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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hi guys I love the bot, I am requesting that you guys who make quest profiles, add into your code a simple line that will retrieve the area/city you are in. Set your Hearthstone to there at the local Inn and when finished doing a few quests (that will surely take over 30 minutes to complete) it uses the hearthstone to tellie back to the town to hand in quests. Obviously you will ignore this if there is quests to pick up along the way or moving between towns etc.
I try the new HB 5445 Version, it works till now. Now the Toon stays in Tundra and i get an exception.
Think its a QB Problem, because i lvled some more Toons with your Profile.


Hey Kick,

first of all, thank you for this great work, the time you've spend on and commitment, which is really impressive. Using your profiles, i got some problems with the fly point. Now i'm taking it to the hb board.

Here is the Log. After one hour of leveling, it's stucks at the flying vendor, opening and cllosing the "taxi" dialog. Is there a misconfiguration of my hb? I've to cut of the log:

[02:08:32:263] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[02:08:32:670] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[02:08:32:670] Cleared POI
[05:20:47:839] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[05:20:48:206] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[05:20:48:206] Cleared POI

It was filling the log for 3 hours with the same lines! Not so interesting i guess?

View attachment 01.12.2011_01_34 2432 Log.txt

Thank you
Hey Kick,

first of all, thank you for this great work, the time you've spend on and commitment, which is really impressive. Using your profiles, i got some problems with the fly point. Now i'm taking it to the hb board.

Here is the Log. After one hour of leveling, it's stucks at the flying vendor, opening and cllosing the "taxi" dialog. Is there a misconfiguration of my hb? I've to cut of the log:

[02:08:32:263] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[02:08:32:670] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[02:08:32:670] Cleared POI
[05:20:47:839] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[05:20:48:206] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[05:20:48:206] Cleared POI

It was filling the log for 3 hours with the same lines! Not so interesting i guess?

View attachment 29890

Thank you
hb issue, not profile
I try the new HB 5445 Version, it works till now. Now the Toon stays in Tundra and i get an exception.
Think its a QB Problem, because i lvled some more Toons with your Profile.
attach that log in the release thread. it's a collect things behavior issue
92c4d47e58c0f6bf979442c767f59ec2.png <-- quests I have in my log..

Last ones I did were...
QuestId="26074" QuestName="Beginning of the End" <-- I had to move here manually last night but the bot turned it in.

I also did the Malaka'jin quests before that. The Kobold army one.. can't remember the exact name.

I think it has to do with
[1:39:51 PM:591] Could not compile quest behavior from 'D:\HonorBuddy\Quest Behaviors\CollectThings.cs'
[1:39:51 PM:592] Line 934: 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' does not contain a definition for 'SwimSpeed' and no extension method 'SwimSpeed' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWMovementInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Because it stops while compiling the Zoram'gar quests. (Which is several sets before where I am) I don't know who controls CollectThings.cs but that might be it?

Im quite honestly not sure which CollectThings.cs to use at this point but if you get that SwimSpeed error, just open CollectThings.cs in your Quest Behaviors folder and replace SwimSpeed with SwimmingForwardSpeed - That should fix it for the moment.
It seems that SwimSpeed was split into two with the last update.
Im quite honestly not sure which CollectThings.cs to use at this point but if you get that SwimSpeed error, just open CollectThings.cs in your Quest Behaviors folder and replace SwimSpeed with SwimmingForwardSpeed - That should fix it for the moment.
It seems that SwimSpeed was split into two with the last update.
i'd made the changes and have svn'd them
[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] R Problem after Realese

Good day for you.

First of all i want thanks you all with the great job, especially for Kickazz.

Since the new patch, im having troubles with this profile. I have everything up to date.

It says in the debug that he cant find a npc.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Darkotic.


running it atm on my shammy lvl 85 to finish some undone quests, seems to run fine here, thx kick !

Well, sometimes its stuck on a quest but when i stop en start ie again its oke.
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when i use this on my lvl 85 shammy it says directly "lets go to BC !" what did i do wrong ? i changed QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints to false
I am starting this for the first time and the very first quest it just sits there and interacts with the quest giver and it is trying to pick up "as hyjal burns" in moonglade. Not sure what to do or where to move the bot to or what to do?

edit** I just abandon the quest and hit start again and presto...just editing if anyone else has problem, this worked for me.
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First off KICK, you the man!!! First prob ive had, I keep pathing back and forth looting stuff for a quest ive already completed.
always give me a full log

<PickUp QuestName="Stymying the Arakkoa" QuestId="9986" GiverName="Thander" GiverId="18389" X="-2953.12" Y="3960.911" Z="0.9782878" />

it's doing this quest

it's also doing
<Objective QuestName="Thin the Flock" QuestId="10869" Type="KillMob" KillCount="14" Name="Shienor Talonite" MobId="18449" />
that while it's doing that quest
it's also doing
<Objective QuestName="The Eyes of Skettis" QuestId="10847" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="25638" CollectCount="1" X="-1698.389" Y="4376.254" Z="53.20021" />

Also happened with the quest "Rather Be Fishin'" in Zangarmarsh with the error:

"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

As before, once I manually completed the quest, I simply pressed start and it began questing again. I did not have to turn it in for functionality to return.

Edit for update: It appears to be happening to quite a few more quests, I'm not sure what the cause is tbh, it happens on all different types of quests (use item, kill x amount of mobs, etc).
it's collectthings

update my SVN and copy over my edited version of collectthings and tell me if that fixes it
Zeth'gor Must Burn, in Hellfire, has FlyTo commands. Yet this profile doens't Fly until Zang.

Hangs on that quest for me outside the quest hub near some pigs. Commented it out until after it trained flying, reverted back and it did the quest.
Now found a problem here.
Bot is trying to,
"[13:43:13:446] Goal: Goal: Collect Worg Master's Head x 1
[13:43:13:449] Goal: Goal: Collect Bleeding Hollow Blood x 12"

Now this quest is completed a long time ago, and it is stuck at this part farming for hours and gour, well yes it has been trying to get those for 3 hours now.

A way to fix this is to add a while statement, but i se that you have " objectives" at other places that it skips as the quest is completed, so the question is, is this something that needs to be forwarded to the dews to look in to?
if this happens again - get me the log

<Objective QuestName="Wanted: Worg Master Kruush" QuestId="10809" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="31374" CollectCount="1" />
<Objective QuestId="10538" QuestName="Boiling Blood" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="30425" CollectCount="12" />

There should be no issue - but i can't tell w/o a log
This quest need some attention.
QuestName "Disrupt Their Reinforcements" QuestId "10208"

The objective must be qithin a while statement, also the last part of blowing the portals could be fixed as it gets stuck outside and can not get inside the portal then logs out, a hotspot outside the my click to move straight in might fix it.
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