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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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yeah u just gotta fill out mail recip in hb settings... i do everything else for you - even turnin on skinning, turned off ninja skinning, and i'll even train skinning for you if you don't have it already

Awesome, I really wish I could learn to code profiles like you do, I have tried but work and a family don't leave me much time to do it ^.^ You are the reason I rolled alli to tell you the truth :)
Im kinda bot noob, but im using this guide.. and the questing seems to work fine.
But im lvling a hunter, and it attacks mob's in melee range - and when my pet get's agro the toon walk away, but the he just stands still with his bag against the mob - not doing any dps.
Awesome, I really wish I could learn to code profiles like you do, I have tried but work and a family don't leave me much time to do it ^.^ You are the reason I rolled alli to tell you the truth :)
You have some brown spot on the end of your nose... Not sure what it is... Lul.
Buy anyways, kick is the reason any of us can level alts. He is the pwnfacer.
[UserSettings-vUnknown(error) @line 1363]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

Getting that ;l directly
Just a heads up, it would appear that Warcraft crashes when trying to train at the skinning trainer in SW. I will restart again and see if it works or not.

Edit: It worked fine this time around, but it may be something to look at perhaps.
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Im kinda bot noob, but im using this guide.. and the questing seems to work fine.
But im lvling a hunter, and it attacks mob's in melee range - and when my pet get's agro the toon walk away, but the he just stands still with his bag against the mob - not doing any dps.

cc issue
[7:10:35 PM:508] Character is a level 71 Orc Warlock

[7:21:29 PM:524] Goal: Picking up King Mrgl-Mrgl
[7:21:29 PM:524] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp



did you do any quests manually in borean before you started my profile

if you did - just delete the pickup/turnin and save - press start

if not ... then i'll have to look deeper
low level qeusts

hey everyone

first ! this profile is just awesome no doubt about that but.
my qeust are starting to get grey like now and its stil not moving into a new zone?
do i need to help it ore wil it just do it for himself later?

ty kees
hey everyone

first ! this profile is just awesome no doubt about that but.
my qeust are starting to get grey like now and its stil not moving into a new zone?
do i need to help it ore wil it just do it for himself later?

ty kees
You have heirlooms and/or the guild exp perk?
I haven't look at the profiles setup but have a look at kicks profiles and he tells you how to modify his to jump forward if the toon levels early...
Just edit these profiles in the same way (I'm not entirely sure they have this setup though, can't hurt to try)
Got informed this might be a mesh issue so posting again on this forum instead.
Alot of people replied saying they had the same issue, and I've seen lots of botters stuck in that position aswell.

Link to tread

Battleground: WSG
Profiles used: w00t and Default. Same issue on both.

Both seem to be having problem at their respawn. Occasionally they want to move to an enemy or to the horde entrance/flag.
But as you can see, there's a cliff there now and you cant go back...making it stuck there for a minute or so before moving down.

Any setting I am doing wrong? Mesh issues? Profiles (both?) issues?
<GrindArea> <!-- N. STV -->
<Factions>16 48 188</Factions> <!-- [Cat, Raptor, Monkey] -->

maybe someone else was farming it at the same time? dunno

Hello Kickazz, I figured out what was the problem, for people level 85 there is a quest chain in Stranglethorn that if you don't finish the panthers will not show up, as I stopped in the middle I had to abandon these quests to be able to see all mobs and therefore continue my skinning training.

Hope it helps other ppl too
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