12:53:09:300] [UserDialog-v184(timer expired) @line 969]: Continuing profile due to Profile Writer request
[12:53:09:628] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(10120)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10120)))' @ line 972
[12:53:10:237] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(9407)' @ line 976
[12:53:10:675] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(10120))' @ line 979
[12:53:11:190] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(10289)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10289)))' @ line 982
[12:53:11:675] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(10289)) && (IsQuestCompleted(10289)))' @ line 987
[12:53:12:284] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(10208)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10208)))' @ line 1009
[12:53:13:003] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10129) && !IsQuestCompleted(10129)' @ line 1018
[12:53:13:456] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10162) && !IsQuestCompleted(10162)' @ line 1026
[12:53:14:206] Picking up The Assassin : 9400
[12:53:14:206] Goal: Picking up The Assassin
[12:53:14:222] Compiling expression '(HasItem(29590))' @ line 1037
[12:53:14:659] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(10393))' @ line 1042
[12:53:15:128] Picking up The Agony and the Darkness : 10389
[12:53:15:128] Goal: Picking up The Agony and the Darkness
[12:53:15:128] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10087) && !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 10087)' @ line 1055
[12:53:15:784] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10087) && !IsObjectiveComplete(1, 10087)' @ line 1059
[12:53:16:440] Picking up The Warp Rifts : 10278
[12:53:16:440] Goal: Picking up The Warp Rifts
[12:53:16:440] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(10229) && !IsQuestCompleted(10229)' @ line 1077
[12:53:16:925] Compiling expression 'HasItem(28552)' @ line 1090
[12:53:17:378] Picking up Investigate the Crash : 10213
[12:53:17:378] Goal: Picking up Investigate the Crash
[12:53:17:378] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10250) && !IsQuestCompleted(10250)' @ line 1101
[12:53:18:081] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10538) && !IsQuestCompleted(10538)' @ line 1109
[12:53:18:784] Picking up Zeth'Gor Must Burn! : 10792
[12:53:18:784] Goal: Picking up Zeth'Gor Must Burn!
[12:53:18:784] Picking up Apothecary Antonivich : 10835
[12:53:18:784] Goal: Picking up Apothecary Antonivich
[12:53:18:800] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10792) && !IsQuestCompleted(10792)' @ line 1121
[12:53:19:394] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Documents and Settings\muziekman\Bureaublad\hb2.0.0.5459\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[12:53:20:050] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[12:53:20:050] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[12:53:20:315] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[12:53:20:487] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[12:53:20:612] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[12:53:20:737] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[12:53:20:847] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[12:53:20:956] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[12:53:21:081] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[12:53:21:206] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[12:53:21:331] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[12:53:21:394] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[12:53:21:581] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: No explicit starting hotspot(s)--considering all
[12:53:21:628] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Hotspot count: 5 (starting at nearest)
[12:53:21:659] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Starting hotspot is <-904.7319, 1993.464, 67.18566>
[12:53:21:659] Goal: CollectThings: In Progress
[12:53:21:659] Goal: CollectThings: 3/1 Bleeding Hollow Torch
[12:53:21:675] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Behavior done (3/1 items collected)
[12:53:21:847] [StuckHelper] Dismounting to unstuck
[12:53:21:847] Stop and dismount...
[12:53:22:347] Goal: Moving to <-1044.199, 2052.024, 122.1656>
[12:53:22:472] System.OverflowException: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.