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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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The quest "Rain of Destruction", in Ashenvale, is very hit and miss.
MOST of the time, it doesn't work. The imp falls down from the tower and starts fighting the NEs by hand on the ground level. EVENTUALLY (if it gets outta combat) it might go up again, but that's not always the case.
Also, the thingy you fire to kill the NEs and trees is fired in a usually deserted area that doesn't ever get more than two mobs, could you make it so it fires it closer to the entrance? Seems like there's a lot more mobs there.


The bot tries to repair at NPC Mondul in hellfire, that npc can't repair anything and the bot just gets stuck there.
Error around line 3274, should be:

<If Condition="((!HasQuest(11571)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11571)))" >
How it is:
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(11571)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(11571))" >

fixed, ty
The quest "Rain of Destruction", in Ashenvale, is very hit and miss.
MOST of the time, it doesn't work. The imp falls down from the tower and starts fighting the NEs by hand on the ground level. EVENTUALLY (if it gets outta combat) it might go up again, but that's not always the case.
Also, the thingy you fire to kill the NEs and trees is fired in a usually deserted area that doesn't ever get more than two mobs, could you make it so it fires it closer to the entrance? Seems like there's a lot more mobs there.

:( but it was working so good for me!

QQ i'll check it out later. i think it's too close to the edge; can you get me the XYZ of the same spot, but like nudge it back a couple of feet?
I've seen it do it right too, but maybe once in the last 5 toons I ran through there :(
I did it by hand on the last toon, but give me a day or two and I'll get you a hotspot for standing and on for firing (if it uses coords for that).
I've seen it do it right too, but maybe once in the last 5 toons I ran through there :(
I did it by hand on the last toon, but give me a day or two and I'll get you a hotspot for standing and on for firing (if it uses coords for that).

it does, i made it stay stationary, i don't know why the bot is moving at all... unless it thinks it's stuck
it does, i made it stay stationary, i don't know why the bot is moving at all... unless it thinks it's stuck

You know... I didn't think of this before...
I use StuckHelper >.<
Maybe after a min or two of standing still it triggers it's unstuck rountine -_-;

I'll try without it next time...
[11:21:09 a.m.:056] [UseItemTargetLocation-v198(debug) @line 2288]: Ashenvale Bowman
[11:21:09 a.m.:056] Activity: Using Item: Ashenvale Bowman 1 Out of 1 Times
[11:21:09 a.m.:672] Activity: Setting Ashenvale Assailant at 13 yards as your target
[11:21:10 a.m.:894] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Ashenvale Assailant


i put pull distance to 1 and then re-up it to 20

[UserSettings-vUnknown(error)]: BEHAVIOR MAINTENANCE PROBLEM: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
at BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.UserSettings.UserSettings.UtilBuildConfigurationSettings() in c:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\RSB1\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs:line 327
at BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.UserSettings.UserSettings..ctor(Dictionary`2 args) in c:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\RSB1\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs:line 126

[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 2104]: Attribute 'UseMount' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error) @line 2104]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

What does this mean?
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error)]: BEHAVIOR MAINTENANCE PROBLEM: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
at BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.UserSettings.UserSettings.UtilBuildConfigurationSettings() in c:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\RSB1\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs:line 327
at BuddyWiki.CustomBehavior.UserSettings.UserSettings..ctor(Dictionary`2 args) in c:\Users\Taylor\Desktop\RSB1\Quest Behaviors\UserSettings.cs:line 126

[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 2104]: Attribute 'UseMount' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error) @line 2104]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

What does this mean?

reinstall hb from scratch
Kick, you could you elaborate exactly what user interaction is required with

This one requires you to enable the Netherwing Collector Plugin (v 1.8 edited). It does require User Interaction!!! But it's most of the quests. It will not do the daily booterang quest yet (waiting on behaviors to be fixed). It will also not do the "fly and stay on your mount" quests. It gets you to dragonmaw encampment on the the ledge, does some quests and dailies to Exalted.

A is a full run. B - it flies you around, and when it "gets stuck", then you need to find where it's trying to path to (an egg). C is for if you can't find the egg, use this profile to copy and paste the X Y Z coords inside (advanced users only).

First of all I experienced my character flying around, then dropping to the ground and almost dieing (this is not attached in the current log), and now the character is just stopped still.
Do you require the player to gather all quests first?

