Pvp. Needs work. The meshes need updating, something small even like including the spikes on wsg horse bace entrances and the little moonwells on the alliance side tunnel entry, making them part of the building so the bot avoids them completely, as of now, it still to this day gets stuck on both.
Sota needs work. The gate functions. If the gate is up or down could do with some work. Maybe something to tell which gate is currently under attack so it goes there to defend, priority system of course, the closer the gate to the relic, it goes there first.
Native vehicle usage.
I'm sure its possible. We could use pvp vehicles, quest vehicles, etc. Just be a general nice update to make things smoother, quicker and more realistic in general.
To quickly add to this. Literally just asking for native usage. I'm sure the community could make/keep an updated external database or something where we input different vehicles, the abilities they have and so on that HB can use as a reference when your character enters a vehicle.
Reputations. How about something with that. With instancebuddy one can practically level afk to 85 under ideal circumstances. If HB could have some kind of reputation check. I'm sure a tabard switcher after reaching exalted could be included in instancebuddy.
Off the top of my head whilst on the train ^__^.