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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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After a few stucks (nav issues) in Zangarmarsh (which I didn't remember from my last pass through it, so might be new HB issues), Terokkar and Nagrand went (well, still in Nagrand atm) pretty smoothly.
That said, this DESPERATELY needs to fly between PoIs...

First, it's super suspicious that a L66 is riding around instead of flying, second, it wastes waaaaay too much time running into fights (I've seen the bot clear Firewing Point, Tuurem AND some arakkoa camp just to complete HALF of a get 12x from wolves quest), third, less chances of getting stuck.

Would it be too hard to implement something like flyto wherever, dismount, moveto nearby questgivers, moveto somewhere clear, flyto quest area, moveto grindarea, moveto somewhere clear, flyto wherever, dismount, moveto nearby questgivers? (hope that makes sense lol).
this profile seems reaaalllly incomplete, following quest kills the mob but doesn't loot the item:

<If Condition="((HasQuest(25664)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(25664)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Space" X="5131.281" Y="-2639.277" Z="1672.209" />
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Nest" X="5143.011" Y="-2639.195" Z="1625.579" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<UseItem QuestName="A Prayer and a Wing" QuestId="25664" ItemId="55211" X="5141.704" Y="-2639.174" Z="1625.152" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="6000" GoalText="Waiting for Blaithe {TimeRemaining}" />

had some huge pathing issues in the cave ogre quests at the start of hyjal, it couldnt ever find the cave entrance so had to fly there manually each time
this profile seems reaaalllly incomplete, following quest kills the mob but doesn't loot the item:

<If Condition="((HasQuest(25664)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(25664)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Space" X="5131.281" Y="-2639.277" Z="1672.209" />
                <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Nest" X="5143.011" Y="-2639.195" Z="1625.579" />
                <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
                <UseItem QuestName="A Prayer and a Wing" QuestId="25664" ItemId="55211" X="5141.704" Y="-2639.174" Z="1625.152" />
                <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="6000" GoalText="Waiting for Blaithe {TimeRemaining}" />

had some huge pathing issues in the cave ogre quests at the start of hyjal, it couldnt ever find the cave entrance so had to fly there manually each time

i'll check it out when i re run it
Just got another issue with A Spirit Guide - Quest - World of Warcraft

To complete the quest you have to use a quest item at a specific location and follow the ghost wolf that spawns, the bot it trying to turn it in without ever using the ghost wolf.

I belive that the problem is caused by the fact that wow sees the quest as completed ( I can see a yellow ? over the mob) But you can't talk to the guy unless you have the ghost wolf with you.

Sorry for the big log but I left it running over night and I've have not got the time atm to fix a new one.

re-svn and let me know if that fixes it

if it still bugs out... i'll need to borrow someone for extensive testing when they get to this quest
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Quest "Rallying the Troops" "Quest ID=12070"

Toon must use the "Shard of the Earth" on 5 Stone Giants, and then kill 5 spawning Iron Rune Avengers, Toon just use 1time and fly back to the turn in. Range Toons cant do it because the Range in HB is to far to use the Shard. Melee Chars use the Shard but just 1 time.

Don't worry, I bought 10 extra accounts last week, still waiting for them to kick in because I didn't use my credit card to buy them, I used a cash service that's available in my country and it takes upto a week for them to process it.
I'll be more than happy to help out with whatever next week or the next one (work gets super busy during the holidays), I'll be sure to leave a toon at that quest.
EDIT: Sorry for the double post, internet here is working like shit today.

I just found my first problem in a while... Not really sure what it is, or what it was doing. I just came back and saw it.
Toon was standing there afk, I restarted HB, flew to Nesingwary's camp, flew back, stands there and HB stops.


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Kick, great profiles, thank you.
Looking at the Netherwing [A] - full run, this appears to wait a REALLY long time before starting, do you know why that is?
is the Argent Tourament Grounds champion of ironforge coming?

no, this profile took too long to make and it's a pain in the butt

the quests are the same w/ diff id's

if you'd like to make a dwarf version, that's fine. i'll add it to my svn
Sha'tari Skyguard

Skyguard Prisoner - NPC - World of Warcraft has multiple spawn locations. Please look into making the script move to each location before stopping when it cannot find the NPC.

Thank you in advance!

so you want me to fix it but don't give me additional coordinates? Whats up w/ that?

@ everyone else - if you don't give me logs, i don't know whats going on
Also, if you don't help me help you, the problem probably won't be fixed (these worked fine for me to get to my 55 Exalted Factions)

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I get this error when trying to start this up :

[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'LearnFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'LootMobs' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'PullDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'TrainNewSkills' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'UseFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'UseMount' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error) @line 903]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

Can anyone help plz


That download link your having me do is installing all this stuff ....Im starting to not like it....and its getting rather more confusing....Hopefully its gonna work for me
What is the purpose of me downloading all this stuff....I want to say the other word....Meh...But why cant I just get a profile...For skinning..
I get this error when trying to start this up :

[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'LearnFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'LootMobs' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'PullDistance' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'TrainNewSkills' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'UseFlightPaths' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(warning) @line 903]: Attribute 'UseMount' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error) @line 903]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

Can anyone help plz

reinstall hb from scratch
reinstall hb from scratch

Did you get a chance to look at that last error I reported? I dunno what to do :( Should I manually complete all the quests when I get home, and see if the bot moves on...?
Meanwhile, another bot just got to that same exact point and stopped.
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