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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Warsong Mesh needs to be updated ever since they changed that you cant go up from the graveyard to your base anymore!
Bot is occasionally trying to run that way and it caused quite some suspicion already :)
Hope you can fix it soon..

same here
After the patch 4.3 they moved the NPC into the Instace Utgarde Keep, the Quest: Fresh Legs
When I delete the quest it says:

[00:53:26:937] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[00:53:26:938] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[00:53:26:939] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
After I deleted the quest Fresh Legs it says on the log:

[00:45:36:763] Activity: Loading Profile...
[00:45:40:333] Changed tilemap to Northrend, Tiled: True
[00:45:40:699] Changing current profile to [A - Fly] QO 68-80 [Kick] Release
[00:45:42:041] Starting the bot!
[00:45:42:416] Changing current profile to [A - Fly] QO 68-80 [Kick] Release
[00:45:42:508] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[00:45:42:508] Cleared POI
[00:45:42:738] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g8s5c]
[00:45:42:759] [Profile Message]: If the bot takes more than 10 seconds to move, it is compiling quests to see where you are - it's about 1 minute per zone completed
[00:45:42:760] [Profile Message]: Compiling Borean Tundra Quests
[00:45:42:760] [Profile Message]: Compiling Valiance Keep Quests
[00:45:43:123] [Profile Message]: Compiling Farshire Quests
[00:45:43:127] [Profile Message]: Compiling more Borean Quests
[00:45:43:351] [Profile Message]: Compiling Riplash Strand Quests
[00:45:43:353] [Profile Message]: Compiling Kaskala Quests
[00:45:43:356] [Profile Message]: Compiling Quarry Quests
[00:45:43:929] [Profile Message]: Compiling Death's Stand Quests
[00:45:43:932] [Profile Message]: Compiling Amber Ledge Quests
[00:45:44:315] [Profile Message]: Compiling Winterfin Quests
[00:45:44:320] [Profile Message]: Compiling Fizzcrank Airstrip Quests
[00:45:45:084] [Profile Message]: Compiling D.E.H.T.A. Quests
[00:45:45:275] [Profile Message]: Compiling Coldarra Quests
[00:45:45:856] Goal: Grinding to level 71
[00:45:45:856] [Profile Message]: Compiling Howling Fjord Quests
[00:45:45:856] [Profile Message]: Compiling Explorer's League Outpost Quests
[00:45:45:856] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(11475)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(11475)))' @ line 4698
[00:45:45:857] Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
[00:45:45:857] Honorbuddy stopped
[00:45:45:857] System.NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly.
at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location()
at (Object )
at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.ConditionHelper.CompileAndBindExpression(String[]& buildErrors, Func`1& boundExpression)
at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.ConditionHelper.#h.#UH.#YFc()
at Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest.ConditionHelper.#h.#UH.#eIc()
at Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.OnStart()
[00:45:45:857] Stop called!
[00:45:46:003] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
And ofc when I use the Profile without deleting the (Fresh Legs Quest) It just stands on the spot there the old NPC was before the Patch 4.3
Stuck on a Quest

If im stuck on a quest because the quest is bugged is tehre a way to skip over it and have the profile continue? I tried abandoning it and reaccepting it but to no avail.

Thanks a million!!!

Quest is called "In Wine, Truth"

There is a chest at the bottom of the sea in Borean Tundra that must be looted, however when the chest is opened it wont loot the wine into my inventory (kul tiras wine).

Apparently other people have had this problem with this quest so is there a way to bypass quest?
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Ello Senior Kicks

Profile works like butter on toast except some snags I am running into in Nagrand.

Log attached, I have no clue how to fix it.

Look at around 7:15- the end.

Also another question, I noticed that I had a ton of ore in my bad, and ended up only having around 3 slots empty. The bot got stuck in a loop trying to sell stuff, since it wont sell ore or thigns of that matter it got confused. I fixed this easily by actually clearing out my bags, but wanted to let you know.

Thanks for the great work!