This error appears alot when stopped;

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 32621 in database.



Last edited:
Kick, you could you elaborate exactly what user interaction is required with

First of all I experienced my character flying around, then dropping to the ground and almost dieing (this is not attached in the current log), and now the character is just stopped still.
Do you require the player to gather all quests first?


honestly it's going to be faster for you to do the dailies yourself, and then just use the profile / plugin to get the green eggs for additional rep

I haven't ran this in forever since i'm already exalted; but it's one of the few profiles that were a huge pita
Thanks for the quick reply.
Which profile/setting is best for collecting the netherwing eggs? Ive got the plugin, but im struggling to let the character run round on its own and collect eggs.

I did have someone elses profile for grinding in the mine which collected a few, but it was more for killing mobs than walking past and looking for eggs.

Attached is profile B, flying around, and then suddenly dropping out of the sky for no reason :/
Looking at the log, I think its tried to mount another mount mid-air?


Thanks for the quick reply.
Which profile/setting is best for collecting the netherwing eggs? Ive got the plugin, but im struggling to let the character run round on its own and collect eggs.

I did have someone elses profile for grinding in the mine which collected a few, but it was more for killing mobs than walking past and looking for eggs.

Attached is profile B, flying around, and then suddenly dropping out of the sky for no reason :/
Looking at the log, I think its tried to mount another mount mid-air?

honestly i don't remember

b is best for collecting eggs, c is for when it can't nav to egg

sorry i can't be of more help atm, out and about fixing the leveling profiles xD
no probs.
Ive found the source of the problem, it is trying to mount while in mid air each time it gets near an egg.
Any idea why?

[18:04:50:122] Goal: Flying to <-5373.583, 555.6926, 99.59716>
[18:04:50:122] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 74]: Flying to '<-5373.583, 555.6926, 99.59716>': <-5373.583, 555.6926, 99.59716>.
[18:04:54:120] Mounting: Tyrael's Charger
[18:04:54:320] Spell_C::CastSpell(107203, 0, 0x0, 0) [5]
[18:04:54:323] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[18:04:54:323] Loading Expansion01_30_42
no probs.
Ive found the source of the problem, it is trying to mount while in mid air each time it gets near an egg.
Any idea why?

plugin maybe? i didn't make the plugin and i know it was made before flying was enabled in the bot
plugin maybe? i didn't make the plugin and i know it was made before flying was enabled in the bot

Yes, It was exactly that.
It might be worth removing the link to the flying egg collection since it cant be used with the current revision of the plugin (1.8).
Ive found an profile for the mine which ignores the mobs and just hunts for eggs.

Thanks for clearing this up, hopefully other people will not make the same mistake.

p.s, nothing wrong with your profile, just the plugin :)
Stuck on training riding...


Been using the profile pretty much flawlessly until now. Level 50 lock. Been having this problem for three days but haven't had the time to really do anything about it or investigate it. Toon is parked in Ogrimmar. When I start the profile, it wants to go train riding, which has already been trained. But no biggie. It runs to the trainer, tries to train, then jumps on the zep to EK. Once it arrives at EK, it hits a flightpath to EPL. Once it lands in EPL, it then heads off to pickup the quest "Break the Unbreakable", which is in Felwood. The bad thing is, instead of retracing it's steps, which while not optimal, would work, it tries to mount up and run from EK to Kalimdor, instead of getting back on the Zeppelin.

After re-svning just a few minutes ago, I tried again. In the attached log, I started the profile in Org, it attempts to train riding, it gets on the zep and flies to EK. Takes a flightpath to EPL. Lands, then starts running to Felwood. When I saw it doing the same behavior I saw last night I stopped the bot and manually moved back to Org, thinking ok, if I start in Kalimdor now it should pick up and continue to head to Felwood. No go, it starts back at trying to train flying, then zep back to EK.

So, I stop the bot again and manually move to Felwood. Press start. "Moving to Org to train riding". I manually move so that I am standing next to the quest giver. Press start. "Moving to Org to train riding". I manually accept the quest. Press start. "Moving to Org to train riding". I reload the profile. Press start. "Moving to Org to train riding". I completely shut down and restart HB. Reload the profile. Press start. "Moving to Org to train riding".

Can't get it to get past this, even though it has already trained riding.


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