizz Work" is broken. The bot picks it up, summons the felhunter, and just stays there doing nothing.
What it should do after summoning the felhunter is go around killing the nearby boars, then the felhunter will feast on them and take a crap, then the bot has to interact with it until it gets the "Shredder Keys".

The interaction works fine, there's a boar that's close to the questgiver. Stuckhelper made my toon jump close enough to it that it aggroed, and it did go through the felhunter's shit. So THAT works.
I'll leave the toon there for testing. Let me know if you need me to get you some hotspots for the boars.

UPDATE: Ok, the bot completed the quest while I was tabbed out typing this (on the respawn I imagine).
HOWEVER, if I hadn't had stuckhelper conveniently "unstuck" me into the only nearby boar, it'd have just stood there until log out.

All you gotta do is add a grind area after you summon the felhunter. I'll get another toon to hellfire sometime today or tomorrow to try out a possible fix.

stuckhelper is a big pita and is the reason why a lot of water quests (and collectthings) quests fail

they need to add what i told them to add (in addition - if we're using collectthings behavior - make plugin idle) :\
stuckhelper is a big pita and is the reason why a lot of water quests (and collectthings) quests fail

they need to add what i told them to add (in addition - if we're using collectthings behavior - make plugin idle) :\

Oh, you think it interfered with the quest somehow? The bot was standing there doing nothing long before the plugin even did anything.

Honestly I just use it because it auto restarts HB after being stuck for a while, which gets it through 80% of it's errors.
It's the only way I can make questing afk. Your profiles are nearly flawless, but running into HB issues often sucks.

The only thing I noticed about it is that sometimes it'll trigger the unstuck routine while waiting for a zeppelin, throwing you off the tower,
but other than that, I couldn't quest without it :(
K, I got to A Spirit Guide. The bot is doing it, but it's not turning it in.
It does the escort, it targets the guy to turn it in, it interacts with him (to open the panel), but it never turns it in. Then it goes back to the starting point and does it all over again.

I'm leaving the toon here to test it well :).

Getting there at least :P


For the goblin's starting quests, the profile wants to keep going to Brett Coins McQuid repeatedly, with nothing to vendor, and constantly tries to swim to somewhere outside the starting area. I watched it several times try to swim to nowhere and get fatigued repeatedly, trying to get to a vendor.

Also, I keep getting a notice about the behaviors every time I start it, even when they are already copied.

Funny thing tho, on a second pc, none of this is happening except for going to a quest giver that wasn't there at the time I did it. It would wait and then log after 1 min, found out allies kept killing the npcs in the area. Bypassed that with the quest ignore switch from above.
The quest Angered Spirits is broken for me, it wasn't casting the quest item (guessing it might be a combatuseitemon issue), also it just stands around after killing the first two mobs, maybe needs some hotspots or something, log attached

p.s. the dirty birds quest wasn't working for me, it just ran around killing the wolves instead, i had to up the pulldistance to 75 but even then it took like half an hour for one quest


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