[03:02:54:762] Successfully generated path from {-7951.191, -1924.959, 132.2819} to {-8072.18, -1893.2, 132.68} in 1.692 seconds
[03:02:55:002] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around
[03:02:58:882] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-7952.708, -1926.141, 140.678> on map 0
[03:02:58:909] [LogMeOut!]: Stuck detected (X="-7952.708" Y="-1926.141" Z="132.2665"). Number of consecutive stuck : 1/10
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[03:02:58:919] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[03:02:58:919] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[03:03:00:082] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[03:03:00:867] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 0.3118286. Need: 2.25. Result: False
[03:03:01:978] [STUCK] Jumping worked!
[03:03:02:205] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[03:03:06:173] % WaitForCurrentCast: no cast in progress
[03:03:06:211] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[03:03:06:325] % Safe_CastSpell: cannot cast spell 'Water Walking' yet - cd=False, gcd=False, casting=False, cost=9, mana=2209,
[03:03:06:362] % MountUp: detected HonorBuddy trying to mount
[03:03:06:438] Mounting: Gray Elekk
[03:03:06:638] Spell_C::CastSpell(35710, 0, 0x0, 0) [1098]
[03:03:08:413] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[03:03:11:103] Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
[03:03:14:318] InteractDebug:1169506240
[03:03:14:357] Interact Done:1169506240
[03:03:17:631] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed #2
[03:03:17:631] Cleared POI
[03:03:17:831] Picking up Grunt Work : 28245
[03:03:17:831] Goal: Picking up Grunt Work
[03:03:17:831] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[03:03:18:230] InteractDebug:1169506240
[03:03:18:272] Interact Done:1169506240
[03:03:20:555] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[03:03:20:555] Cleared POI
[03:03:20:775] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[03:03:21:185] InteractDebug:1169506240
[03:03:21:227] Interact Done:1169506240
[03:03:24:070] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[03:03:24:070] Cleared POI
[03:03:24:276] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(28246)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28246)))' @ line 6525
[03:03:24:887] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(28246)) && (!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 28246))' @ line 6526
[03:03:25:089] 1 errors encountered while compiling condition '((HasQuest(28246)) && (!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 28246))'
[03:03:25:089] ) expected
[03:03:25:294] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(28246)) && (!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 28246)))' @ line 6554
[03:03:25:578] Compiling quest behavior from 'I:\Buddy\Quest Behaviors\UseItemOn.cs'
[03:03:25:907] Goal: UseItemOn: "Strategic Cuts"
[03:03:25:960] Activity: Moving to location <-8158.81, -1697.208, 137.2372>
[03:03:30:233] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-8072.64, -1896.501, 141.2278> on map 0
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: True
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[03:03:30:267] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: True
[03:03:30:267] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[03:03:30:282] [LogMeOut!]: Stuck detected (X="-8072.64" Y="-1896.501" Z="132.8163"). Number of consecutive stuck : 1/10
[03:03:31:298] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[03:03:32:108] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 0.02240901. Need: 2.25. Result: False
[03:03:35:704] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[03:03:35:775] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[03:04:17:671] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6555]: Worgmistress Othana
[03:04:17:674] Activity: Moving to use item on "Worgmistress Othana"
[03:04:17:676] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6555]: Worgmistress Othana
[03:04:25:708] Activity: Using item on "Worgmistress Othana"
[03:04:25:710] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6555]: Worgmistress Othana
[03:04:28:436] Goal: UseItemOn: "Strategic Cuts"
[03:04:28:477] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6555]: Worgmistress Othana
[03:04:28:519] Activity: Using item on "Worgmistress Othana"
[03:04:28:521] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6555]: Worgmistress Othana
[03:04:31:465] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(28246)) && (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 28246)))' @ line 6557
[03:04:31:824] Goal: UseItemOn: "Strategic Cuts"
[03:04:31:871] Activity: Moving to location <-8246.148, -1790.647, 147.6901>
[03:04:39:701] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6558]: Gorlop
[03:04:39:706] Activity: Moving to use item on "Gorlop"
[03:04:39:708] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6558]: Gorlop
[03:04:53:761] % HandlePartyMembersChanged: event received
[03:04:53:761] ^EVENT: Left Party/Raid ...
[03:04:53:937] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6558]: Gorlop
[03:04:55:092] Activity: Using item on "Gorlop"
[03:04:55:094] [UseItemOn-v206(debug) @line 6558]: Gorlop
[03:04:58:115] Goal: Waiting for 04s of 04s
[03:04:58:115] Activity: Wait time remaining... 04s... of 04s
[03:04:58:301] Goal: Waiting for 03s of 04s
[03:04:58:301] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 04s
[03:04:59:241] Goal: Waiting for 02s of 04s
[03:04:59:241] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 04s
[03:05:00:205] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 04s
[03:05:00:205] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 04s
[03:05:00:644] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g1s70c]
[03:05:01:197] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 04s
[03:05:01:197] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 04s
[03:05:03:389] Goal: Waiting for 04s of 04s
[03:05:03:389] Activity: Wait time remaining... 04s... of 04s
[03:05:03:571] Goal: Waiting for 03s of 04s
[03:05:03:571] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 04s
[03:05:04:487] Goal: Waiting for 02s of 04s
[03:05:04:487] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 04s
kept doing this until level 1 /w me
[07:29:41:170] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 04s
[07:29:41:170] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 04s
[07:29:42:270] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 04s
[07:29:42:270] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 04s
[07:29:42:934] Lua failed! Status: #SWb
[07:29:42:971] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal)
[07:29:42:976] Rarekiller Part Alert: You got a Wisper: Bl?zz?rde?: [Game Master]GM:Hello! Blizzard entertainment notifies you.(Abnormal account)! please visit:[URL="http://www.blizzard-gm.tk"]www.blizzard-gm.tk[/URL] sure that you are the original account owner. otherwise we will suspend your account. - Timestamp: 12/12/2011: 07:29
[07:29:42:976] [LogMeOut!]: Got a whisp from Bl?zz?rde?. 1/1 (message: "[Game Master]GM:Hello! Blizzard entertainment notifies you.(Abnormal account)! please visit:[URL="http://www.blizzard-gm.tk"]www.blizzard-gm.tk[/URL] sure that you are the original account owner. otherwise we will suspend your account.")
[07:29:43:535] [LogMeOut!]: Starting logout process...
[07:29:43:535] [LogMeOut!]: Reason : The character received 1 whispes.
[07:29:43:539] [LogMeOut!]: Log out in 20 secondes...
[07:30:03:539] [LogMeOut!]: Goodbye
[07:30:08:602] [LogMeOut!]: Stopping HonorBuddy..