Could not find quest giver NPC

I am having trouble in Western and Eastern Plaguelands with it accepting and turning in quests. Im assuming it has to do with the patch changes cuz I have been using this profile flawlessly for a long time. Is there anything I am doing wrong that you can see?


I am having trouble in Western and Eastern Plaguelands with it accepting and turning in quests. Im assuming it has to do with the patch changes cuz I have been using this profile flawlessly for a long time. Is there anything I am doing wrong that you can see?
[8:21:46 PM:555] Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 45729 in database.
[8:21:46 PM:555] Could not create current in quest bot!
[8:21:46 PM:555] Stop called!

cache issue

go to the gay bloodelf guy and press start
I know they fiddled with flight paths and stuff int he new build but my rogue is exhibiting some strange behavour. (I have use flight paths checked)

I started in Ethel Rethor(Desolace)... then she decided it was time to quest in a new area. So she mounted up.. and ran to Malaka'kin(Stonetalon Mountains) passing three flight points on the way before finally getting on a taxi.

She flew to Desolation hold in the southern barrens.. mounted up.. ran 3 feet.. ran back and then got back on the taxi and ended up in Brackenwall village before stopping.

Any ideas?

It didn't save a log or else I'd attach one.
(Earlier I ran through an alliance area because of this.. I came back to myself running in and dying constantly)
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Working on the quest "The Theramore Docks" in Dustwallow Marsh. I got to the hotspot directly above the quest item and get this

[10:03:09 PM:917] Goal: Moving to <-3812.899, -4725.931, -2.288495>
[10:03:09 PM:918] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
[10:03:11 PM:234] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[10:04:00 PM:100] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[10:04:00 PM:426] Could not compile quest behavior from 'D:\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[10:04:00 PM:427] Line 934: 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' does not contain a definition for 'SwimSpeed' and no extension method 'SwimSpeed' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
[10:04:00 PM:427] Line 1241: 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' does not contain a definition for 'SwimSpeed' and no extension method 'SwimSpeed' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
[10:04:00 PM:427] Stop called!
[10:04:00 PM:435] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped

What's really weird is the earlier error doesn't happen anymore....

(Honorbuddy isn't giving me logs anymore for some reason. Last one I have is from like 12 hours ago)

(I did the quest manually... and then the bot decided to run me back through theramore -_- good thing I was watching or I'd just spent 6 hours dying over and over.. is this a bot issue?)
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im leveling my mage ive used ur profile 1-55 at 55 its bugged up or something my mage casts "frost armor" and Fire armor" wats up with it im fire mage plz help
how can i fix it?

