[4:44:47 PM:863] Goal: CTMoving to <-8084.883, -1892.95, 150.1149>
[4:44:47 PM:863] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8084.883 Y: -1892.95 Z: 150.1149
[4:44:49 PM:078] Activity: Finished!
[4:44:49 PM:279] Goal: CTMoving to <-8086.775, -1888.687, 151.4993>
[4:44:49 PM:279] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8086.775 Y: -1888.687 Z: 151.4993
[4:44:50 PM:330] Activity: Finished!
[4:44:50 PM:492] Goal: CTMoving to <-8091.852, -1888.064, 153.0222>
[4:44:50 PM:492] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8091.852 Y: -1888.064 Z: 153.0222
[4:44:51 PM:734] Activity: Finished!
[4:44:51 PM:964] Goal: CTMoving to <-8094.501, -1890.546, 154.0471>
[4:44:51 PM:964] Activity: Finished!
[4:44:52 PM:161] Goal: CTMoving to <-8094.085, -1894.652, 155.259>
[4:44:52 PM:161] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8094.085 Y: -1894.652 Z: 155.259
[4:44:53 PM:248] Activity: Finished!
[4:44:53 PM:446] Goal: CTMoving to <-8091.349, -1897.198, 156.4247>
[4:44:53 PM:446] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8091.349 Y: -1897.198 Z: 156.4247
[4:46:11 PM:434] Stopping the bot!
[4:46:11 PM:434] Stop called!
[4:46:11 PM:440] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[4:55:47 PM:612] Picking up Strategic Cuts : 28434
[4:55:47 PM:612] Goal: Picking up Strategic Cuts
[4:55:47 PM:633] Goal: Moving to <-8085.793, -1891.123, 134.5224>
[4:55:47 PM:633] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[4:55:47 PM:633] Loading Azeroth_35_47
[4:55:55 PM:525] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Data\Bot\HB\Quest Behaviors\UseItemOn.cs'
[4:55:56 PM:463] Goal: UseItemOn: "Strategic Cuts"
[4:55:56 PM:500] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan
[4:55:56 PM:500] Activity: Moving to use item on "Voodooist Timan"
[4:55:56 PM:501] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan
[4:55:56 PM:501] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[4:55:56 PM:501] Loading Azeroth_35_46
[4:55:56 PM:591] Successfully generated path from {-8084.813, -1891.624, 134.2098} to {-8088.02, -1882.75, 183.0005} in 89 milliseconds
[4:55:56 PM:890] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan
[4:55:56 PM:891] Activity: Moving to use item on "Voodooist Timan"
[4:55:56 PM:891] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan
[4:56:14 PM:644] Activity: Using item on "Voodooist Timan"
[4:56:14 PM:645] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan
[4:56:16 PM:567] Goal: CTMoving to <-8088.02, -1882.75, 183.0007>
[4:56:16 PM:567] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8088.02 Y: -1882.75 Z: 183.0007
[4:56:19 PM:093] Activity: Finished!
Stuck every 20-30 mins or so.. couldnt generate full path message
i remained in combat and my bot didnt move away ... stuck again
worst profile i ever used
My bot keeps trying to Pickup quests he has allready completed before (He's questing in STV, and suddenly he wants to pickup a quest in Elwynn Forest >,<)
Why is he doing this?
Atm I just delete those quest out of the profile manually but it means babysitting .. :/
Strategic Cuts in Burning Steppes profile has a RunTo then several MyCTM calls to locations navigating up the stairs. Unfortunately about halfway up, it stops. I removed the RunTo and the subsequent MyCTM's for this quest and it navigated fine all the way to the top, continuing with the quest. I suppose this stuff was added when walking on stairs was broken, but it seems to be fixed now.
