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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Warsong Mesh needs to be updated ever since they changed that you cant go up from the graveyard to your base anymore!
Bot is occasionally trying to run that way and it caused quite some suspicion already :)
Hope you can fix it soon..
The bot was trying to do this quest for 8 hours. When I got back home it would run through the jungle then "skim" the side of the lake. It's like the hotspots are wrong. If you look at the log you'll see where it was killing snakes and crocs. It would not stay in the lake where the key is. If you notice it started the quest at 12pm. thanks

The problem isn't the hotspots. I just had the same problem. I looked through and found that for some reason I was unable to reach the mud or whatever needed to be looted, and that item was blacklisted.... The fail to loot and subsequent blacklist caused the problem. Idk how to fix it though, I just grabbed the key and started again.
Unfortunately for you guys, these profiles cannot adjust with toon level, at least when loaded in order.

Try loading a higher-level profile when you press start :)
Each time you start make sure you are using the profile that fits your level 21-26, 27-32, etc etc
Unfortunately for you guys, these profiles cannot adjust with toon level, at least when loaded in order.

Try loading a higher-level profile when you press start :)
Each time you start make sure you are using the profile that fits your level 21-26, 27-32, etc etc

I use 1 to 58 profile http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/submitted-profiles/horde/1-60/28246-%5Bh-quest%5D-1-70-azenius-project-all-classes-all-races-more-awesomeness.html
so i cant do that

ty kees
Any idea why my character starts engaging a mob on a slant/hill and it refuses to engage and lets the mob hit it till it dies?
Keeps running into Maw of Lycanoth... saying Quest Pickup, but there isn't a quest to pick up there.

After looking at the log, it appears it was attempting to pick up "Into the Maw," I manually picked that quest up and tried again, still to no avail. Turned the quest in, and it still is going back there. Changed "Questorder" from True and False multiple times, but no change.

Edit: I attempted to delete the quest from the profile... but failed miserably since I have never messed with quest order stuff before.


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Can someone who have used this answer on this question, what XP/hour do you get ? :)
Char: Elemental Shaman, mostly 264/277 icc resto gear, 25% bonus XP (5% BoA cloak, 10% BoA helm, 10% guild bonus)
When i started the profile i had about 400k rested bonus left. It took me a little bit more than 4 hours to run the complete profile and got me from 82.4 to 83.8
That comes out to a total of ~6.6m XP or 1.65m/h

The part where you help the Dwarfs fight against the Troggs is rather slow, but thats more of a CC issue i believe because it has problems with mobs fighting other NPCs.

The profile worked good for me running it on a Horde side, only problems i had:

Quest: Quicksilver Submersion (ID: 27010)
It did put the crate on its head and swim in the water towards the NPC you have to watch, but stoped like half a meter before the point where the cutscene gets triggered. Manualy moved the char one step forward and the profile continued to do its job.

Quest: The Middle Fragment (ID: 27938)
Failed to loot the World Pillar Fragment. Character just stood directly in front of it and did not loot. Manualy looted the object and the profile continued.
In the log it says "Blacklisting lootabla to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!"

Quest: Crumbling Defenses (ID: 26312) and Quest: On Even Ground (ID: 26314)
A dialog pops up telling you to do these two quests manualy and then hit continue. I did On Even Ground first, and then the bot resumed automaticaly, so i had to stop it do Crumbling Defenses.

Quest: Unsolid Ground
Bot spams Quest turnin but did not do the Quest before that.
Stoped bot, manualy did the Quest, restarted bot. Turnin works after that and profile continues.
Any idea why my character starts engaging a mob on a slant/hill and it refuses to engage and lets the mob hit it till it dies?
That's an HB problem, the CC is coded correctly, just HB isn't giving your customclass the right information so it just sits there.
where do you put itemforaura.cs? I put it in the plugins folder, but it doesn't show up when I go to the plugins tab
Stuck in Hellfire Penn

Bot seems to run back to Boars and Maruading <forgot name> They are the bugs <giant centipede things> that hide under the ground and pop up when in range. It stopped doing quests and just grinds these mobs now.\

Any idea?
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Kick i was wondering i have a 41 mage and it wants to go to redridge where i was questing last at 21 then i started doing dungeons for good gear now i have good gear and want to go to quest again but it just keeps on wanting to go to redridge when im supposed to go to EP or eastern plaguelands how do i do this? thankz
I got a problem! Bot has reached lvl 9 (dwarf) after that he going to fly master in Elwyn Forest and stay near him! And do nothing!
Kick i was wondering i have a 41 mage and it wants to go to redridge where i was questing last at 21 then i started doing dungeons for good gear now i have good gear and want to go to quest again but it just keeps on wanting to go to redridge when im supposed to go to EP or eastern plaguelands how do i do this? thankz

read first post?
hey kick i have a question u said i(f you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and may also want to use this option) i was just wondering where is the BoA option. btw i love your profiles
hey kick i have a question u said i(f you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and may also want to use this option) i was just wondering where is the BoA option. btw i love your profiles

not really

feel free to manually change the checkpoints
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