12:53:09:300] [UserDialog-v184(timer expired) @line 969]: Continuing profile due to Profile Writer request
[12:53:09:628] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(10120)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10120)))' @ line 972
[12:53:10:237] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(9407)' @ line 976
[12:53:10:675] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(10120))' @ line 979
[12:53:11:190] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(10289)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10289)))' @ line 982
[12:53:11:675] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(10289)) && (IsQuestCompleted(10289)))' @ line 987
[12:53:12:284] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(10208)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(10208)))' @ line 1009
[12:53:13:003] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10129) && !IsQuestCompleted(10129)' @ line 1018
[12:53:13:456] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10162) && !IsQuestCompleted(10162)' @ line 1026
[12:53:14:206] Picking up The Assassin : 9400
[12:53:14:206] Goal: Picking up The Assassin
[12:53:14:222] Compiling expression '(HasItem(29590))' @ line 1037
[12:53:14:659] Compiling expression '(HasQuest(10393))' @ line 1042
[12:53:15:128] Picking up The Agony and the Darkness : 10389
[12:53:15:128] Goal: Picking up The Agony and the Darkness
[12:53:15:128] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10087) && !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 10087)' @ line 1055
[12:53:15:784] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10087) && !IsObjectiveComplete(1, 10087)' @ line 1059
[12:53:16:440] Picking up The Warp Rifts : 10278
[12:53:16:440] Goal: Picking up The Warp Rifts
[12:53:16:440] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(10229) && !IsQuestCompleted(10229)' @ line 1077
[12:53:16:925] Compiling expression 'HasItem(28552)' @ line 1090
[12:53:17:378] Picking up Investigate the Crash : 10213
[12:53:17:378] Goal: Picking up Investigate the Crash
[12:53:17:378] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10250) && !IsQuestCompleted(10250)' @ line 1101
[12:53:18:081] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10538) && !IsQuestCompleted(10538)' @ line 1109
[12:53:18:784] Picking up Zeth'Gor Must Burn! : 10792
[12:53:18:784] Goal: Picking up Zeth'Gor Must Burn!
[12:53:18:784] Picking up Apothecary Antonivich : 10835
[12:53:18:784] Goal: Picking up Apothecary Antonivich
[12:53:18:800] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10792) && !IsQuestCompleted(10792)' @ line 1121
[12:53:19:394] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Documents and Settings\muziekman\Bureaublad\hb2.0.0.5459\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[12:53:20:050] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[12:53:20:050] Loading Expansion01_28_33
[12:53:20:315] Loading Expansion01_30_32
[12:53:20:487] Loading Expansion01_28_34
[12:53:20:612] Loading Expansion01_27_33
[12:53:20:737] Loading Expansion01_27_34
[12:53:20:847] Loading Expansion01_29_33
[12:53:20:956] Loading Expansion01_28_32
[12:53:21:081] Loading Expansion01_29_32
[12:53:21:206] Loading Expansion01_27_32
[12:53:21:331] Loading Expansion01_29_34
[12:53:21:394] Loading Expansion01_26_33
[12:53:21:581] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: No explicit starting hotspot(s)--considering all
[12:53:21:628] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Hotspot count: 5 (starting at nearest)
[12:53:21:659] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Starting hotspot is <-904.7319, 1993.464, 67.18566>
[12:53:21:659] Goal: CollectThings: In Progress
[12:53:21:659] Goal: CollectThings: 3/1 Bleeding Hollow Torch
[12:53:21:675] [CollectThings-v209(debug) @line 1123]: Behavior done (3/1 items collected)
[12:53:21:847] [StuckHelper] Dismounting to unstuck
[12:53:21:847] Stop and dismount...
[12:53:22:347] Goal: Moving to <-1044.199, 2052.024, 122.1656>
[12:53:22:472] System.OverflowException: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.


Hey im trying to use your profile to level a paladin from 1-58 and in the starting zones my paladin does the gathering quests just fine but the ones that involve killing stuff he just targets the mobs and stands there 15 yars away not attacking. Its probably me being a noob but i cant figure it out.
Ok having lots of problems with this bot ie runnig back and forth on certain quests multi clicking npc's trying to get quests ect

i just bought it and am sure im doing a lot of shit wrong, first with this profile u state use the quest behaviours folder,to use it do i just drag and drob it into the honor buddy folder and copy over all that other shit, also you say use itemforauras pluggin which i copied from ur svn and put into the pluggin folder however when i load your profile its loading a pop up window telling me to use the itemsforaura quest 1-85 then goes away. also im using the default cc (singular) for my warlock do u reccomend using a different one.also when i enable use flight paths sometimes it bugs out aswell (multi clicking the npc and then running away then coming back ect ..i wont post a log at this time because theres heaps of random issues i just figure im not using the right profile/cc ect because im retarded

sorry i sux at this shit but im new to it and obv suffer downs or are theese things just buggy by nature and my expectations of a questing bot are to high?
If im stuck on a quest because the quest is bugged is tehre a way to skip over it and have the profile continue? I tried abandoning it and reaccepting it but to no avail.

Thanks a million!!!

Quest is called "In Wine, Truth"

There is a chest at the bottom of the sea in Borean Tundra that must be looted, however when the chest is opened it wont loot the wine into my inventory (kul tiras wine).

Apparently other people have had this problem with this quest so is there a way to bypass quest?
no logs = no help
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