Old result: (Note - the stop was initiated by me because it just sat there for 2 minutes)
Code:[4:44:47 PM:863] Goal: CTMoving to <-8084.883, -1892.95, 150.1149> [4:44:47 PM:863] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8084.883 Y: -1892.95 Z: 150.1149 [4:44:49 PM:078] Activity: Finished! [4:44:49 PM:279] Goal: CTMoving to <-8086.775, -1888.687, 151.4993> [4:44:49 PM:279] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8086.775 Y: -1888.687 Z: 151.4993 [4:44:50 PM:330] Activity: Finished! [4:44:50 PM:492] Goal: CTMoving to <-8091.852, -1888.064, 153.0222> [4:44:50 PM:492] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8091.852 Y: -1888.064 Z: 153.0222 [4:44:51 PM:734] Activity: Finished! [4:44:51 PM:964] Goal: CTMoving to <-8094.501, -1890.546, 154.0471> [4:44:51 PM:964] Activity: Finished! [4:44:52 PM:161] Goal: CTMoving to <-8094.085, -1894.652, 155.259> [4:44:52 PM:161] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8094.085 Y: -1894.652 Z: 155.259 [4:44:53 PM:248] Activity: Finished! [4:44:53 PM:446] Goal: CTMoving to <-8091.349, -1897.198, 156.4247> [4:44:53 PM:446] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8091.349 Y: -1897.198 Z: 156.4247 [4:46:11 PM:434] Stopping the bot! [4:46:11 PM:434] Stop called! [4:46:11 PM:440] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
And the new result with the removal of code I mentioned above:
Code:[4:55:47 PM:612] Picking up Strategic Cuts : 28434 [4:55:47 PM:612] Goal: Picking up Strategic Cuts [4:55:47 PM:633] Goal: Moving to <-8085.793, -1891.123, 134.5224> [4:55:47 PM:633] Activity: Loading Tile/s [4:55:47 PM:633] Loading Azeroth_35_47 [4:55:55 PM:525] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Data\Bot\HB\Quest Behaviors\UseItemOn.cs' [4:55:56 PM:463] Goal: UseItemOn: "Strategic Cuts" [4:55:56 PM:500] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan [4:55:56 PM:500] Activity: Moving to use item on "Voodooist Timan" [4:55:56 PM:501] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan [4:55:56 PM:501] Activity: Loading Tile/s [4:55:56 PM:501] Loading Azeroth_35_46 [4:55:56 PM:591] Successfully generated path from {-8084.813, -1891.624, 134.2098} to {-8088.02, -1882.75, 183.0005} in 89 milliseconds [4:55:56 PM:890] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan [4:55:56 PM:891] Activity: Moving to use item on "Voodooist Timan" [4:55:56 PM:891] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan [4:56:14 PM:644] Activity: Using item on "Voodooist Timan" [4:56:14 PM:645] [UseItemOn-v198(debug) @line 185]: Voodooist Timan [4:56:16 PM:567] Goal: CTMoving to <-8088.02, -1882.75, 183.0007> [4:56:16 PM:567] Activity: Moving To Location - X: -8088.02 Y: -1882.75 Z: 183.0007 [4:56:19 PM:093] Activity: Finished!
wtf is moving to wait location( i know what it is. just he doesn't go up elevator)? he never goes up the elevator thing.. just stands there if i manually get him up. he just goes back down ( in orgrimmar)
i'm level 19 so why would he use transport?
There was no need for taking a breather. In my opinion it was an clear administrative fail from kickazz (what he proves with archiving the old thread and creating a new one without a real reason). I was fine with getting the attachment deleted, but a ban with the reason "Virus / Trojan" is a joke, as I've attached proofs that it's save and just have merged Botbase with the old HB (what seems to be to hard for 95% of the HB users)I wanted to tell him the same, but as Forum Administrator he doesn't allow to receive PMs *thumpsup* (So I have reported the case to Bossland).
Anyway, his profiles are awesome - he should stay with that in my opinion.
For Lavascale you should use Mr. Fishit, what is a great "standing fish-bot".
Hey Kick,
What do you recommend as a workaround to coming back and seeing the bot stuck and just running against a rock/wall/etc.? Honor Buddy is pretty back with its stuck behavior it seems.
main and raphus will look at them, they happen once every month or 2... but there's nothing I can do about it except stick in a blackspot
also, sometimes the bot falls off of a cliff / hill and gets stuck trying to get back up it, or falls into an unmeshed area.